FDA-NBTS Public Workshop: Product Development for Central Nervous System (CNS) Metastases
Co-Sponsored by the:
U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) and
the National Brain Tumor Society (NBTS)
In collaboration with:
Accelerate Brain Cancer Cure (ABC2); American Brain Tumor Association (ABTA);
Friends of Cancer Research (Friends); Kidney Cancer Research Alliance (KCCure);
LUNGevity Foundation; Melanoma Research Alliance (MRA);
Metastatic Breast Cancer Alliance (MBC Alliance)
RANO (Response Assessment in Neuro-Oncology)
and Society for NeuroOncology (SNO)
Twitter: #MetsCNS2019 #CNSMetsWorkshop2019
Date: March 22, 2019
Time: 8:00 am to 4:00 pm
Location: FDA White Oak Campus
Building 31, Room 1503 – Great Room
10903 New Hampshire Avenue
Silver Spring, MD 20993
FDA Campus Information, (e.g., local airports, directions, and local hotels)
There is a paucity of effective treatments for patients with central nervous system (CNS) metastases. Moreover, there are few clinical trials and a need for more attention to this high unmet medical need. One impediment to product development for CNS metastases is uncertainty on the optimal clinical trial endpoints and study designs for evaluating products. This unique workshop will bring key stakeholders together to evaluate what is needed to advance development of effective products and consider optimal endpoints and clinical trial designs related to this topic.
Workshop Goals and Objectives:
- To provide a forum for open discussion among FDA, clinicians, researchers, patient advocates, and industry in neuro-oncology product development on clinical trials for patients with brain metastases
- To discuss and work toward identifying endpoints for clinical trials for patients with brain metastases
- To educate researchers and product developers about relevant regulatory science and policy issues important to CNS metastasis product development
- To accelerate the development of products for the treatment of CNS metastases
- Facilitate open discussions among major stakeholders in the field of CNS metastases
Webcast Information Replay:
Session III - Lunch: https://web.archive.org/web/20220120143538/https://collaboration.fda.gov/p178xjsvyode//
Post-Lunch Session III: https://web.archive.org/web/20220806005458/https://collaboration.fda.gov/puj6tld22ylg/
Session IV - Adjourn: https://web.archive.org/web/20220806014857/https://collaboration.fda.gov/pddyrrv7zn5c/
Workshop Information:
- Agenda (PDF - 109 KB)
- Speaker Biographies (PDF - 189 KB)
- Workshop Committee (PDF - 248 KB)
- Presentations
- Opening Remarks and Presenting the Challenges (PDF - 2.22MB)
- Clinical Management of CNS Metastases- Current Treatments and Investigations (PDF - 1.68MB)
- Identification of Targets Brain Metstases Clinical Trials (PDF - 2.14MB)
- Selecting Drug Candidates for Treatment of Brain Metastases (PPT - 3.78MB)
- Issues in Conducting Clinical Trials for Patients with Brain Metastates (PDF - 500KB)
- Standardizing Brains Mets Response Assessment (PDF - 1.33MB)
- The Multiple Facets of Clinical Benefit (PDF - 465KB)
- Regulatory Challenges with Trials Seeking CNS Efficacy Claims (PDF - 186KB)
- Overview Am Brain Tumor Assoc Metastatic Brain Tumor Initiative (PDF - 318KB)
- Summary and Next Steps- Discussion Only (PDF - 264KB)
NBTS Meeting Condensed Transcript with index (PDF - 5.44MB)
NBTS Meeting Full Transcript (PDF - 975KB)
Joan Ferlo Todd, RN
Regulatory Health Project Manager
Office of Hematology and Oncology Products (OHOP)
Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER)
U.S. Food and Drug Administration
Sarah O'Connor
Executive Assistant
National Brain Tumor Society
55 Chapel Street, Suite 200
Newton, MA 02458
Facebook: @braintumors; Twitter: #MetsCNS2019; #CNSMetsWorkshop2019; www.braintumor.org