U.S. flag An official website of the United States government

On Oct. 1, 2024, the FDA began implementing a reorganization impacting many parts of the agency. We are in the process of updating FDA.gov content to reflect these changes.

  1. Home
  2. About FDA
  3. About This Website
  4. Website Policies
  5. Viewing Files
  1. Website Policies

Viewing Files


While our web pages are viewable like any standard HTML page, we also have links to files that may require additional software downloads to run applications or browser plug-ins. This page lists the proper software or plug-in for the type of file you are attempting to open. 

Please note that many of these links take you away from the FDA website.

Adobe Acrobat Reader (.pdf)

If you do not have Adobe Acrobat, follow this link to download Adobe’s free Acrobat Reader software. (Windows and Mac)

Multimedia and Streaming Video Clip Players

Streaming videos hosted on FDA's YouTube channel are playable on the page in the browser without an additional program or plug-in. However, there are several multimedia and videos on this site that may require you to download one of the applications listed below:

Compressed Files (.zip, .exe, .sit)

The latest versions of Microsoft Windows (XP or later) have a built-in decompression function. If you have an earlier version of Windows or a Macintosh, you will need to download decompression software, such as WinZip.

Saving FDA Files

To save any of the files you have opened on our website, you can use the programs' save function, being sure to save the file in a different folder, like "My Documents," than the temporary one it has opened in.

You can also save the files by right-clicking on the link and selecting "Save Target As" (Microsoft Internet Explorer) or "Save Link As" (Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox).

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