Center for Tobacco Products Also referred to as: CTP
On this page:
- What We Do
- Center Vision and Mission
- Center Strategic Plan
- Budget
- Leadership and Organization Chart
- Key Areas of Focus
- Contact and Connect with CTP
- Additional Resources
What We Do
The Center for Tobacco Products (CTP) oversees the implementation of the Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act. Some of the responsibilities under the law include setting performance standards, reviewing premarket applications for new and modified risk tobacco products, requiring new warning labels, and establishing and enforcing advertising and promotion restrictions.
For the latest news and actions from CTP, visit the CTP Newsroom and subscribe to CTP email newsletters.
Center Vision and Mission
To make tobacco-related death and disease part of our nation’s past by ensuring a healthier future for those living in the United States.
To protect the public health of the U.S. population from tobacco-related death and disease by comprehensively:
- Regulating the manufacture, distribution, and marketing of tobacco products
- Educating the public, especially youth, about the dangers of using tobacco products
- Promoting and supporting strategies that ensure a healthier life for everyone
Center Strategic Plan
Leadership and Organization Chart
Key Areas of Focus
Educating at risk audiences on the dangers and utilizing the tools given to us by Congress to maximize their potential and positively impact public health
Initiating appropriate enforcement actions that are supported by evidence by conducting inspections, investigations, monitoring, and reviewing activities
Policy, Rulemaking, and Guidance
Establishing strong product standards and policies for tobacco products; issuing rules and guidance for manufacturing, distribution, import, and retail sales
Conducting research to support regulatory science; partnering with others to support important tobacco-related research efforts
Contact and Connect With CTP
- Contact Us
- Connect with Us
- Submit Comments on Tobacco Products and Proposed Regulations
- Funding Opportunities
- Contact the CTP Ombudsman
- Request a CTP Speaker
Additional Resources
- CTP FOIA Electronic Reading Room
- Newsroom
- Jobs, Fellowships, and Internships at the Center for Tobacco Products
Contact Us
- Contact CTP
- Center for Tobacco Products
Food and Drug Administration
Document Control Center
10903 New Hampshire Avenue
Building 71, Room G335
Silver Spring, MD 20993-0002
- (9 a.m. - 4 p.m. Eastern) 1-877-CTP-1373 (1-877-287-1373)
- Twitter:
- FDA Tobacco Education Resource Library: