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  5. Survey Data on Acrylamide in Food: Total Diet Study Results
  1. Process Contaminants in Food

Survey Data on Acrylamide in Food: Total Diet Study Results

February 2004; Updated June 2005, July 2006, and October 2006

Table 1. Acrylamide Levels in Food Products Sampled for the 2003 Total Diet Study
Table 2. Acrylamide Levels in Food Products Sampled for the 2004 Total Diet Study
Table 3. Acrylamide Levels in Food Products Sampled for the 2005 Total Diet Study
Table 4. Acrylamide Levels in Food Products Sampled for the 2006 Total Diet Study

On April 24, 2002, researchers at the Swedish National Food Administration and Stockholm University reported finding the chemical acrylamide in a variety of fried and oven-baked foods. The initial Swedish research indicated that acrylamide formation is particularly associated with traditional high temperature cooking processes for certain carbohydrate-rich foods. In response to concerns about the potential risk of foodborne acrylamide based on the known toxicity of acrylamide at much higher doses than those seen in foods, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) began to analyze a variety of U.S. food products for acrylamide. The data presented below are results from analysis of composite food samples from FDA's Total Diet Study (TDS). FDA also surveyed individual food product samples for acrylamide; the individual food product data are available at Survey Data on Acrylamide in Food: Individual Food Products.

The TDS is FDA's ongoing market basket survey in which approximately 280 core foods (TDS foods) in the U.S. food supply are collected and analyzed to determine levels of various contaminants and nutrients in those foods. Four market baskets are generally collected each year, one in each of four geographic regions of the U.S. (i.e., West, North Central, South, and Northeast). For each market basket, samples of each TDS food are collected from grocery stores and fast food restaurants in three cities within the region, prepared table-ready, and composited for analysis. Therefore, each data point for a contaminant or a nutrient represents the analytical result for a composite of three samples of the TDS food.

FDA analyzed selected TDS foods from each market basket in FY03, FY04, and FY05, and selected foods from one market basket in FY06, to determine the occurrence of acrylamide in the U.S. food supply. These results indicate acrylamide levels in a composite of three samples of each table-ready TDS food.

FDA has completed several exposure assessments for acrylamide, using the individual food product and TDS data on acrylamide levels in food. The most recent update of the exposure assessment can be viewed at The 2006 Exposure Assessment for Acrylamide*.

FDA studies of acrylamide levels in food are part of a comprehensive research program involving exposure assessment, methodology development, research on formation and mitigation of acrylamide in food, and research on acrylamide toxicology. More information on the research program for acrylamide can be found in FDA's Action Plan for Acrylamide in FoodExternal Link Disclaimer.

Note that the results in Tables 1-4 do not address unit to unit variation or lot to lot variation. These data should not be taken as an indicator of food product choices by consumers.

Table 1. Acrylamide Levels in Food Products Sampled for the 2003 Total Diet Study

(1) Abbreviations: ND = nondetect, RTD= ready to drink, BF = baby food, RTF = ready to feed, conc = concentrate, cond = condensed
(2) The general limit of quantitation (LOQ) of the method is 10 parts per billion (ppb). <br /> (3) An "X" indicates that the food item was not analyzed for acrylamide in that market basket. Based on the data from the first two market baskets, certain food items were not analyzed for acrylamide in the third and fourth market baskets. Generally, if the first two market basket results indicated that acrylamide was not detected in the food item, then that item was not analyzed for acrylamide in the two subsequent market baskets.

TDS Food Category TDS Food ;# Food Description Acrylamide (ppb)
FY03 FY03 FY03 FY03
Market Basket
Market Basket
Market Basket
Market Basket
164 Butter, regular (salted) ND ND X X
10 Cheese, American, processed ND ND X X
12 Cheese, cheddar, natural (sharp/mild) ND ND X X
236 Cheese, Swiss, natural ND ND X X
332 Cottage cheese, creamed, lowfat (2% milk fat) ND ND X X
237 Cream cheese ND ND X X
168 Cream substitute, non-dairy, liquid/frozen ND ND X X
167 Half & Half cream ND ND X X
177 Ice cream, light, vanilla ND ND ND ND
286 Ice cream, regular, vanilla ND ND X X
331 Meal replacement, liquid RTD, any flavor ND ND X X
7 Milk shake, chocolate, fast-food ND 15 16 14
3 Milk, chocolate, lowfat, fluid ND ND X X
2 Milk, lowfat (2%), fluid ND ND X X
4 Milk, skim, fluid ND ND X X
1 Milk, whole, fluid ND ND X X
368 Pudding, ready-to-eat, flavor other than chocolate ND ND X X
287 Sherbet, fruit-flavored ND ND X X
300 Sour cream ND ND X X
333 Sour cream dip, any flavor ND ND X X
235 Yogurt, lowfat, fruit-flavored ND ND X X
37 Eggs, boiled ND ND X X
35 Eggs, scrambled w/ oil ND ND X X
Baby Food
730 BF, apples with berries ND ND X X
225 BF, applesauce ND ND X X
717 BF, apricots w/ mixed fruit ND ND X X
723 BF, arrowroot cookies 246 161 267 105
719 BF, banana dessert ND ND X X
313 BF, bananas ND ND X X
715 BF, bananas and pineapple ND ND X X
205 BF, beef and broth/gravy ND ND X X
727 BF, beef and noodles/beef stroganoff ND 11 16 20
218 BF, carrots 89 47 21 77
700 BF, cereal, barley, dry, prepared w/ water ND ND X X
701 BF, cereal, mixed, dry, prepared w/ water ND ND X X
725 BF, cereal, oatmeal w/ fruit, prepared w/ water ND ND ND ND
323 BF, cereal, oatmeal, dry, prepared w/ water ND ND X X
325 BF, cereal, rice w/apples, dry, prepared w/ water ND ND X X
324 BF, cereal, rice, dry, prepared w/ water ND ND X X
207 BF, chicken and broth/gravy ND ND X X
214 BF, chicken noodle dinner 11 ND 10 ND
726 BF, chicken w/ rice 23 11 ND 26
722 BF, Dutch apple/apple cobbler ND ND ND ND
233 BF, fruit dessert/pudding ND ND X X
721 BF, fruit yogurt dessert ND ND X X
219 BF, green beans 34 16 20 22
230 BF, juice, apple ND ND X X
703 BF, juice, apple-banana ND ND X X
704 BF, juice, apple-cherry ND ND X X
705 BF, juice, apple-grape ND ND X X
712 BF, juice, grape ND ND X X
710 BF, juice, mixed fruit ND ND X X
231 BF, juice, orange ND ND X X
711 BF, juice, pear ND ND X X
327 BF, lamb and broth/gravy ND ND X X
729 BF, macaroni and cheese ND ND X X
215 BF, macaroni, tomato and beef 53 30 24 17
220 BF, mixed vegetables 67 44 27 23
720 BF, peach cobbler/dessert ND ND X X
226 BF, peaches ND ND X X
227 BF, pears ND ND X X
713 BF, pears and pineapple ND ND X X
223 BF, peas ND ND X X
714 BF, plums/prunes w/ apples and/or pears ND 118 14 ND
320 BF, squash 29 19 18 15
221 BF, sweet potatoes 117 100 30 70
317 BF, teething biscuits 166 147 235 128
216 BF, turkey and rice 10 28 14 47
328 BF, turkey and broth/gravy ND ND X X
232 BF, vanilla custard/pudding ND ND X X
326 BF, veal and broth/gravy ND ND X X
211 BF, vegetables and beef ND 18 17 21
212 BF, vegetables and chicken 17 15 22 26
213 BF, vegetables and ham 31 26 19 22
728 BF, vegetables and turkey 15 12 15 10
724 BF, zwieback toast 17 31 18 13
202 Infant formula, milk-based, high iron, RTF ND ND X X
203 Infant formula, milk-based, low iron, RTF ND ND X X
309 Infant formula, soy-based, RTF ND ND X X
14 Beef roast, chuck, oven-roasted ND ND X X
334 Beef steak, loin/sirloin, broiled ND ND X X
13 Beef, ground, regular, pan-cooked ND ND X X
29 Bologna (beef/pork) ND ND X X
339 Catfish, pan-cooked w/ oil ND ND X X
336 Chicken breast, fried, fast-food (w/ skin) 12 ND ND 11
240 Chicken breast, oven-roasted (skin removed) ND ND X X
338 Chicken leg, fried, fast-food (w/ skin) ND ND X X
241 Chicken nuggets, fast-food 26 23 22 22
337 Chicken thigh, oven-roasted (skin removed) ND ND X X
34 Fish sticks or patty, frozen, oven-cooked ND 12 ND ND
28 Frankfurter (beef/pork), boiled ND ND X X
17 Ham, cured (not canned), baked ND ND X X
22 Lamb chop, pan-cooked w/ oil ND ND X X
27 Liver (beef/calf), pan-cooked w/ oil ND ND X X
335 Luncheon meat (chicken/turkey) ND ND X X
239 Luncheon meat (ham) ND ND X X
20 Pork bacon, oven-cooked ND ND X X
