Data Standards Manual (monographs) Marital Status
FDA Data Element Number.
CDER Data Element Number. C-GEN-10211
Data Element Name. Marital Status
Description. Marital Status is the legal status of a person in relation to his/her marriage, or lack thereof.
Source. ASTM
FDA Specifications. Marital status shall consist of alphanumeric terms with a maximum of 15 characters in length, with alphanumeric codes representing these terms of 1 character in length.
CDER Specifications. No further specifications.
FDA Approved Date. This data element is pending approval as an FDA Demographics Data Element.
CDER Approved Date. September 12, 1995.
FDA Revised Date.
CDER Revised Date.
Data Values.
Married | Literal | M |
Never Married | Literal | S |
Separated | Literal | A |
Widowed | Literal | W |
Divorced | Literal | D |
Undetermined | Literal | U |