MOU 225-03-6000
Memorandum of Understanding Between
The United States Food and Drug Administration
and The University of Houston (UH)
The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the University of Houston (UH) have a shared interest in scientific progress through an exchange of scientific capital in the diverse fields of science that directly and indirectly affect human and animal health and medicine. Both institutions also endorse scientific training for academicians and students to foster a well-grounded foundation in interdisciplinary science on which scientific learning will grow.
This Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) establishes terms of collaboration between FDA and UH to support these shared interests that can proceed through a variety of programs such as sabbaticals, postdoctoral fellowships, and student internships.
For the programs listed below, FDA will provide UH the following:
• Laboratory and/or office space as needed.
• Openness and proactive efforts in establishing collaborative research efforts with UH faculty, students, and staff.
• Based on available resources, willingness to participate in graduate courses and seminars at UH.
• Continuing and frequent communication with faculty and staff.
• Openness and welcome to faculty, staff, and students wishing to visit FDA laboratories.
• Promulgation and communication of this collaborative effort through web pages, informal conversations with colleagues, faculty, and students.
In addition to above, FDA will provide UH personnel the following:
In the Sabbatical Program:
• Opportunities to apply for a sabbatical with the agency with terms of the sabbatical to be negotiated between the individual and the agency.
• Opportunities to apply for salary support, where appropriate, through a variety of funding mechanisms. Request for salary support must coincide with the current federal fiscal year.
• Opportunity to attend a variety of didactic courses.
In the FDA Service Fellowship Program:
• Opportunity to compete for appointments. For those who receive appointments, research training and mentoring of the Fellow will be the responsibility of the appointing office.
In the Graduate Student Internship Program:
• The University of Houston will select the graduate student and FDA will approve the student.
• With concurrence of both parties on a research project, FDA, as appropriate, will offer office support, laboratory support, and supplies.
• The student will have the opportunity to apply for salary support from the FDA through a variety of mechanisms including Internship Programs, the Student Career Experience Program, and other work-study programs by working with the FDA Outreach Coordinator, and the appropriate FDA Center Director.
• As appropriate with UH and FDA rules and regulations, and negotiated on a case-by-case basis, FDA mentors can, where appropriate, serve on thesis committees, attend examination and committee meetings, and participate in other aspects of the student's educational program at UH.
• As appropriate, openness and welcome to students wishing to rotate through FDA laboratories, as well as an opportunity to obtain short-term training in related areas.
General Appointments:
• Opportunity to submit resumes to apply for Special Government Employee (SGE) appointments.
For the programs listed below, UH will provide FDA personnel the following:
• Laboratory and/or office space as needed.
• Openness and proactive efforts in establishing collaborative research efforts with FDA scientists and staff.
• Continuing and frequent communication with FDA scientists and staff.
• Openness and welcome to FDA scientists and staff wishing to visit relevant UH programs and laboratories.
• Promulgation and communication of this collaborative effort through web pages, informal conversations with colleagues, faculty, and students.
In addition to above, UH will provide FDA personnel the following:
In a Sabbatical Program at UH:
• Opportunities to apply for a sabbatical with the university. Terms of the sabbatical will be negotiated between the individual and the appropriate University unit.
• Opportunity to attend and/or participate in a variety of courses at the graduate level.
In the FDA Service Fellowship Program:
• Opportunities to apply for funding through internal and external mechanisms for additional research support for collaborative research efforts between UH and FDA laboratories.
For UH Graduate Students working at FDA Centers:
• The basic formal educational structure for students within any of its programs. It is understood that all students will meet all requirements for courses and degree programs as set up by the appropriate department or program at UH.
• Stipend support, health insurance coverage, and/or tuition support of said students in the forms of teaching assistantships, campus fellowships, or other mechanisms where appropriate.
• Opportunities for tuition support, when available, for students working at FDA, throughout each student's tenure at UH, including tuition support from the Graduate School for dissertation research credits for up to three students/year while they are supported by FDA funds.
• Long-term commitments from the graduate program to the graduate students for continued education, typical of those provided routinely to all other graduates, as long as they remain in good standing in the program.
• Encouragement of graduate students to rotate through, and/or have short-term research opportunities in FDA laboratories.
• Adjunct faculty appointments in the relevant program or department, as appropriate and using standard UH policies, for those FDA staff members working with UH students, and/or assisting in teaching at UH.
UH individuals participating in the MOU will be United States Citizens or Permanent Residents. Regarding the latter, all federal restrictions will be adhered to.
Individuals must establish authorship of an article in a peer-reviewed publication to the satisfaction of FDA prior to entering into the FDA program. Claims to patents and licenses by individuals entering the program must be documented by those entering the program and acknowledged by FDA prior to entry into the FDA program.
This MOU forms the basis for the initial relations between FDA and UH for sabbaticals, research, and scientific education. However, as this collaborative effort progresses, it is expected that new and wider areas of mutual interest will evolve and be included in expansions of this document.
The individual to whom all inquiries to FDA should be addressed is:
V. Michelle Chenault, Ph.D., Associate Director for Science
Office of Science and Technology, Center for Devices and Radiological Health
Food and Drug Administration, 9200 Corporate Blvd. (HFZ-100), Rockville, MD 20850
Phone - (301) 827-4780, Fax - (301) 827-4787, Email -
The individual to whom all inquiries to UH should be addressed is:
For technical matters:
Sunny E. Ohia, Ph.D., Dean, University of Houston College of Pharmacy
4800 Calhoun Road, Houston, Texas 77204, phone: 713-743-1300,
For administrative matters:
Thomas Lee Boozer, II, Director, Office of Contracts and Grants, University of Houston
316 E. Cullen Building, Houston, Texas 77204-2015, phone: 713-743-9240,
Approved and Accepted
for the University of Houston
Signed by: Mr. Thomas L. Boozer II
Director, Office of Contracts and Grants
University of Houston
Date: March 11, 2003
Approved and Accepted
for the Food and Drug Administration
Signed by: David W. Feigal, Jr., M.D., M.P.H.
Center for Devices and Radiological Health
Food and Drug Administration
Date: March 18, 2003
Approved and Accepted
for the Food and Drug Administration
Signed by: Linda Arey Skladany, Esq.
Associate Commissioner for External Relations
Food and Drug Administration
Date: March 21, 2003
Approved and Accepted
for the Food and Drug Administration
Mark B. McClellan, M.D., Ph.D.
Commissioner of Food and Drugs
Date: March 29, 2003