18 Pork chop, pan-cooked w/ oil ND ND X X
21 Pork roast, loin, oven-roasted ND ND X X
19 Pork sausage (link/patty), oven-cooked ND 11 ND ND
30 Salami, luncheon-meat type (not hard) ND ND X X
318 Salmon, steaks/fillets, baked ND ND X X
244 Shrimp, boiled ND ND X X
340 Tuna, canned in water, drained ND ND X X
26 Turkey breast, oven-roasted ND ND X X
47 Peanut butter, creamy 92 93 67 90
48 Peanuts, dry roasted, salted 27 28 32 36
38 Pinto beans, dry, boiled ND ND X X
39 Pork and beans, canned ND 20 15 14
341 Refried beans, canned ND ND ND ND
343 Sunflower seeds (shelled), roasted, salted 31 35 35 57
342 White beans, dry, boiled ND ND X X
Grains/Starches/Baked Goods
185 Apple pie, fresh/frozen 22 ND 15 15
249 Bagel, plain, toasted 27 29 19 50
61 Biscuits, refrigerated-type, baked 21 39 32 55
248 Bread, cracked wheat 31 17 58 50
64 Bread, rye 30 20 22 17
58 Bread, white, enriched ND ND ND 13
62 Bread, whole wheat 34 24 39 59
345 Breakfast tart/toaster pastry 18 22 37 23
291 Brownie 24 34 22 27
178 Cake, chocolate w/ icing ND 12 13 29
369 Cake, yellow w/ icing ND ND X X
183 Chocolate chip cookies 131 152 168 81
71 Corn flakes cereal 71 59 54 56
53 Corn/hominy grits, enriched, cooked ND ND X X
67 Corn/tortilla chips 164 208 235 240
60 Cornbread, homemade ND ND ND ND
252 Crackers, butter-type 425 348 373 402
251 Crackers, graham 552 211 647 555
66 Crackers, saltine 58 95 72 57
52 Cream of wheat (farina), enriched, cooked ND ND X X
75 Crisped rice cereal 37 53 57 81
290 Doughnut, cake-type, any flavor 26 19 15 18
250 English muffin, plain, toasted 37 35 23 30
72 Fruit-flavored cereal, presweetened 40 30 24 42
370 Granola bar, w/ raisins 22 39 30 14
76 Granola w/ raisins 62 27 32 78
346 Macaroni salad, from grocery/deli ND ND X X
65 Muffin, fruit or plain ND 14 13 13
69 Noodles, egg, enriched, boiled ND ND X X
77 Oat ring cereal 166 214 121 174
51 Oatmeal, plain, cooked ND ND X X
344 Pancakes, frozen, heated 15 17 16 13
372 Popcorn, microwave, butter-flavored 150 352 97 146
294 Pretzels, hard, salted 97 342 143 46
186 Pumpkin pie, fresh/frozen 25 33 18 26
74 Raisin bran cereal 100 123 97 74
50 Rice, white, enriched, cooked ND ND X X
184 Sandwich cookies w/ crème filling 128 113 84 86
73 Shredded wheat cereal 130 241 102 59
347 Spaghetti, enriched, boiled ND ND X X
292 Sugar cookies 70 31 32 29
182 Sweet roll/Danish pastry 21 ND 10 11
63 Tortilla, flour ND ND ND ND
78 Apple (red), raw (w/ peel) ND ND X X
99 Apple juice, bottled ND ND X X
84 Applesauce, bottled ND ND X X
348 Apricots, canned in heavy/light syrup ND ND X X
97 Avocado, raw ND ND X X
80 Banana, raw ND ND X X
89 Cantaloupe, raw/frozen ND ND X X
351 Cranberry juice cocktail, canned/bottled ND ND X X
87 Fruit cocktail, canned in light syrup ND ND X X
350 Fruit juice blend (100% juice), canned/bottled ND ND X X
257 Grape juice, frozen conc, reconstituted ND ND X X
100 Grapefruit juice, frozen conc, reconstituted ND ND X X
92 Grapefruit, raw ND ND X X
88 Grapes (red/green), raw ND ND X X
79 Orange (navel/Valencia), raw ND ND X X
352 Orange juice, bottled/carton ND ND X X
98 Orange juice, frozen conc, reconstituted ND ND X X
254 Peach, canned in light/medium syrup ND ND X X
83 Peach, raw/frozen ND ND X X
255 Pear, canned in light syrup ND ND X X
85 Pear, raw (w/ peel) ND ND X X
256 Pineapple juice, frozen conc, reconstituted ND ND X X
93 Pineapple, canned in juice ND ND X X
103 Prune juice, bottled 160 185 202 53
95 Raisins ND ND X X
86 Strawberries, raw/frozen ND ND X X
81 Watermelon, raw/frozen ND ND X X
115 Asparagus, fresh/frozen, boiled ND ND X X
131 Beets, canned ND ND X X
299 Black olives 424 123 162 204
113 Broccoli, fresh/frozen, boiled ND ND X X
263 Brussels sprouts, fresh/frozen, boiled ND ND X X
110 Cabbage, fresh, boiled ND ND X X
356 Carrot, baby, raw ND ND X X
259 Carrot, fresh, peeled, boiled ND ND X X
116 Cauliflower, fresh/frozen, boiled ND ND X X
114 Celery, raw ND ND X X
355 Coleslaw, mayonnaise-type, from grocery/deli ND ND X X
108 Collards, fresh/frozen, boiled ND ND X X
55 Corn, canned ND ND X X
54 Corn, fresh/frozen, boiled ND ND X X
123 Cucumber, peeled, raw ND ND X X
161 Dill cucumber pickles ND ND X X
265 Eggplant, fresh, peeled, boiled ND ND X X
