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On Oct. 1, 2024, the FDA began implementing a reorganization impacting many parts of the agency. We are in the process of updating FDA.gov content to reflect these changes.

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  5. Food Defense 101 - Front-line Employee
  1. Food Defense Training & Education

Food Defense 101 - Front-line Employee

FDA issued a final rule on Mitigation Strategies to Protect Food Against Intentional Adulteration in May 2016. FDA has updated Food Defense 101 and in partnership with the Food Safety Preventive Controls Alliance (FSPCA) Intentional Adulteration Subcommittee, FDA is developing new trainings to support and align with the relevant provisions of the IA Rule. Current training offerings can be found on this page, the FSPCA websiteExternal Link Disclaimer and on the FDA's Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) website.

Guarding Against Intentional Adulteration of Food

Food Defense 101

The food industry plays an integral part in protecting the nation’s food infrastructure. Food Defense 101- Front-line Employee provides training in preparedness against an intentional attack against our food supply. The course provides the Front-line Employee with simple procedures to follow in food defense.

The videos contained within this training are not compatible with Microsoft Internet Explorer, please use another browser to view the training.

Launch FOOD DEFENSE 101 (updated v.1.1)

Course Completion Certificate

On the last page of the course, you can download a Completion Certificate for your records. You can enter your name and date electronically in the certificate PDF, then print the certificate and sign. The certificate includes the Contact Hours earned for each course.  


On the opening page, click on Launch the Training. If you decide to leave a course at any time, you can go back and continue the course later. Within the course, there are quizzes called Knowledge Checks, but note that any entries submitted are not retained. This training does not evaluate your participation. For navigation purposes, use the Back and Next buttons at the top and bottom of each page to proceed sequentially from page to page. You can click the bottom menu bar at any time. Clicking on the breadcrumb navigation at the top of the screen will also return you to the previous sections. All external links within the training open a page at other web sites, but you will be able to navigate between the training and external pages easily.


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