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On Oct. 1, 2024, the FDA began implementing a reorganization impacting many parts of the agency. We are in the process of updating FDA.gov content to reflect these changes.

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Network of Experts Program: Connecting the FDA with External Expertise

The Network of Experts is a vetted network of partner organizations and their member scientists, clinicians and engineers who can provide the FDA rapid access to expertise when it is needed to supplement existing knowledge and expertise within the Center for Devices and Radiological Health (CDRH) and the Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER).

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What Is the Network of Experts Program?

Within the FDA, there exists a tremendous internal cadre of expertise. However, we know how beneficial it is for employees to engage with clinicians, researchers, and other experts outside the federal government to supplement existing knowledge within the Agency and support its mission. This is particularly true when it comes to new and emerging fields of science, pioneering technologies, and the increasing complexity of medical devices and pharmaceuticals. The Network of Experts Program partners with numerous professional organizations to facilitate this exchange of knowledge.

The CDRH Network of Experts began as a pilot program with three partner organizations in 2012. As its value was recognized across CDRH, additional organizations were added to strategically align with specialty areas such as cardiology, neurology, and orthopedics. The program has grown exponentially to include expertise in newly developing areas that span across the medical device landscape. Pharmaceutical expertise is also well represented and available to CDER employees, as CDER began to leverage the program in 2017.

How Does the Network of Experts Program Work?

If an FDA employee has questions during the course of their work, they may turn to the Network of Experts Program to request external expertise. Program employees will contact partner organizations who will identify their member experts who are willing to engage with the FDA and provide feedback and experience. The FDA employee and external experts can then engage through teleconference to discuss the questions at hand. The Network of Experts Program currently partners with over 100 professional organizations, which translates to hundreds of thousands of potential experts for the FDA to engage with. Topics could be related to clinical best practices and experience, postmarket issues, and so on.

In addition to providing FDA employees with access to external expertise in traditional areas, the Network of Experts Program also aims to build pools of expertise in cross-cutting areas like digital health. For more information, see Network of Digital Health Experts.

Note: The Network of Experts Program is designed to broaden FDA employee exposure to clinical and scientific expertise; the program does not request or accept opinions, external policy advice, or recommendations.

Requirements for Organizations to Participate in the Program

To become a Network of Experts Program partner:

  • Be considered a traditional professional society or association (groups whose mission seeks to promote education and/or the public health)
  • Have 501(c)(3) non-profit status
  • The organization’s primary function should not be lobbying or sector promotion
  • The organization’s activities should not present a conflict of interest or the appearance of a conflict of interest with FDA’s public health mission

Contact for the Network of Experts Program

If you have questions about the Network of Experts Program, including information on participating in the program, email: NetworkofExperts@fda.hhs.gov (to contact CDRH), or CDERNetworkofExperts@fda.hhs.gov (CDER) (to contact CDER).