122 Green beans, canned ND ND ND ND
121 Green beans, fresh/frozen, boiled ND ND X X
109 Lettuce, iceberg, raw ND ND X X
357 Lettuce, leaf, raw ND ND X X
42 Lima beans, immature, frozen, boiled ND ND X X
268 Mixed vegetables, frozen, boiled ND ND X X
264 Mushrooms, raw ND ND X X
267 Okra, fresh/frozen, boiled ND ND ND ND
128 Onion, mature, raw ND ND X X
46 Peas, green, frozen, boiled ND ND X X
125 Pepper, sweet, green, raw ND ND X X
138 Potato chips 467 264 536 292
353 Potato salad, mayonnaise-type, from grocery/deli ND ND X X
137 Potato, baked (w/ peel) 32 17 22 29
136 Potato, boiled (w/out peel) ND ND X X
258 Potato, french-fried, fast-food 381 432 416 450
354 Potato, mashed, prepared from fresh ND ND X X
107 Spinach, fresh/frozen, boiled ND ND X X
126 Squash, winter (Hubbard/acorn), fresh/frozen, boiled ND ND X X
124 Summer squash, fresh/frozen, boiled ND ND X X
358 Sweet potatoes, canned 153 95 66 59
173 Tomato catsup ND ND X X
261 Tomato juice, bottled ND ND X X
359 Tomato salsa, bottled ND ND X X
119 Tomato sauce, plain, bottled ND ND X X
117 Tomato, raw ND ND X X
266 Turnip, fresh/frozen, boiled ND ND X X
298 Yellow mustard ND ND X X
Mixtures (e.g., casseroles, sandwiches, soups, pizza)
360 Beef and vegetable stew, canned ND 14 27 39
269 Beef stroganoff w/ noodles, homemade ND ND ND ND
362 Beef w/ vegetables in sauce, from Chinese carry-out ND ND X X
374 Brown gravy, canned or bottled ND ND X X
365 Burrito w/ beef, beans and cheese, from Mexican carry-out ND 17 17 15
366 Chicken filet (broiled) sandwich on bun, fast-food ND 18 ND 13
152 Chicken potpie, frozen, heated ND 12 16 10
363 Chicken w/ vegetables in sauce, from Chinese carry-out ND ND X X
145 Chili con carne w/ beans, canned 152 126 187 56
285 Clam chowder, New England, canned, cond, prepared w/ whole milk ND 13 ND 10
278 Egg, cheese, and ham on English muffin, fast-food ND 16 15 15
276 Fish sandwich on bun, fast-food ND 16 ND 11
364 Fried rice, meatless, from Chinese carry-out 14 23 17 34
361 Lasagna w/ meat, frozen, heated ND ND X X
146 Macaroni and cheese, prepared from box mix ND ND X X
148 Meatloaf, beef, homemade ND ND X X
281 Pizza, cheese and pepperoni, regular crust, from pizza carry-out 19 20 20 19
275 Quarter-pound cheeseburger on bun, fast-food ND ND X X
147 Quarter-pound hamburger on bun, fast-food ND ND X X
283 Soup, bean w/ bacon/pork, canned, cond, prepared w/ water ND ND ND ND
155 Soup, chicken noodle, canned, cond, prepared w/ water ND ND ND ND
367 Soup, Oriental noodles (ramen noodles), prepared w/ water ND ND X X
156 Soup, tomato, canned, cond, prepared w/ water ND ND X X
157 Soup, vegetable beef, canned, cond, prepared w/ water ND ND ND ND
142 Spaghetti w/ meat sauce, homemade ND ND ND ND
279 Taco/tostada w/ beef and cheese, from Mexican carry-out 18 13 34 42
272 Tuna noodle casserole, homemade ND ND ND ND
371 Candy bar, chocolate, nougat, and nuts 22 11 21 20
187 Candy bar, milk chocolate, plain 21 19 17 22
293 Candy, hard, any flavor ND ND X X
190 Gelatin dessert, any flavor ND ND X X
172 Honey ND ND X X
296 Jelly, any flavor ND ND X X
169 Sugar, white, granulated ND ND X X
373 Sweet & sour sauce ND ND X X
295 Syrup, chocolate 27 20 29 26
170 Syrup, pancake ND ND X X
162 Margarine, regular (salted) ND ND X X
166 Mayonnaise, regular, bottled ND ND X X
378 Olive oil ND ND X X
376 Salad dressing, creamy/buttermilk type, low-calorie ND ND X X
375 Salad dressing, creamy/buttermilk type, regular ND ND X X
377 Salad dressing, Italian, regular ND ND X X
379 Vegetable oil ND ND X X
198 Beer ND ND X X
380 Bottled drinking water (mineral/spring), not carbonated or flavored ND ND X X
194 Carbonated beverage, cola, low-calorie ND ND X X
191 Carbonated beverage, cola, regular ND ND X X
306 Carbonated beverage, fruit-flavored, regular ND ND X X
305 Coffee, from ground ND ND 12 ND
381 Decaffeinated coffee, from ground ND ND ND ND
382 Decaffeinated tea, from tea bag ND ND X X
307 Fruit drink (10% juice), canned or bottled ND ND X X
193 Fruit drink, from powder ND ND X X
105 Lemonade, frozen conc, reconstituted ND ND X X
288 Popsicle, fruit-flavored ND ND X X
197 Tea, from tea bag ND ND X X
199 Wine, dry table, red/ white ND ND X X

