ORA on the Frontlines: Debra Sherman
Debra A. Sherman, Consumer Safety Officer, Office of Enforcement and Import Operations
We are the United States- one of the strongest countries in the world. We will overcome this. Now is the time to be proactive to protect the health of yourself, your loved ones, and your fellow man. Although social distancing is an inconvenience, we must look at the bigger picture and do what is necessary. As a consumer safety officer at the Office of Regulatory Affairs (ORA), my greatest hope for the future is that we learn from this experience and create a plan to minimize economic impact, address state concerns, and proactively stock pile resources. In doing my part in this pandemic, I perform essential functions to ensure that imported products meet the regulations as outlined by the federal government. I ensure public safety and public health by performing physical field examinations of products coming into the United States. In addition to that, I determine the admissibility of various products and assess various classes of drugs to compliance as necessary to ensure public safety.
My name is Debra Sherman, I ensure public safety and health, and #IAmORA on the frontlines.