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RFE - Browse Species by Family Name

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Browse the Regulatory Fish Encyclopedia (RFE) by Family Name (94 species in 36 Families*)

Format: Scientific Name || Common Name || FDA Market Name

Alopiidae (thresher sharks)

  1. Alopias vulpinus||Common Thresher Shark||Shark, Thresher

Anarhichadidae (wolffishes)

  1. Anarhichas lupus||Atlantic Wolffish||Wolffish

Bothidae (lefteye flounders)

  1. Scophthalmus aquosus||Windowpane||Flounder

Carangidae (jacks and pompanos)

  1. Caranx caninus||Pacific Crevalle Jack||Jack
  2. Parastromateus niger||Black Pomfret||Pomfret
  3. Selaroides leptolepis||Yellowstripe Scad ||Scad
  4. Selene peruviana||Pacific Moonfish||Jack
  5. Seriola lalandei||Yellowtail||Amberjack or Yellowtail

Carcharhinidae (requiem sharks)

  1. Carcharhinus limbatus||Blacktip Shark||Shark

Chanidae (milkfish)

  1. Chanos chanos||Milkfish||Milkfish

Cichlidae (cichlids)

  1. Oreochromis mossambicus||Mozambique Tilapia||Tilapia
  2. Oreochromis niloticus||Nile Tilapia||Tilapia

Coryphaenidae (dolphins)

  1. Coryphaena hippurus||Dolphin||Mahi-mahi

Cyprinidae (carps)

  1. Barbodes schwanefeldi||Tinfoil Barb||Barb

Gadidae (cods)

  1. Brosme brosme||Cusk||Cusk
  2. Gadus macrocephalus||Pacific Cod||Cod or Alaska Cod
  3. Gadus morhua||Atlantic Cod||Cod
  4. Melanogrammus aeglefinus||Haddock||Haddock
  5. Pollachius virens||Pollock||Pollock
  6. Gadus chalcogrammus||Walleye Pollock||Pollock or Alaska Pollock
  7. Urophycis tenuis||White Hake||Hake

Gempylidae (snake mackerels)

  1. Lepidocybium flavobrunneum||Escolar||Escolar
  2. Ruvettus pretiosus||Oilfish||Oilfish

Hexagrammidae (greenlings)

  1. Ophiodon elongatus||Lingcod||Lingcod

Ictaluridae (North American freshwater catfishes)

  1. Ictalurus furcatus||Blue Catfish||Catfish
  2. Ictalurus punctatus||Channel Catfish||Catfish

Labridae (wrasses)

  1. Semicossyphus pulcher||California Sheephead||Sheephead

Lamnidae (mackerel sharks)

  1. Isurus oxyrinchus||Shortfin Mako Shark||Shark, Mako

Lutjanidae (snappers and fusiliers)

  1. Lutjanus apodus||Schoolmaster||Schoolmaster
  2. Lutjanus campechanus||Red Snapper||Snapper
  3. Lutjanus griseus||Gray Snapper||Snapper
  4. Lutjanus peru||Pacific Snapper||Snapper
  5. Lutjanus purpureus||Caribbean Red Snapper||Snapper
  6. Lutjanus synagris||Lane Snapper||Snapper
  7. Lutjanus vivanus||Silk Snapper||Snapper
  8. Ocyurus chrysurus||Yellowtail Snapper||Snapper

Malacanthidae (tilefishes)

  1. Caulolatilus princeps||Ocean Whitefish||Tilefish

Nototheniidae (cod icefishes)

  1. Dissostichus eleginoides||Patagonian Toothfish||Patagonian Toothfish

Percichthyidae (temperate perches)

  1. Morone chrysops x saxatilis||Sunshine Bass||Bass

Pleuronectidae (righteye flounders)

  1. Atheresthes stomias||Arrowtooth Flounder||Flounder, Arrowtooth
  2. Eopsetta jordani||Petrale Sole||Sole or Flounder
  3. Glyptocephalus zachirus||Rex Sole||Sole or Flounder
  4. Glyptocephalus cynoglossus||Gray Sole||Sole or Flounder
  5. Limanda ferruginea||Yellowtail Flounder||Flounder
  6. Microstomus pacificus||Dover Sole||Sole
  7. Platichthys stellatus||Starry Flounder||Flounder
  8. Pseudopleuronectes americanus||Blackback Flounder||Flounder or Sole
  9. Parophrys vetulus||English Sole||Sole

