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On Oct. 1, 2024, the FDA began implementing a reorganization impacting many parts of the agency. We are in the process of updating FDA.gov content to reflect these changes.

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  6. FDA Seafood List Updates for 2024
  1. Seafood Guidance Documents & Regulatory Information

FDA Seafood List Updates for 2024

The following table(s) identify the modifications made to The Seafood List (fda.gov) in 2024.

  • The “Requirements” (R) column has been created to move the diamond (♦) [formerly the asterisk (*)] and dagger (†) from the Acceptable Market and Common Names to their own column.
    • The diamond (♦) [formerly the asterisk (*)] symbol identifies the Acceptable Market Name(s) that must be used for that fish since it has been established by a law, rule, or regulation. A link to the specific law, rule, or regulation is provided on the Detail Page for that species in the Seafood List.
    • The (†) dagger symbol identifies the Common Name(s) prohibited by a law, rule or regulation. A link to the specific law, rule, or regulation is provided on the Detail Page for that species in the Seafood List.
    • The IA (Import Alert) abbreviation identifies an import alert is in place for that fish species which restricts its importation.
  • Consult The Seafood List (fda.gov) and the Guidance for Industry: The Seafood List FDA’s Guide to Determine Acceptable Seafood Names | FDA for additional information.
  • Type: V=vertebrate; I=Invertebrate; I(C)=Invertebrate (Crustacean)

NOTE: Historically FDA (we) has used the diamond (♦) [formerly the asterisk (*)] and dagger (†) symbols to denote specific names identified in laws, rules, or regulations, that can only be used on certain fish and those that are prohibited from use; however, we have also used the symbols to draw attention to names so industry does not utilize that name or a variation thereof for naming other fish species.

