Labeling and Use of Ethoxyquin in Animal Feed
The FDA Center for Veterinary Medicine (CVM) reminds industry about the labeling and safe use requirements for ethoxyquin, an approved food additive intended for use in animal feed.
Ethoxyquin has specific labeling and safe use requirements when added to an animal food either directly or indirectly as a component of an ingredient. In either case, one of the following statements must be included on the product label: “Ethoxyquin, a preservative,” or “Ethoxyquin added to retard the oxidative destruction of carotene, xanthophylls, and vitamins A and E.” This label statement is necessary to help ensure the safe use of ethoxyquin, since there are established tolerances and a maximum use rate for this food additive.
The approved uses of ethoxyquin in animal feeds are addressed in the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Title 21, Parts 573.380 and 573.400 [21 CFR 573.380 and 573.400]. The established tolerances permitted for ethoxyquin residue in or on animal products intended for human consumption are addressed in 21 CFR 172.140.
The maximum quantity of ethoxyquin “to be used and to remain in or on the treated article [complete animal food and forage] shall not exceed 150 parts per million (ppm)” per 21 CFR 573.380 and 573.400. Per 21 CFR 172.140, the established tolerances for ethoxyquin residue in or on animal products intended for human consumption are as follows: 5 ppm in or on the uncooked fat of meat from animals (except poultry); 3 ppm in or on the uncooked liver and fat of poultry; 0.5 ppm in or on the uncooked muscle meat of animals; 0.5 ppm in poultry eggs; zero in milk.