Portunidae (common edible crabs)

  1. Callinectes sapidus||Blue Crab||Crab, Blue

Salmonidae (salmonids)

  1. Oncorhynchus gorbuscha||Pink Salmon||Salmon, Pink or Humpback
  2. Oncorhynchus kisutch||Coho Salmon||Salmon, Coho or Silver or Medium Red
  3. Oncorhynchus mykiss||Rainbow Trout||Trout, Rainbow or Steelhead
  4. Oncorhynchus tshawytscha||Chinook Salmon||Salmon, Chinook or King or Spring
  5. Oncorhynchus mykiss||Rainbow Trout||Trout, Rainbow or Steelhead
  6. Salmo salar||Atlantic Salmon||Salmon, Atlantic

Sciaenidae (drums (croakers))

  1. Pogonias cromis||Black Drum||Drum
  2. Larimichthys polyactis||Redlip Croaker||Croaker
  3. Roncador stearnsii||Spotfin Croaker||Croaker or Corvina
  4. Sciaenops ocellatus||Red Drum||Drum or Redfish

Scombridae (mackerels and tunas)

  1. Euthynnus affinis||Kawakawa||Tuna
  2. Katsuwonus pelamis||Skipjack Tuna||Tuna
  3. Sarda chiliensis||Pacific Bonito||Bonito
  4. Scomber japonicus||Chub Mackerel||Mackerel, Chub
  5. Scomberomorus sierra||Pacific Sierra||Mackerel, Spanish
  6. Thunnus alalunga||Albacore||Tuna
  7. Thunnus albacares||Yellowfin Tuna||Tuna

Scorpaenidae (scorpionfishes)

  1. Scorpaena guttata||California Scorpionfish||Scorpionfish
  2. Sebastes aleutianus||Rougheye Rockfish||Rockfish
  3. Sebastes alutus||Pacific Ocean Perch||Perch, Ocean
  4. Sebastes auriculatus||Brown Rockfish||Rockfish
  5. Sebastes brevispinis||Silvergray Rockfish||Rockfish
  6. Sebastes entomelas||Widow Rockfish||Rockfish
  7. Sebastes flavidus||Yellowtail Rockfish||Rockfish
  8. Sebastes goodei||Chilipepper (Fish)||Rockfish
  9. Sebastes maliger||Quillback Rockfish||Rockfish
  10. Sebastes nebulosus||China Rockfish||Rockfish
  11. Sebastes norvegicus||Golden Redfish||Perch, Ocean
  12. Sebastes pinniger||Canary Rockfish||Rockfish
  13. Sebastes proriger||Redstripe Rockfish||Rockfish
  14. Sebastes ruberrimus||Yelloweye Rockfish||Rockfish

Serranidae (sea basses)

  1. Cephalopholis fulva||Coney||Grouper

Siganidae (rabbitfishes)

  1. Siganus javus||Spinefoot||Spinefoot

Sparidae (porgies)

  1. Archosargus probatocephalus||Sheepshead||Sheepshead
  2. Chrysophrys auratus||Squirefish||Porgy

Sphyraenidae (barracudas)

  1. Sphyraena argentea||Pacific Barracuda||Barracuda
  2. Sphyraena barracuda||Great Barracuda||Barracuda

Stromateidae (butterfishes)

  1. Pampus argenteus||Silver Pomfret||Butterfish

Tetraodontidae (puffers)

  1. Sphoeroides annulatus||Bullseye Puffer||Puffer
  2. Sphoeroides maculatus||Northern Puffer||Puffer

Trachichthyidae (roughies or slimeheads)

  1. Hoplostethus atlanticus||Orange Roughy||Roughy, Orange

Trichiuridae (cutlassfishes)

  1. Trichiurus lepturus||Atlantic Cutlassfish||Cutlassfish

Xiphiidae (billfishes)

  1. Makaira nigricans||Blue Marlin||Marlin
  2. Tetrapturus audax||Striped Marlin||Marlin
  3. Xiphias gladius||Swordfish||Swordfish

Zeidae (dories)

  1. Zeus faber||European John Dory||Dory

* Taxonomic Family designations for finfish are extracted from "Fishes of the World" 3rd Edition by Joseph S. Nelson (New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1994) ISBN 0-471-54713-1.

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