FDA Industry Systems User Guide: Summary of Fields in Account Management
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Create an Account or Edit Account Profile
Term | Definition |
18 U.S.C. 1001 Statement | Under United States Code Title 18, Section 1001, anyone who makes a materially false, fictitious, or fraudulent statement to the U.S. Government is subject to criminal penalties. Confirmation that the account holder understands this is required. |
Address (Physical Address of Company) | The address of the physical location of the company where the account holder is located. This may be different from the mailing address. |
Address / P.O. Box (Preferred Mailing Address) | The address at which the account holder receives mail. |
Area Code | The three-digit area code of a telephone or FAX number in the United States, Canada, and Caribbean Islands. |
City | The city in which the account holder is located, or receives mail. |
City Code | The city code of a telephone or FAX number in a country/area other than the United States, Canada, and the Caribbean. |
Company Name | The company with which the account holder is associated. |
Confirm E-mail | The internet electronic mail address must be entered a second time for verification. |
Confirm Password | The password must be entered a second time for verification. |
Country/Area | The country/area in which the account holder is located, or receives mail. |
Country Code | For foreign addresses, the three-digit country code of a telephone number or FAX number. |
E-mail Address | The account holder's internet electronic mail address. |
Extension | The telephone extension, if any, dialed after the telephone number. |
FAX Number | A telephone number of the FAX machine of the account holder. |
First Name | The first name of the person who will manage this account. |
Food Facility Registration Module | An online program that allows food facilities to register with the FDA in accordance with the Bioterrorism Act. |
Job Title | The professional title of the person who will manage this account; for example, President, CEO, or Plant Manager. |
Last Name/Surname | The last name of the person who will manage this account. |
Middle Initial | The first initial of the middle name (if applicable) of the person who will manage this account. |
Password | A password created by the account holder that allows one to log into FDA Industry Systems. Passwords must meet ALL of the following requirements:
Note: to keep your data secure, do not use these examples as your password. |
Phone Number | The telephone number of the account holder. |
Province / Territory | For foreign addresses, the province, or territory in which the account holder is located or receives mail. Select the link to choose a Province or Territory from a list for the Country/Area selected. |
Secret Answer | Your answer to the Secret Question. |
Secret Question | Choose a question from the drop-down list that you will be asked if you forget your password. |
State | For domestic addresses, the state in which the account holder is located or receives mail. |
Zip Code (Postal Code) | The Zip Code (domestic) or Postal Code (foreign) in which the account holder is located, or receives mail. |
Other fields in Account Management
Account ID | A system-generated identification code assigned to you when you create an account that enables you to log into FDA Industry Systems. |
Subaccount | A limited-access account to assist corporations to manage registrations of multiple facilities. |
subaccount xxxxxxxx | A system-generated identification code that enables you to log into FDA Industry Systems. |
Reason for account deactivation | The reason that the account will no longer be active. |
New Password | When changing passwords, the new password that you will use to access FDA Industry Systems. |
Old Password | The password that you currently use to access FDA Industry Systems. |