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  3. Recalls, Market Withdrawals, & Safety Alerts
  4. Bravo Produce Inc. Recalls Maradol Papaya from Productores Y Exportadores De Carica Papaya De Tecomán Y Costa Alegre SPR of RL and Packed by Frutas Selectas De Tijuana, S. De R.L. De C.V. Because of Possible Health Risk
  1. Recalls, Market Withdrawals, & Safety Alerts


Bravo Produce Inc. Recalls Maradol Papaya from Productores Y Exportadores De Carica Papaya De Tecomán Y Costa Alegre SPR of RL and Packed by Frutas Selectas De Tijuana, S. De R.L. De C.V. Because of Possible Health Risk

This recall has been completed and FDA has terminated this recall.

When a company announces a recall, market withdrawal, or safety alert, the FDA posts the company's announcement as a public service. FDA does not endorse either the product or the company.

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Company Announcement Date:
FDA Publish Date:
Reason for Announcement:
Recall Reason Description
Tested Positive for Salmonella
Company Name:
Bravo Produce Inc.
Brand Name:
Brand Name(s)
Frutas Selectas de Tijuana, S. de R.L. of C.V.
Product Description:
Product Description
Maradol Papayas

Company Announcement

Bravo Produce Inc. of San Ysidro, is withdrawing Maradol Papaya, grown by Productores y Exportadores de Carica Papaya de Tecomán y Costa Alegre SPR of RL and packed by Frutas Selectas de Tijuana, S. de RL de CV, as a preventive measure, because the product has tested positive for Salmonella by exams done by FDA. It is extremely important to mention that this bacterium can affect children, elderly and people with weak immune systems. Symptoms are fever, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain. In rare circumstances, Salmonella infection can result in the organism entering the bloodstream and producing serious diseases such as arterial infections (ie, infected aneurysms), endocarditis and arthritis.

We inform that the product was distributed to markets within the state of California in the period from August 10 to 29, 2017. This product was addressed to wholesale customers and including retail consumers. Maradol Papayas were available for sale until August 29, 2017. Consumers can identify papayas by the label of the packing company, Frutas Selectas de Tijuana, S. de R.L. of C.V. It is important to clarify that Frutas Selectas de Tijuana, S. de R.L. of C.V., it is only the PACKER and therefore it puts its labels, but the grower of the Maradol Papaya is Productores y Exportadores de Carica Papaya de Tecoman y Costa Alegre S.P.R. de R.L.

The consumer can identify the product by the codes found on the side of the box

  • 1222335215
  • 1222635220
  • 1222335216
  • 1223035223
  • 1223335227
  • 1223835233
  • 1222235215
  • 1222535220
  • 1222235216
  • 1222835223
  • 1223435230
  • 1222235216
  • 1222935223
  • 1222135214
  • 1222935223
  • 1222935223
  • 1222135214
  • 1222235216
  • 1222935223
  • 1223035223
  • 1222935221
  • 1223035223
  • 1223835233

All consignees who were given the product have been notified (via telephone and email) to remove and destroy the papayas that are on store shelves and other commercial places. Supervision for withdrawal effectiveness are already underway by FDA.

The recall was initiated when it was notified by the FDA, on September 8, 2017, that it had tested positive for Salmonella in one of the Maradol Papaya that wasn’t distributed.

Bravo Produce Inc will be taking precautionary measures to ensure the safety of its imported products by taking samples from each cargo to a private laboratory authorized by that agency for the determination of Salmonella. The company is also cooperating with FDA in its investigation and will provide all possible assistance.

Consumers who may have bought papayas from Productores y Exportadores de Carica Papaya de Tecoman y Costa Alegre S.P.R. de R.L and with the packing label of Frutas Selectas de Tijuana, S. de R.L. of C.V. are advised not to consume and get rid of the produce. For more questions, you may contact Bravo Produce Inc. 01 (844) 891-7782. Calls will be received Monday through Saturday from 7:00 to 14:00 hours.

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Company Contact Information

Bravo Produce Inc.
01 (844) 891-7782

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