Cosmetics Safety Q&A: Where to Learn More
Where can I learn more about cosmetic safety and how cosmetics are regulated?
Please visit FDA's main Cosmetics page, where you will find links to information on cosmetic labeling and label claims, product and ingredient safety, regulatory information, and more.
Here are some of the "inside pages" under Cosmetics that you may find useful:
- Guidance & Regulation, for links to the laws and regulations that apply to cosmetics, and related resources
- Is It a Cosmetic, a Drug, or Both? (Or Is It Soap?), to learn how different "personal care products" are regulated
- Labeling & Label Claims, for information on what must appear on cosmetic label
- Products & Ingredients, where you'll find links to information on cosmetic products and ingredients that people often ask about
- Resources for Consumers, for links to information consumers often request