ORA on the Frontlines: Clarice Ahn
Clarice Ahn, Consumer Safety Officer, Office of Enforcement and Import Operations
I supervise a team of import consumer safety officers (CSO) who are playing a critical role in examining products and making admissibility decisions on COVID-19 related products that are imported daily, while keeping abreast of ever-changing guidances. They continue to do their essential work through furloughs and public health crises, such as the current COVID-19 pandemic, to protect the public health.
People don’t think of FDA employees as being essential during this time, but there are import CSOs who do mission critical work; including, examining products that are coming to U.S. borders, such as face masks, gloves, and various other medical devices, that will eventually go to hospitals and places where people are on the front lines treating patients with COVID-19. In the midst of this evolving situation, I hope that we never forget to appreciate and take care of each other.
I am Clarice Ahn and #IAmORA on the frontlines.