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On Oct. 1, 2024, the FDA began implementing a reorganization impacting many parts of the agency. We are in the process of updating FDA.gov content to reflect these changes.

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  1. FDA-TRACK: Agency-wide Program Performance

FDA-TRACK: Human Foods Program - Education and Outreach

The Human Foods Program is responsible for a safe food supply and ensuring FDA regulations and guidance provide clear and reliable direction and assistance to industry, both inside and outside the United States, with a goal to obtain high rates of compliance with standards necessary to protect public health and stakeholder expectations.

Dramatic improvements in reducing the burden of foodborne illness cannot be made without doing more to influence the beliefs, attitudes, and, most importantly, the behaviors of people and the actions of organizations. FDA protects and promotes public health through outreach and education by increasing public awareness about FDA’s food programs and policies and providing advice on preventing foodborne illness and making healthful food choices.

Explore the progress HFP is making towards its Education and Outreach efforts below:

Consumer Outreach 

FDA protects public health more effectively by informing and engaging with consumers and other stakeholders. FDA is maximizing this engagement by increasing our use of social media, responding promptly to press and constituent inquiries, and translating safety and regulatory resources into other languages. These outreach efforts enable consumers to make better informed decisions in purchasing and using cosmetics, while also assisting the increasingly global industry in achieving compliance with U.S. safety and labeling requirements.


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Food Safety Web Presence

The Web Team maintains HFP's webpage content to interact with the public and captures viewership data to determine its usefulness.


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Download FDA-TRACK HFP Education and Outreach Dataset

Note:  The data provided on this website are produced on an ongoing basis for performance management purposes and are subject to change due to updates of preliminary estimates, corrections, or other reasons.


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