Approved Aquaculture Drugs
- Original FOI Summary - 04.30.2014 (PDF-729KB)| EA (PDF-4.77MB)| FONSI (PDF-100KB)
- For the control of mortality in freshwater-reared salmonids due to bacterial gill disease associated with Flavobacterium spp.
- For the control of mortality in walleye due to external columnaris disease associated with Flavobacterium columnare.
- For the control of mortality in freshwater-reared warmwater finfish due to external columnaris disease associated with Flavobacterium columnare.
- Original FOI Summary - 04.30.2014 (PDF-729KB)| EA (PDF-4.77MB)| FONSI (PDF-100KB)
- FORMALIN-F - NADA 137-687
- Original Approval - 04.03.1986
- Supplemental FOI Summary - 11.25.2002 (PDF-281KB)
- For the use of formalin to be expanded, as a parasiticide, to all finfish and penaeid shrimp, and, as a fungicide, to the eggs of all finfish.
- Original FOI Summary - 07.17.2007 (PDF-143KB)
- For use as a parasiticide for all cultured finfish and penaeid shrimp and as a fungicide for all finfish eggs.
- Original FOI Summary - 07.17.2007 (PDF-143KB)
- PARASITE-S - NADA 140-989
- Original FOI Summary - 07.31.1992 (PDF-22KB)
- For the control of external parasites on cultured food fishes: salmon, trout, catfish, largemouth bass, and bluegill sunfish. Organisms controlled include the protozoa: Ichthyophthirius spp. ("Ich"), Chilodonella spp., Costia spp., Scyphidia spp., Epistylis spp., and Trichodina spp. and monogenetic trematodes: Cleidodiscus spp., Gyrodactylus spp., and Dactylogyrus spp.
- For the control of fungi of the family Saprolegniaceae on salmon, trout, and esocid eggs.
- Supplemental FOI Summary - 09.30.1993 (PDF- 43KB)
- For control of external protozoan parasites (Bodo spp., Epistylis spp., and Zoothamnium) on cultured shrimp.
- Supplemental FOI Summary - 06.18.1998 (PDF-277KB)| EA (PDF-1.13MB)| FONSI (PDF-151KB)
- For the use of formalin to be expanded, as a parasiticide, to all finfish, and, as a fungicide, to the eggs of all finfish.
- Supplemental FOI Summary - 04.11.2019 (PDF-456KB)
- For the control of mortality in freshwater-reared finfish due to saprolegniasis associated with fungi in the family Saprolegniaceae.
- Original FOI Summary - 07.31.1992 (PDF-22KB)
Hydrogen peroxide
- 35% PEROX-AID - NADA 141-255
- Original FOI Summary - 01.11.2007 (PDF-1MB)| EA (PDF-7.06MB)| FONSI (PDF-223KB)
- For the control of mortality in freshwater-reared finfish eggs due to saprolegniasis.
- For the control of mortality in freshwater-reared salmonids due to bacterial gill disease associated with Flavobacterium branchiophilum.
- For the control of mortality in freshwater-reared coolwater finfish and channel catfish due to external columnaris disease associated with Flavobacterium columnare (Flexibacter columnaris).
- Supplemental FOI Summary- 07.26.2019 (PDF-413KB)
- For the control of mortality in freshwater-reared coldwater finfish, fingerling and adult freshwater-reared coolwater finfish, and fingerling and adult freshwater-reared warmwater finfish due to saprolegniasis associated with fungi in the family Saprolegniaceae
- For the treatment and control of Gyrodactylus spp. in freshwater-reared salmonids
- For the control of mortality in freshwater-reared warmwater finfish due to external columnaris disease associated with Flavobacterium columnare
- Original FOI Summary - 01.11.2007 (PDF-1MB)| EA (PDF-7.06MB)| FONSI (PDF-223KB)
Oxytetracycline hydrochloride
- OXY Marine – NADA 130-435
- Supplemental FOI Summary - 12.24.2003 (PDF-117KB)
- For the skeletal marking of finfish fry and fingerlings.
- Supplemental FOI Summary - 12.24.2003 (PDF-117KB)
- Tetroxy 343 - ANADA 200-247
- Supplemental FOI Summary - 09.15.2004 (PDF-358KB)
- For the skeletal marking of finfish fry and fingerlings.
- Supplemental FOI Summary - 09.15.2004 (PDF-358KB)
- Pennox 343 - ANADA 200-026
- Supplemental FOI Summary - 12.06.2010 (PDF-86KB)
- For the marking of skeletal tissues in finfish fry and fingerlings.
- Supplemental FOI Summary - 12.06.2010 (PDF-86KB)
- Terramycin 343 – NADA 008-622
- Supplemental FOI Summary - 06.13.2005 (PDF-107KB)
- For the skeletal marking of finfish fry and fingerlings.
- Supplemental FOI Summary - 06.13.2005 (PDF-107KB)
- TETROXY Aquatic - ANADA 200-460
- Original FOI Summary - 04.20.2007 (PDF-52KB)
- To mark skeletal tissues, most often the otoliths, of all finfish fry and fingerlings for subsequent identification.
- Original FOI Summary - 04.20.2007 (PDF-52KB)
Tricaine methanesulfonate
- SYNCAINE – ANADA 200-226
- Original FOI Summary - 11.21.1997 (PDF-34KB)
- For the temporary immobilization of fish, amphibians, and other aquatic, cold-blooded animals.
