FDA Drug Topics Webinars
Educational Webinars for Health Care Professionals
FDA’s Division of Drug Information in the Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER) sponsors a series of educational webinars targeting the needs of health care professionals. The webinars cover a broad range of FDA drug regulation and medication safety topics. These focused webinars support FDA's mission of promoting and protecting public health through interaction and education to strengthen current and future partnerships and relationships with clinicians and researchers.
Continuing Education (CE) Credit
CE credit is available for our live and home study webinars. If you are a physician, physician assistant, nurse practitioner, nurse, pharmacist, pharmacy technician, or certified public health professional, refer to the individual webinar listing for complete CME/AAPA/CNE/CPE/CPT/CPH information.
For more information
- Visit the Division of Drug Information web site
- Call us at: 1-855-543-3784 or 301-796-3400
- Email us at: DDIWebinars@fda.hhs.gov
Upcoming Live CE Webinars
(Google Chrome (preferred) or Firefox 43 or higher)
Past Webinars
- Check out our YouTube Playlist to view and listen to past webinars!
- FDA Drug Topics: An Update on Transmucosal Buprenorphine and Dental Caries - December 10, 2024
Home Study CE Webinars
- National Drug Code (NDC) for Health Care Providers
- Cannabis Products and the Potential Impact on Patients
- The Bad Ad Program
- Important Orange Book Facts
- Electronic Submission of Safety Reports – Ready for Primetime?
- Tips to Navigating Drug Interaction Information in the US Prescribing Information
- Navigating FDA’s Drug Information Resources
- An Overview of FDA’s Project Facilitate Oncology Expanded Access Program
- Advancing Transparency and Regulatory Science Activities on the Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategy (REMS)
- Naltrexone Injection for Opioid Use Disorder - FDA’s Efforts to Reduce Medication Errors
- Regulatory Framework for Human Drug Compounding
- Biosimilars: A Review of Scientific, Regulatory, and Clinical Considerations for Health Care Providers
- How to Avoid Medication Errors with Pen Injectors
- Rare Diseases - Challenges and Progress in Drug Development
- Cannabis and Cannabis-Derived Products – For Healthcare Practitioners
- Frequently Asked Questions about Labeling for Prescription Medicines
- The Safety Evaluation and Surveillance of Generic Drugs
- Understanding Generic Narrow Therapeutic Index Drugs
- Development and U.S. Regulation of Preventative Vaccines
- Reporting and Public Viewing of Individual Case Safety Reports (ICSRs)
- Drug Shortages: Root Causes and Potential Solutions
Technical Requirements and Instructions for Home Study CE Webinars:
To access the course, users will need a computer with an Internet connection, and:
- Google Chrome (preferred),
- Firefox 43 or higher,
- Safari 9 or higher, or
- Any other W3C standards compliant browser
An HTML5 capable browser is required for video playback. Occasionally, other additional software may be required such as Microsoft PowerPoint. Viewing on a desktop, laptop, or tablet is recommended.
This is a responsive course. Parts of the course may display differently across various devices and screen resolutions. Scrolling may be required in some instances.
Users are required to view the entire course before getting access to the post-test. To receive your certificate for CE credit or certificate of completion, you must complete the post-test and evaluation survey.
- Global Alliance of Drug Information Specialists (GADIS)
- CDER Webinars
- CDERLearn Training and Education
- Q&A with FDA | FDA
- FDA Drug Safety Podcasts | FDA
To view the webinars, copy and paste the web address starting with https:// into a web browser.