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On Oct. 1, 2024, the FDA began implementing a reorganization impacting many parts of the agency. We are in the process of updating FDA.gov content to reflect these changes.

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  3. Drug Safety and Availability
  4. Drug Shortages
  5. Graphic | A Drug Supply Chain Example
  1. Drug Shortages

Graphic | A Drug Supply Chain Example

From Supplier to Patient

The graphic depicts how a drug moves through the supply chain. A drug starts with the active pharmaceutical ingredient supplier and on to the manufacturer. Typically, the drug moves from the manufacturer to a wholesale drug distributor before it goes to the pharmacy or hospital and finally to the patient. In some cases, a drug may move from the API supplier to manufacturer, then it moves to a repackager and either to a primary and/or a secondary wholesale distributor before the drug moves to the pharmacy or hospital and finally to the patient. 

The graphic depicts how a drug moves through the supply chain. A drug starts with the active pharmaceutical ingredient supplier and on to the manufacturer. Typically, the drug moves from the manufacturer to a wholesale drug distributor before it goes to the pharmacy or hospital and finally to the patient. In some cases, a drug may move from the API supplier to manufacturer, then it moves to a repackager and either to a primary and/or a secondary wholesale distributor before the drug moves to the pharmacy or hospital and finally to the patient.

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