- Original FOI Summary - 11.21.1997 (PDF-34KB)
Chorionic gonadotropin
- CHORULON - NADA 140-927
- Supplemental FOI Summary - 08.06.1999 (PDF-270KB)
- As an aid in improving spawning function in male and female brood finfish.
- Supplemental FOI Summary - 08.06.1999 (PDF-270KB)
Medicated Articles/Feeds
- Aquaflor - NADA 141-246
- Original FOI Summary - 10.24.2005 (PDF-432KB)| EA (PDF-5MB)| FONSI (PDF-284KB)
- For the control of mortality in catfish due to enteric septicemia of catfish associated with Edwardsiella ictaluri.
- Supplemental FOI Summary - 03.19.2007 (PDF-262KB)| EA (PDF-5.23MB) | FONSI (PDF-239KB)
- For the control of mortality in freshwater-reared salmonids due to coldwater disease associated with Flavobacterium psychrophilum.
- Supplemental FOI Summary - 10.26.2007 (PDF-127KB) | EA (PDF-1.64MB) | FONSI (PDF-296KB)
- For the control of mortality in freshwater-reared salmonids due to furunculosis associated with Aeromonas salmonicida.
- Supplemental FOI Summary - 04.04.2012 (PDF-680KB)| EA (PDF-65KB)| FONSI (PDF-131KB)
- For an increase in the maximum florfenicol dose for the existing enteric septicemia indication for catfish, the addition of new species/classes, and the addition of indications for the control of mortality due to columnaris disease associated with Flavobacterium columnare in freshwater-reared finfish and for the control of mortality due to streptococcal septicemia associated with Streptococcus iniae in freshwater-reared warmwater finfish.
- Supplemental FOI Summary - 01.29.2014 (PDF-133KB)| EA (PDF-844KB)| FONSI (PDF-78KB)
- For an increase in the maximum daily dose for freshwater-reared finfish other than freshwater-reared warmwater finfish to provide a dosage range of 10-15 mg/kg body weight/day and to change the conditions of use to permit the use of florfenicol in recirculating aquaculture systems.
- Original FOI Summary - 10.24.2005 (PDF-432KB)| EA (PDF-5MB)| FONSI (PDF-284KB)
- PAQFLOR- ANADA 200-803
- Original FOI Summary- 11.14.2024 (PDF-305KB)
- Freshwater-reared salmonids: For the control of mortality due to furunculosis associated with Aeromonas salmonicida. For the control of mortality due to coldwater disease associated with Flavobacterium psychrophilum.
- Freshwater-reared finfish: For the control of mortality due to columnaris disease associated with Flavobacterium columnare.
- Catfish: For the control of mortality due to enteric septicemia of catfish associated with Edwardsiella ictaluri.
- Freshwater-reared warmwater finfish: For the control of mortality due to streptococcal septicemia associated with Streptococcus iniae.
- Original FOI Summary- 11.14.2024 (PDF-305KB)
Oxytetracycline dihydrate
- Terramycin 100 for Fish and Terramycin 200 for Fish - NADA 038-439
- Original approval - 09.23.1970, updated 07.16.2018
- For the control of ulcer disease caused by Hemophilus piscium, furunculosis caused by Aeromonas salmonicida, bacterial hemorrhagic septicemia caused by Aeromonas liquefaciens (updated to A. hydrophila 07.16.2018) and pseudomonas disease in salmonids.
- For the control of bacterial hemorrhagic septicemia caused by Aeromonas liquefaciens (updated to A. hydrophila 07.16.2018) and pseudomonas disease in catfish.
- Supplemental FOI Summary - 06.30.2006 (PDF-80KB)
- For the control of gaffkemia caused by Aerococcus viridans.
- Supplemental FOI Summary - 07.06.2008 (PDF-235KB) | EA (PDF-985KB)| FONSI (PDF-349KB)
- For the control of mortality in freshwater-reared salmonids due to coldwater disease associated with Flavobacterium psychrophilum, the addition of an indication for the control of mortality in freshwater-reared Oncorhynchus mykiss due to columnaris associated with Flavobacterium columnare, removal of the limitation on treating salmonids in water temperatures below 9°C, and the addition to the label of the previously approved indication for marking of skeletal tissue in Pacific salmon.
- Supplemental FOI Summary- 11.21.2018 (PDF-367KB)
- For marking the skeletal tissue of freshwater-reared salmonids weighing up to 55 grams.
- Supplemental FOI Summary- 04.10.2023 (PDF-309KB)
- For the control of mortality due to columnaris disease associated with Flavobacterium columnare in catfish and freshwater-reared salmonids.
- Original approval - 09.23.1970, updated 07.16.2018
- Romet-30 - NADA 125-933
- Original approval - 11.26.1984 | EA (PDF-4.87MB)| FONSI (PDF-1.08MB)
- For the control of furunculosis in freshwater-reared salmonids (trout and salmon) caused by Aeromonas salmonicida.
- Supplemental FOI Summary - 05.23.1986 - (PDF-85KB)
- For the control of bacterial infections in catfish caused by Edwardsiella ictaluri (enteric septicemia of catfish).
- Original approval - 11.26.1984 | EA (PDF-4.87MB)| FONSI (PDF-1.08MB)
- Original approval 1967
Additional Resources
- Animal Drugs @ FDA
- Minor Use/Minor Species Drug Indexing
- Letter to Aquaculture Professionals
- Aquaculture Blue Bird Labels - Available in Animal Drugs @ FDA
- Public Master Files (PMFs) Supporting Applications for Minor Use and Minor Species Drugs