Table 2. Acrylamide Levels in Food Products Sampled for the 2004 Total Diet Study

(1) Abbreviations: ND = nondetect, BF = baby food, RTF = ready to feed, cond = condensed
(2) The general limit of quantitation (LOQ) of the method is 10 ppb.
(3) An "X" indicates that the food items were not analyzed for acrylamide in that market basket.

TDS Food Category TDS Food # Food Description Acrylamide (ppb)
FY04 FY04 FY04 FY04
Market Basket
Market Basket
Market Basket
Market Basket
177 Ice cream, light, vanilla ND ND ND ND
286 Ice cream, regular, vanilla ND ND ND ND
7 Milk shake, chocolate, fast-food ND ND ND ND
Baby Foods
723 BF, arrowroot cookies 117 341 310 407
727 BF, beef and noodles/beef stroganoff 24 11 73 30
218 BF, carrots 50 36 12 32
725 BF, cereal, oatmeal w/ fruit, prepared w/ water ND ND ND ND
214 BF, chicken noodle dinner 11 ND 14 19
726 BF, chicken w/ rice 32 33 17 30
722 BF, Dutch apple/apple cobbler ND ND ND X
219 BF, green beans 33 13 12 15
215 BF, macaroni, tomato and beef 20 31 14 35
220 BF, mixed vegetables 32 20 31 44
714 BF, plums/prunes w/ apples and/or pears ND ND ND 16
320 BF, squash 23 47 45 10
221 BF, sweet potatoes 73 59 46 40
317 BF, teething biscuits 208 217 235 226
216 BF, turkey and rice 10 ND ND 14
211 BF, vegetables and beef 14 ND 18 31
212 BF, vegetables and chicken 10 15 18 11
213 BF, vegetables and ham 24 15 21 21
728 BF, vegetables and turkey 11 ND 15 15
724 BF, zwieback toast 16 23 19 22
202 Infant formula, milk-based, high iron, RTF ND ND ND ND
203 Infant formula, milk-based, low iron, RTF ND ND ND ND
309 Infant formula, soy-based, RTF ND ND ND ND
336 Chicken breast, fried, fast-food (w/ skin) ND 14 26 ND
241 Chicken nuggets, fast-food 11 23 27 19
34 Fish sticks or patty, frozen, oven-cooked ND ND 15 ND
19 Pork sausage (link/patty), oven-cooked ND ND ND ND
47 Peanut butter, creamy 52 59 93 68
48 Peanuts, dry roasted, salted 27 25 29 31
39 Pork and beans, canned 10 24 22 14
341 Refried beans, canned ND ND ND ND
343 Sunflower seeds (shelled), roasted, salted 29 47 53 40
Grains/Starches/Baked goods
185 Apple pie, fresh/frozen ND 21 15 12
249 Bagel, plain, toasted 61 38 23 16
61 Biscuits, refrigerated-type, baked 46 36 21 38
248 Bread, cracked wheat 29 22 35 42
64 Bread, rye 34 22 49 37
58 Bread, white, enriched ND ND ND 15
62 Bread, whole wheat 67 23 40 55
345 Breakfast tart/toaster pastry 22 13 18 14
291 Brownie 30 33 66 25
178 Cake, chocolate w/ icing ND ND ND ND
183 Chocolate chip cookies 150 119 243 169
71 Corn flakes cereal 69 41 165 47
67 Corn/tortilla chips 207 198 196 74
60 Cornbread, homemade ND ND ND 10
252 Crackers, butter-type 252 659 439 321
251 Crackers, graham 687 465 661 946
66 Crackers, saltine 70 49 75 90
75 Crisped rice cereal 59 68 64 66
290 Doughnut, cake-type, any flavor 26 16 26 22
250 English muffin, plain, toasted 37 23 27 38
72 Fruit-flavored cereal, presweetened ND 25 14 25
370 Granola bar, w/ raisins 30 24 26 27
76 Granola w/ raisins 41 21 41 38
65 Muffin, fruit or plain ND ND ND 15
77 Oat ring cereal 121 176 193 240
344 Pancakes, frozen, heated ND 13 18 15
372 Popcorn, microwave, butter-flavored 152 217 294 153
294 Pretzels, hard, salted 114 200 217 149
186 Pumpkin pie, fresh/frozen 26 28 43 15
74 Raisin bran cereal 85 90 123 177
184 Sandwich cookies w/ crème filling 60 42 52 78
73 Shredded wheat cereal 171 99 130 180
292 Sugar cookies 63 172 31 12
182 Sweet roll/Danish pastry ND ND ND ND
63 Tortilla, flour ND ND ND ND
103 Prune juice, bottled 249 330 355 109
299 Black olives 250 355 142 398
355 Coleslaw, mayonnaise-type, from grocery/deli X ND X X
122 Green beans, canned ND ND ND ND
267 Okra, fresh/frozen, boiled ND ND ND ND
138 Potato chips 209 289 431 829
137 Potato, baked (w/ peel) 96 17 62 43
258 Potato, french-fried, fast-food 267 569 518 371
358 Sweet potatoes, canned 69 34 37 21
Mixtures (e.g., casseroles, sandwiches, soups, pizza)
360 Beef and vegetable stew, canned 13 ND 24 14
269 Beef stroganoff w/ noodles, homemade ND ND ND ND
365 Burrito w/ beef, beans and cheese, from Mexican carry-out 13 25 19 28
366 Chicken filet (broiled) sandwich on bun, fast-food 20 ND ND ND
152 Chicken potpie, frozen, heated 15 ND ND ND
145 Chili con carne w/ beans, canned 183 90 210 86
285 Clam chowder, New England, canned, cond, prepared w/ whole milk ND ND ND ND
278 Egg, cheese, and ham on English muffin, fast-food 12 ND 13 ND
276 Fish sandwich on bun, fast-food ND 12 ND ND
364 Fried rice, meatless, from Chinese carry-out 195 14 ND 45
281 Pizza, cheese and pepperoni, regular crust, from pizza carry-out 27 16 ND 12
283 Soup, bean w/ bacon/pork, canned, cond, prepared w/ water ND ND ND 13
155 Soup, chicken noodle, canned, cond, prepared w/ water ND ND ND ND
157 Soup, vegetable beef, canned, cond, prepared w/ water ND ND 11 ND
142 Spaghetti w/ meat sauce, homemade ND ND ND ND
279 Taco/tostada w/ beef and cheese, from Mexican carry-out 30 52 14 37
272 Tuna noodle casserole, homemade ND ND ND ND
371 Candy bar, chocolate, nougat, and nuts 13 12 21 13
187 Candy bar, milk chocolate, plain 11 38 ND ND
295 Syrup, chocolate 20 13 42 26
305 Coffee, from ground 21 ND ND 17
381 Decaffeinated coffee, from ground ND 11 ND 17

