Search for a Certified Facility
This list of FDA Certified Mammography Facilities is updated weekly.
If you click on Search for MQSA Certified Mammography Facilities in Your Area, you can access a listing by zip code of all mammography facilities in that zip code certified by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) or Certifying State as meeting baseline quality standards for equipment, personnel and practices under the Mammography Quality Standards Act of 1992 (MQSA) and subsequent Mammography Quality Standards Reauthorization Act (MQSRA) amendments.
You can download the mammography facilities zip file which contains locations for mammography facilities. This file is replaced weekly, and has the following file layout:
Field Name | Field Length |
Facility Name | 75 |
Address 1 | 50 |
Address 2 | 50 |
Address 3 | 50 |
City | 50 |
State | 2 |
Zip Code | 15 |
Phone | 50 |
Fax | 50 |
Facilities must contact their accreditation body to update or correct their address or telephone numbers. This is not the responsibility of FDA.
The list is updated periodically based on information received from the FDA-approved accreditation bodies: the American College of Radiology (ACR) and the State of Arkansas. Information received by FDA or Certifying State from accreditation bodies does not specify if the facility is mobile or stationary. In many instances, but not all, the accreditation body notes "Mobile" following the name of the facility. The certification status of facilities may change, so FDA suggests that you check the facility's current status and look for the MQSA certificate.
Please keep in mind that providing a list of MQSA certified facilities does not mean that FDA, or any other organization, recommends one certified facility over another and that Veterans Health Administration facilities are not included.