ORA on the Frontlines: Julio Salazar
Julio Salazar, Consumer Safety Officer/Import Specialist, Office of Enforcement and Import Operations
The role of an import official is paramount to ensure products imported into the U.S. are safe and effective for intended use, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. I lead a team as part of an Authentication Tiger Team to support the Non-NIOSH Approved Filtering Facepiece Respirators (FFRs) manufactured in China. The team reviews and authenticates submissions for FFRs manufactured in China being imported to the U.S.
The work conducted by FDA and other federal, state and local public health agencies may not always be visible but is vitally important and serves as a reminder that promoting and protecting public is more than just words. The FDA, along with its domestic and international counterparts, private, academic, and public, need to work together with transparency to ensure any future emerging public health threat is prevented and mitigated effectively and as efficiently as possible.The work we all do day in and day out makes a global difference.
My name is Julio Salazar and #IAmORA on the frontlines.