Table 3. Acrylamide Levels in Food Products Sampled for the 2005 Total Diet Study

(1) Abbreviations: ND = nondetect, BF = baby food, RTD = ready to drink, RTF = ready to feed, cond = condensed
(2) The general limit of quantitation (LOQ) of the method is 10 ppb.
(3) An "X" indicates that the food items were not analyzed for acrylamide in that market basket.

TDS Food Category TDS Food # Food Description Acrylamide (ppb)
FY05 FY05 FY05 FY05
Market Basket
Market Basket
Market Basket
Market Basket
Dairy 177 Ice cream, light, vanilla ND ND ND ND
286 Ice cream, regular, vanilla ND ND ND ND
331 Meal replacement, liquid RTD, any flavor 12 X X X
7 Milk shake, chocolate, fast-food ND ND ND 16
Eggs 37 Eggs, boiled X X ND X
Baby Food 723 BF, arrowroot cookies 393 321 442 365
727 BF, beef and noodles/beef stroganoff 16 10 83 45
218 BF, carrots 55 28 15 53
725 BF, cereal, oatmeal w/ fruit, prepared w/ water ND ND ND ND
214 BF, chicken noodle dinner X ND ND 10
726 BF, chicken w/ rice 43 32 34 20
722 BF, Dutch apple/apple cobbler ND ND ND ND
219 BF, green beans 21 ND 24 19
215 BF, macaroni, tomato and beef 55 48 11 18
220 BF, mixed vegetables ND 31 28 36
714 BF, plums/prunes w/ apples and/or pears 34 ND ND 25
320 BF, squash 17 22 37 17
221 BF, sweet potatoes 53 35 32 44
317 BF, teething biscuits 205 284 354 326
216 BF, turkey and rice 10 12 13 22
728 BF, vegetable and turkey 16 15 10 15
211 BF, vegetables and beef 19 17 12 29
212 BF, vegetables and chicken 13 11 17 37
213 BF, vegetables and ham 24 22 26 X
724 BF, zwieback toast 50 32 X 23
202 Infant formula, milk-based, high iron, RTF ND ND ND ND
203 Infant formula, milk-based, low iron, RTF ND ND ND ND
309 Infant formula, soy-based, RTF ND ND ND ND
Meat/Poultry/Fish 336 Chicken breast, fried, fast-food (w/ skin) ND ND 10 ND
241 Chicken nuggets, fast-food 28 30 28 30
34 Fish sticks or patty, frozen, oven-cooked 13 ND ND ND
19 Pork sausage (link/patty), oven-cooked ND ND ND ND
Legumes 47 Peanut butter, creamy 52 64 64 84
48 Peanuts, dry roasted, salted 38 37 15 62
39 Pork and beans, canned 22 26 21 12
341 Refried beans, canned ND 11 ND X
343 Sunflower seeds (shelled), roasted, salted 58 56 44 40
Grains/Starches/Baked Goods 185 Apple pie, fresh/frozen 21 21 19 ND
249 Bagel, plain, toasted 50 37 21 51
61 Biscuits, refrigerated-type, baked 18 26 23 34
248 Bread, cracked wheat 28 17 31 56
64 Bread, rye 22 48 42 27
58 Bread, white, enriched ND ND ND 11
62 Bread, whole wheat 46 17 48 59
345 Breakfast tart/toaster pastry 19 17 15 18
291 Brownie 23 18 X 27
178 Cake, chocolate w/ icing 16 11 15 14
183 Chocolate chip cookies 209 149 234 260
71 Corn flakes cereal 73 43 154 46
67 Corn/tortilla chips 193 153 131 129
60 Cornbread, homemade ND ND 10 ND
252 Crackers, butter-type 405 585 314 497
251 Crackers, graham 616 206 423 310
66 Crackers, saltine 47 34 80 76
75 Crisped rice cereal 41 40 45 14
