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On Oct. 1, 2024, the FDA began implementing a reorganization impacting many parts of the agency. We are in the process of updating FDA.gov content to reflect these changes.

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  6. MOU 225-94-2001
  1. Domestic MOUs

MOU 225-94-2001

Memorandum of Understanding
Between The United States Department of Agriculture
and The Food and Drug Administration




This sets forth the terms for services to be provided by the National Agricultural Library (NAL), U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) in cooperation with the Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS), USDA, and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.



A. This agreement provides for information support by NAL's Food and Nutrition information Center (FNIC) for the foodborne illness education activities of FSIS and FDA by establishing a foodborne illness education information center.

B. The primary objective is to serve as the central information source for information about proposed, current, and completed foodborne illness education activities, materials, and research.


II. FDA and FSIS Agree to:

A. Provide orientation on FSIS and FDA, including update on foodborne illness activities for staff hired for this project.

B. Provide FNIC with quantities of consumer and professional education handouts produced by FDA and FSIS to use to answer requests for information about foodborne illness education.

C. Assign liaison staff members to work with foodborne illness education information specialist located at NAL.

D. Provide reimbursement to NAL for services provided. FDA & FSIS will share the cost for these services. FDA will provide in-kind support. FSIS will provide financial reimbursement.



A. Through a cooperative agreement with the University of Maryland train one information specialist (IS) who will coordinate the foodborne illness education activities at the FNIC.

B. Assist the IS in providing reference assistance and response to information requests about foodborne illness for both consumers and professionals.

C. Assist the IS with the development and maintenance of a database of on-going foodborne illness education projects. This database will be used to 1) provide interested persons with information on existing educational materials, and projects in progress, 2) create analysis and public information products, and 3) provide timely information through a variety of electronic networks. The IS will make frequent contact with food safety professionals in order to ensure that the database is current and complete.

D. Add to AGRICOLA foodborne illness education materials, research reports and articles, and other resources, such as newsletters or software, available at costs within current acquisition limits.

E. Provide access to NAL's bulletin board, Agricultural Library Forum (ALF) and other electronic networks.

F. Maintain foodborne illness education information as part of the FOOD subboard NAL's bulletin board, ALF; and include any information products developed on other electronic listings of the FNIC.

G. Distribute FDA and FSIS produced brochures, FDA Consumer reprints, and other foodborne illness education materials as part of reference service.

H. Provide existing networks of nutrition professionals with information about foodborne illness education activities. FNIC currently has networks of the following professionals: Supplemental Food Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC); Child Care and Adult Food Program, school food service directors, school nurses, Indian Health Service and Food Distribution on Indian Reservations nutritionists, and Nutrition Education and Training Program state coordinators.

I. Assist the IS with the development of one Nutri-Topics on foodborne illness, and distribute single copies upon requests.

J. Expand currently existing FNIC electronic file of upcoming national and regional meetings and conferences to include appropriate foodborne illness education activities.

K. Provide the IS with training and access to reference materials, NAL collection, databases, and other information technology.

L. Provide unlimited use of CD-ROM's and other information resource tools used by NAL staff.


IV. It is Mutually Understood and Agreed:

A. That the details of this cooperative undertaking shall be jointly planned and executed by the cooperating parties.

B. This Agreement is to define in general terms the basis on which parties concerned will cooperate and does not constitute a financial obligation to serve as the basis for expenditures. Each party will handle and expend its own funds. Any and all expenditures from Federal funds in the Department of Agriculture made in conformity with the plans outlined in the Agreement must be in accord with Department rules and regulations and in each instance based upon appropriate financial papers. Expenditures made by either party will be in accord with its rules and regulations. Reimbursable agreements will be developed to provide for the exchange of funds between agencies.

C. The responsibilities assumed by each of the parties hereto are contingent upon funds being available from which expenditures legally may be met.

D. The provisions of this Agreement shall be reviewed annually.

E. Following the execution of this agreement, necessary fiscal documents will be prepared.

F. Equipment and supplies purchased with funds contributed by the Cooperator shall become and remain the sole property of NAL.

G. This Agreement shall become effective upon date of final signature and shall continue indefinitely but may be modified or terminated at the request of either party. Requests for termination or any major change shall be submitted to the other parties in writing for consideration not less than 60 days in advance of the effective date desired.

Approved and Accepted
for the United States Department of Agriculture
Signed by: Sharin Sache, Acting Director
Information and Legislative Affairs
Date: February 3, 1994

Approved and Accepted
for the United States Department of Agriculture

Signed by: ML Bennett FYI Only
Director, Management Support Staff, Science and Technology
Date: February 3, 1994

Approved and Accepted
for the United States Department of Agriculture

Signed by: Joseph A. Powers
Assistant Deputy Administrator, Administrative Management
Date: February 4, 1994

Approved and Accepted
for the United States Department of Agriculture

Signed by: Pamela L.J. Andre, Acting Director
National Agricultural Library
Date: March 10, 1994

Approved and Accepted
for the Food and Drug Administration

Signed by: Janice F. Oliver, Acting Deputy Director for Systems and Support, CFSAN
Date: February 17, 1994

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