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Best Practices in Microbiological Methodology

Final Report and Executive Summaries from the AOAC International Presidential Task Force on Best Practices in Microbiological Methodology

August 10, 2006

Download the Full Document in PDF - 3.6MB

Download Individual Sections

  1. BPMM Task Force Final Report (available in PDF - 63KB)
  2. Appendices
    1. Detection Limits WG Report (available in PDF - 99KB)
    2. Matrix Extension WG Report (available in PDF - 115KB)
      1. Matrix Extension Essential Organisms List (available in PDF - 22KB)
    3. Sampling WG Executive Summary (available in PDF - 52KB)
    4. Sampling WG Introduction (available in PDF - 85KB)
    5. Sampling WG Enclosure A - Measurement Error (available in PDF - 98KB)
    6. Sampling WG Enclosure B - Statistical Process Control (available in PDF - 164KB)
      1. Appendices for Statistical Process Control (available in PDF - 1.7MB)
    7. Statistics WG Executive Summary (available in PDF - 40KB)
    8. Statistics WG Report Part 1 - Developing Standards and Validating Performance (available in PDF - 37KB)
    9. Statistics WG Report Part 2 - Study Variables (available in PDF - 23KB)
    10. Statistics WG Report Part 3 - Uncertainty (available in PDF - 549KB)
    11. Statistics WG Report Part 4a - LOD 50 (available in PDF - 61KB)
    12. Statistics WG Report Part 4b - LOD 50 Spearmann-Karber Worksheet (available in PDF - 108KB)
    13. Classification Matrix (available in PDF - 29KB)
    14. Recommendations for Future Research (available in PDF - 32KB)
    15. Glossary (available in PDF - 126KB)
    16. Task Force Membership (available in PDF - 102KB)
      1. Steering Committe
      2. Detection Limits Working Group
      3. Matrix Extension Working Group
      4. Sampling Working Group
      5. Statistics Working Group
      6. AOAC Staff 

Contract deliverable due to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration
August 10, 2006
Contract# 223-01-2464
Modification #12
Final Report and Executive Summaries from the AOAC International Presidential Task Force on Best Practices in Microbiological Methodology

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