Food Labeling; Calorie Labeling of Articles of Food Sold From Certain Vending Machines; Front of Package Type Size (Proposed Rule) Regulatory Impact Analysis
In response to requests from the vending and the packaged foods industries to reduce the regulatory burden and increase flexibility, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is proposing to revise the existing type size requirements when calories are displayed on the front of the package of foods sold in glass front vending machines. This Preliminary Regulatory Impact Analysis (RIA) qualitatively discusses the economic impacts of this proposed rule, including potential costs, cost savings, and benefits. Because this rule only proposes minor revisions to front of package calorie labeling type size requirements, we estimate there are no costs to vending machine operators and potential cost savings to vending machine operators and packaged food manufacturers. We expect the cost savings to outweigh the costs and, thus, the net effect to be positive, but lack the data to quantify this effect.
Regulatory Impact Analysis
Federal Register: 83 FR 32221, July 12, 2018.
Docket: FDA-2011-F-0171-0281