Network of Experts Participants

Partner OrganizationAbbreviation
American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & ImmunologyAAAAI
American Academy of AudiologyAAA
American Academy of Dermatology AssociationAAD
American Academy of NeurologyAAN
American Academy of OphthalmologyAAO
American Academy of OptometryAAOpt
American Academy of Oral and Maxillofacial PathologyAAOMP
American Academy of Oral MedicineAAOM
American Academy of Orthopaedic SurgeonsAAOS
American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck SurgeryAAO-HNS
American Academy of Pain MedicineAAPM
American Academy of Pediatric DentistryAAPD
American Academy of PediatricsAAP
American Academy of PeriodontologyAAP
American Academy of Physical Medicine and RehabilitationAAPMR
American Academy of Sleep MedicineAASM
American Academy of Urgent Care MedicineAAUCM
American Association for the Study of Liver DiseaseAASLD
American Association of Colleges of PharmacyAACP
American Association of Psychiatric PharmacistsAAPP
American Association for Community PsychiatryAACP
American Association of Critical Care NursesAACN
American Association of Gynecologic LaparoscopistsAAGL
American Association of Neurological SurgeonsAANS
American Association of Nurse Anesthetists (AANA) FoundationAANA
American Association of OrthodontistsAAO
American Association of Pharmaceutical ScientistsAAPS
American Association of Physicists in MedicineAAPM
American Burn AssociationABA
American Chemical SocietyACS
American College of Allergy, Asthma & ImmunologyACAAI
American College of CardiologyACC
American College of Chest PhysiciansACCP
American College of Emergency PhysiciansACEP
American College of GastroenterologyACG
American College of Medical GeneticistsACMG
American College of Medical ToxicologyACMT
American College of Nursing-MidwivesACNM
American College of PhysiciansACP
American College of RadiologyACR
American College of RheumatologyACR
American College of Sports MedicineACSM
American College of ToxicologyACT
American Dental AssociationADA
American Epilepsy SocietyAES
American Gastroenterological AssociationAGA
American Geriatrics Society AGS
American Glaucoma SocietyAGS
American Heart AssociationAHA
American Hernia SocietyAHS
American Institute for Medical & Biological EngineeringAIMBE
American Institute of Ultrasound in MedicineAIUM
American Medical Informatics AssociationAMIA
American Occupational Therapy AssociationAOTA
American Optometric AssociationAOA
American Osteopathic Academy of Addiction MedicineAOAAM
American Pharmacist's AssociationAphA
American Physical Therapy AssociationAPTA
American Psychiatric AssociationAPA
American Psychological AssociationAPA
American Shoulder and Elbow SurgeonsASES
American Sleep Apnea AssociationASAA
American Society for Bone and Mineral ResearchASBMR
American Society for Clinical PathologyASCP
American Society for Dermatologic SurgeryASDS
American Society for Gastrointestinal EndoscopyASGE
American Society for Laser Medicine and SurgeryASLMS
American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric SurgeryASMBS
American Society for MicrobiologyASM
American Society for Parenteral and Enteral NutritionASPEN
American Society for Reproductive MedicineASRM
American Society of Addiction MedicineASAM
American Society of AnesthesiologistsASA
American Society of BiomechanicsASB
American Society of Cataract and Refractive SurgeryASCRS
American Society of Clinical OncologyASCO
American Society of Hand TherapistsASHT
American Society of Health-System PharmacistsASHP
American Society of HematologyASH
American Society of NephrologyASN
American Society of NeuroradiologyASNR
American Society of Pediatric NephrologyASPN
American Society of Pharmacology and Experimental TherapeuticsASPET
American Society of Plastic SurgeonsASPS
American Society of Podiatric SurgeonsASPodS
American Society of Radiation OncologyASTRO
American Society of Retina SpecialistsASRS
American Society of Tropical Medicine and HygieneASTMH
American Thoracic SocietyATS
American Urogynecologic SocietyAUGS
American Urological AssociationAUA
American Venous ForumAVF
American Veterinary Medical AssociationAVMA
American-European Congress of Ophthalmic SurgeryAECOS
Association for Diagnostics & Laboratory MedicineADLM
Association for Materials Protection and PerformanceAMPP
Association for Molecular PathologyAMP
Association for Professionals in Infection Control and EpidemiologyAPIC
Association for Research in Vision and OphthalmologyARVO
Association of American Medical CollegesAAMC
Association of Healthcare Value Analysis ProfessionalsAHVAP
Association of Medical Laboratory ImmunologistsAMLI
Association of Public Health LaboratoriesAPHL
College of American PathologistsCAP
Digital Medicine SocietyDiMe
Endocrine SocietyES
Healthcare Sterile Processing AssociationHSPA
Infectious Disease Society of AmericaIDSA
Institute of Electrical and Electronics EngineersIEEE
International Clinical Cytometry SocietyICCS
International Congress on Oral ImplantologistsICOI
International Society for Laboratory HematologyISLH
International Society for Quality of Life ResearchISOQOL
International Society on Thrombosis and HaemostasisISTH
North American Society for Pediatric, Gastro, Hepatology and NutritionNASPGHAN
North American Spine SocietyNASS
PA Education AssociationPAEA 
Pan American Society for Clinical VirologyPASCV
Pediatric and Congenital Electrophysiology SocietyPACES
Pediatric Dermatology Research AlliancePeDRA
Pediatric Endocrine SocietyPES
Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society PIDS
Pediatric Orthopaedic Society of North AmericaPOSNA
Radiation Research SocietyRRS
Radiological Society of North AmericaRSNA
Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of AmericaSHEA
Society for Inherited Metabolic DisordersSIMD
Society for Medical Decision MakingSMDM
Society for Pediatric Dermatology SPD
Society of American Gastrointestinal Endoscopic SurgeonsSAGES
Society of Breast ImagingSBI
Society of Critical Care MedicineSCCM
Society of Gastroenterology Nurses and AssociatesSGNA
Society of Gynecologic OncologySGO
Society of Interventional RadiologySIR
Society of ToxicologySOT
Surgical Infection SocietySIS
American Academy of Dental Sleep MedicineAADSM
American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial SurgeonsAAOMS
American Society of Regional Anesthesia and Pain MedicineASRA
Institute for Operations Research and the Management SciencesINFORMS
Sexual Medicine Society of North AmericaSMSNA
Society of Urodynamics, Female Pelvic Medicine & Urogenital ReconstructionSUFU
International Ultraviolet AssociationIUVA
Dental Standards InstituteDSI
American Association of Clinical EndocrinologyAACE
American College of Clinical EngineeringACCE
Infusion Nurses SocietyINS
Academy of OsseointegrationAO
S3 Collective 
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