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  5. Salmonella, You and the Turtle Connection Classroom Lecture
  1. Animal Health Literacy

Salmonella, You and the Turtle Connection Classroom Lecture

Hear See
Have you ever had (the symptoms)?  Look in your brochure and tell me what kind of infection might cause those symptoms?


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“diarrhea, fever…”

In 1975, the Food and Drug Administration banned the sale of small turtles less than?


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“...less than 4 inches long….”

Why are small turtles a concern?



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“...kids are more likely to put these animals in their mouths."

Who is at risk for getting sick?



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“anyone can get Salmonella infection, but the risk is highest in….”

Even if you don’t have a turtle at home, where else might you touch a turtle and get Salmonella?


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“… petting zoos, schools …)

What can you do to minimize the risks of getting sick?



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“Do and Don't”


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