290 Doughnut, cake-type, any flavor 25 25 22 28
250 English muffin, plain, toasted 31 20 21 24
72 Fruit-flavored cereal, presweetened 19 21 27 27
370 Granola bar, w/ raisins 27 41 18 24
76 Granola w/ raisins 52 47 25 34
65 Muffin, fruit or plain 10 10 ND 11
77 Oat ring cereal 215 231 152 148
51 Oatmeal, plain, cooked X X ND X
344 Pancakes, frozen, heated ND 15 18 11
372 Popcorn, microwave, butter-flavored 156 168 148 137
294 Pretzels, hard, salted 147 266 202 67
186 Pumpkin pie, fresh/frozen 14 21 21 18
74 Raisin bran cereal 142 87 84 280
184 Sandwich cookies w/ crème filling 83 49 110 173
73 Shredded wheat cereal 14 143 76 184
292 Sugar cookies 61 39 32 34
182 Sweet roll/Danish pastry 20 ND 60 20
63 Tortilla, flour 11 15 ND ND
Fruits 348 Apricots, canned in heavy/light syrup X X X 47
103 Prune juice, bottled 254 250 235 217
81 Watermelon, raw/frozen X X ND X
Vegetables 299 Black olives 299 220 228 287
122 Green beans, canned ND ND ND ND
267 Okra, fresh/frozen, boiled 21 ND ND ND
138 Potato chips 428 464 380 370
137 Potato, baked (w/ peel) 66 23 102 71
258 Potato, french-fried, fast-food 446 529 358 397
354 Potato, mashed, prepared from fresh X X ND X
358 Sweet potatoes, canned 29 42 25 X
Mixtures (e.g., casseroles,
sandwiches, soups, pizza)
360 Beef and vegetable stew, canned 10 10 13 20
269 Beef stroganoff w/ noodles, homemade ND ND ND ND
365 Burrito w/ beef, beans, and cheese, from Mexican carry-out 18 33 19 12
366 Chicken filet (broiled) sandwich on bun, fast-food ND ND 16 16
152 Chicken potpie, frozen, heated 27 17 21 20
145 Chili con carne w/ beans, canned 93 68 66 63
285 Clam chowder, New England, canned, cond, prepared w/ whole milk ND 11 ND ND
278 Egg, cheese, and ham on English muffin, fast food 10 ND 13 14
276 Fish sandwich on bun, fast-food 12 11 ND ND
364 Fried rice, meatless, from Chinese carry-out 13 ND 22 29
281 Pizza, cheese and pepperoni, regular crust, from pizza carry-out 12 21 ND 26
283 Soup, bean w/ bacon/pork, canned, cond, prepared w/ water ND ND ND ND
155 Soup, chicken noodle, canned, cond, prepared w/ water ND ND ND ND
157 Soup, vegetable beef, canned, cond, prepared w/ water ND ND ND 22
142 Spaghetti w/ meat sauce, homemade ND ND ND ND
279 Taco/tostada w/ beef and cheese, from Mexican carry-out 35 36 22 17
272 Tuna noodle casserole, homemade ND ND ND ND
Candy/Sweets/Sugar/Syrups 371 Candy bar, chocolate, nougat, and nuts X 21 13 21
187 Candy bar, milk chocolate, plain 15 15 16 14
295 Syrup, chocolate 30 50 21 38
Beverages 305 Coffee, from ground 11 ND 28 ND
381 Decaffeinated coffee, from ground ND ND ND ND

Table 4. Acrylamide Levels in Food Products Sampled for the 2006 Total Diet Study

(1) Abbreviations: ND = nondetect, BF = baby food, RTF = ready to feed, cond = condensed
(2) The general limit of quantitation (LOQ) of the method is 10 ppb.
(3) Only one market basket was analyzed for FY06.

