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On Oct. 1, 2024, the FDA began implementing a reorganization impacting many parts of the agency. We are in the process of updating FDA.gov content to reflect these changes.

  1. Home
  2. About FDA
  3. FDA Organization
  4. Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER)
  5. CDER Center for Clinical Trial Innovation (C3TI)
  6. C3TI Compass (Knowledge Repository) | Frequently Asked Questions
  1. CDER Center for Clinical Trial Innovation (C3TI)

C3TI Compass (Knowledge Repository) | Frequently Asked Questions

CDER Center for Clinical Trial Innovation (C3TI)

1. What is C3TI Compass?  

C3TI Compass is a central location to hold information on the implementation of novel approaches for clinical trials, offering a streamlined, searchable platform for accessing information. By consolidating this information, C3TI Compass elevates awareness and catalyzes the adoption of innovative practices.

C3TI Compass is designed to provide information on CDER's clinical trial innovation activities, maintain a comprehensive portfolio of ongoing efforts, and support knowledge-sharing.

2. How is C3TI Compass information structured?   

The C3TI entries include its title, description, and format (e.g., guidance document, case study). Users can filter by format type or use the search function. 

3. What types of collaborations are included in C3TI Compass?

CDER’s collaborations with external parties focused on clinical trial innovation are included in C3TI Compass. Please see our Scientific Public Private Partnerships and Consortia page for more information.

4. What are Demonstration Projects?   

Demonstration projects provide the opportunity to test, implement, and scale the integration of innovation of clinical trials through increased collaboration and communications with drug developers. 

5. How does C3TI Compass support clinical trial innovation?   

C3TI Compass simplifies the pathway for parties to access information on CDER clinical trial innovation activities and experience.

6. Who do I contact to learn more about clinical trial innovation or to discuss a particular innovation?

Please email C3TI at clinicaltrialinnovation@fda.hhs.gov.

7. Who do I contact with a suggestion for C3TI Compass? 

Please email C3TI at clinicaltrialinnovation@fda.hhs.gov.

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