TDS Food Category TDS Food # Food Description Acrylamide (ppb)
Market Basket
Dairy 177 Ice cream, light, vanilla 18
286 Ice cream, regular, vanilla ND
7 Milk shake, chocolate, fast-food ND
Baby Food 723 BF, arrowroot cookies 305
218 BF, carrots 33
725 BF, cereal, oatmeal w/ fruit, prepared w/ water ND
214 BF, chicken noodle dinner ND
726 BF, chicken w/ rice 55
722 BF, Dutch apple/apple cobbler ND
219 BF, green beans 27
215 BF, macaroni, tomato and beef 32
220 BF, mixed vegetables 19
714 BF, plums/prunes w/ apples and/or pears ND
320 BF, squash 19
221 BF, sweet potatoes 30
317 BF, teething biscuits 381
216 BF, turkey and rice 32
728 BF, vegetable and turkey ND
211 BF, vegetables and beef ND
212 BF, vegetables and chicken 35
213 BF, vegetables and ham ND
724 BF, zwieback toast 33
202 Infant formula, milk-based, high iron, RTF ND
203 Infant formula, milk-based, low iron, RTF ND
309 Infant formula, soy-based, RTF ND
Meat/Poultry/Fish 336 Chicken breast, fried, fast-food (w/ skin) ND
241 Chicken nuggets, fast-food 19
34 Fish sticks or patty, frozen, oven-cooked ND
19 Pork sausage (link/patty), oven-cooked ND
Legumes 47 Peanut butter, creamy 54
48 Peanuts, dry roasted, salted 41
39 Pork and beans, canned 22
341 Refried beans, canned ND
343 Sunflower seeds (shelled), roasted, salted 33
Grains/Starches/Baked Goods 185 Apple pie, fresh/frozen 18
249 Bagel, plain, toasted 32
61 Biscuits, refrigerated-type, baked 16
248 Bread, cracked wheat 16
64 Bread, rye 25
58 Bread, white, enriched ND
62 Bread, whole wheat 19
345 Breakfast tart/toaster pastry 15
291 Brownie 43
178 Cake, chocolate w/ icing 20
183 Chocolate chip cookies 229
71 Corn flakes cereal 50
67 Corn/tortilla chips 355
60 Cornbread, homemade ND
252 Crackers, butter-type 336
251 Crackers, graham 130
66 Crackers, saltine 39
75 Crisped rice cereal 36
290 Doughnut, cake-type, any flavor 26
250 English muffin, plain, toasted 23
72 Fruit-flavored cereal, presweetened 28
370 Granola bar, w/ raisins 26
76 Granola w/ raisins 129
65 Muffin, fruit or plain 28
77 Oat ring cereal 156
344 Pancakes, frozen, heated 17
372 Popcorn, microwave, butter-flavored 103
294 Pretzels, hard, salted 470
186 Pumpkin pie, fresh/frozen 37
74 Raisin bran cereal 151
184 Sandwich cookies w/ crème filling 101
73 Shredded wheat cereal 237
292 Sugar cookies 105
182 Sweet roll/Danish pastry ND
63 Tortilla, flour ND
Fruits 103 Prune juice, bottled 326
Vegetables 299 Black olives 237
122 Green beans, canned ND
267 Okra, fresh/frozen, boiled ND
138 Potato chips 346
137 Potato, baked (w/ peel) 23
258 Potato, french-fried, fast-food 393
358 Sweet potatoes, canned 30
Mixtures (e.g., casseroles, sandwiches, soups, pizza) 360 Beef and vegetable stew, canned 22
269 Beef stroganoff w/ noodles, homemade ND
365 Burrito w/ beef, beans, and cheese, from Mexican carry-out 18
366 Chicken filet (broiled) sandwich on bun, fast-food ND
152 Chicken potpie, frozen, heated 44
145 Chili con carne w/ beans, canned 55
285 Clam chowder, New England, canned, cond, prepared w/ whole milk ND
278 Egg, cheese, and ham on English muffin, fast food ND
276 Fish sandwich on bun, fast-food ND
364 Fried rice, meatless, from Chinese carry-out ND
281 Pizza, cheese and pepperoni, regular crust, from pizza carry-out ND
283 Soup, bean w/ bacon/pork, canned, cond, prepared w/ water ND
155 Soup, chicken noodle, canned, cond, prepared w/ water ND
157 Soup, vegetable beef, canned, cond, prepared w/ water ND
142 Spaghetti w/ meat sauce, homemade ND
279 Taco/tostada w/ beef and cheese, from Mexican carry-out 27
272 Tuna noodle casserole, homemade ND
Candy/Sweets/Sugar/Syrups 371 Candy bar, chocolate, nougat, and nuts 17
187 Candy bar, milk chocolate, plain 17
295 Syrup, chocolate 32
Beverages 305 Coffee, from ground ND
381 Decaffeinated coffee, from ground ND

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