2024 Seafood List Additions and Changes: July - December

TypeDescription of ModificationRScientific NameAcceptable Market Name(s)Common Name(s)Regulation or Law
 Link to the "Seafood | HACCP | Main Page | FDA"  has been added to the SFL Main page and the Detail Page.      
 Marker "IA" has been added to identify Import Alerts with specific fish restrictions.      
 The "Downloaded data" Excel spreadsheet has been updated to reflect the changes made to the SFL thus far.       
INomenclature change: Formerly known as Strombus gigas Aliger gigasConchQueen Conch 
VModification to Vernacular name.  Alosa aestivalisHerring | River Herring Blueback Herring  
VFormatting change Alosa chrysochlorisHerring | River Herring Skipjack Herring  
VModification to Common Name and Vernacular Names Alosa pseudoharengusAlewife | River Herring Branch Herring  
VNew Listing Amblygaster sirmSardineSpotted Sardinella 
VModification to Acceptable Market and Common Names  Argentina elongataSilversideArgentine   
VRemoved from the SFL.
Sale is not permitted in US commerce. 
The SFL only identifies those fish that are sold in the US. 
 Arothron spp.PufferPuffers 
VModification to Acceptable Market and Common names. Addition of Hazards Bagarius bagariusGoonchAyres | Dwarf GoonchFD&C 403(t)
V Addition of Hazards Bagarius spp. Goonch FD&C 403(t)
V Addition of Hazards Bagarius yarrelliGoonchGiant Devil CatfishFD&C 403(t)
VRemoved from the SFL.
Sale is not permitted in US commerce. 
The SFL only identifies those fish that are sold in the US. 
 Canthigaster spp. PufferSharpnosed Puffers 
IAddition of Hazards  Cardisoma armatumCrab, LandLagoon Crab | Lagoon Land Crab | Land Crab 
VAddition of Hazards  Channa argusChanna | SnakeheadNorthern Snakehead 
VAddition of Hazards  Channa micropeltesChanna | SnakeheadGiant Snakehead | Red Snakehead 
VAddition of Hazards  Channa punctataChanna | SnakeheadSpotted Snakehead 
VAddition of Hazards  Channa striataChanna | SnakeheadChevron Snakehead | Striped Snakehead 
VRemoved from the SFL.
Sale is not permitted in US commerce. 
The SFL only identifies those fish that are sold in the US. 
 Chelonodon spp.PufferPuffers 
VAddition of Vernacular Names and images  Clupea harengusHerring | Sea Herring | SildAtlantic Herring  
VAddition of Vernacular Names   Clupea pallasiiHerring | Sea Herring | SildPacific Herring  
IAddition of Vernacular Name Concholepas concholepasAbalone-Style ShellfishSea Snail 
VModification to Common Name Coregonus albulaVendaceEuropean Cisco 
VRemoval of listing. Fish is extinct Coregonus alpenaeCisco | ChubLongjaw Cisco 
VModification to Acceptable Market, Common, and Vernacular Names.
Removal of HAZ
 Coregonus artediCisco | ChubLake Herring | Tullibee 
VUpdate to Vernacular Name. 
Removal of HAZ
 Coregonus clupeaformisWhitefishLake Whitefish 
VNew listing Coregonus hoyiCisco | ChubBloater 
VModification to Acceptable Market Name
Removal of HAZ
 Coregonus kiyiCisco | ChubKiyi 
VModification - Removal of HAZ  Coregonus pidschianWhitefish Humpback Whitefish 
VModification to Vernacular Names.
Removal of HAZ
 Coregonus reighardiCisco | ChubShortnose Cisco 
VModification to Common and Vernacular Names.
Removal of HAZ
 Coregonus zenithicusCisco | ChubShortjaw Cisco | Shortjaw Chub 
VNew listing Cyclopsetta quernaFlounderToothed Flounder 
VNew listing  Engraulis anchoitaAnchovyArgentine Anchovy 
VAddition of Vernacular Names Engraulis australisAnchovySouthern Anchovy 
VAddition of Vernacular Names  Engraulis encrasicolusAnchovyEuropean Anchovy 
VAddition of Vernacular Names Engraulis eurystoleAnchovySilver Anchovy 
VAddition of Vernacular Names Engraulis japonicusAnchovyJapanese Anchovy 
VAddition of Vernacular Names Engraulis mordaxAnchovyNorthern Anchovy 
VAddition of Vernacular Names Engraulis ringensAnchovyAnchoveta 
VModification to Common Name and Vernacular Names Ethmidium maculatumMenhadenPacific Menhaden 
VNomenclature changed: Formerly known as Etrumeus teres Etrumeus sadinaHerring Round Herring  
VNew listing Hyperlophus vittatusSprat, SandyWhite Pilchard 
VRemoved from the SFL.
Sale is not permitted in US commerce. 
The SFL only identifies those fish that are sold in the US. 
 Lagocephalus laevigatusPuffer FishSmooth Puffer 
VRemoved from the SFL.
Sale is not permitted in US commerce. 
The SFL only identifies those fish that are sold in the US. 
 Lagocephalus lagocephalusPuffer FishOceanic Puffer 
VRemoved from the SFL.
Sale is not permitted in US commerce. 
The SFL only identifies those fish that are sold in the US. 
 Lagocephalus lunarisPuffer FishMoontail Blassop 
VRemoved from the SFL.
Sale is not permitted in US commerce. 
The SFL only identifies those fish that are sold in the US. 
 Lagocephalus spp. PufferPuffers 
IAddition of Vernacular Name Lambis lambisConchSpider Conch 
VRemoval of HAZ Lepomis auritusSunfishRedbreast Sunfish 
VModification to Common Name and Vernacular Names
Remove HAZ
 Lepomis gibbosusSunfishKiver | Pumpkinseed 
VModification to Vernacular Names.
Removal of HAZ
 Lepomis gulosusSunfishWarmouth 
VModification to Acceptable Market, Common, and Vernacular Names. Lepomis macrochirusSunfishBluegill  
VRemoval of HAZ Lepomis punctatusSunfishSpotted Sunfish 
ICommon Name correction. Incomplete name previously listed Loligo reynaudiiSquid | CalamariCape Hope Squid 
VModification to Common, and Vernacular Names.
Removal of HAZ
 Lota lotaBurbotAmerican Burbot 
INomenclature change: Formerly known as Strombus costatus Macrostrombus costatusConchMilk Conch 
VAddition of Vernacular Name  Merluccius productusWhiting, North Pacific | Pacific Whiting Pacific Whiting  
VModification to Vernacular Names  Micropterus dolomieuBassSmallmouth Bass 
VModification to Vernacular Names  Micropterus punctulatusBassSpotted Bass 
VModification to Vernacular Names  Micropterus salmoidesBassLargemouth Bass 
VNew listing Micropterus spp.Bass  
IAddition of Hazards  Mulinia edulisSurfclamChilean Clam 
VAddition of Hazards  Odontesthes regiaSilversideChilean Silverside 
IRemoval of Hazards  Pandalus platycerosShrimpSpot Shrimp 
VModification to Acceptable Market, Common, and Vernacular Names. Perca flavescensPerchLake Perch | Yellow Perch  
VModification to Vernacular Names  Perca fluviatilisPerchEurasian Perch 
VAddition of Vernacular Name.
Addition of Hazards 
 Pleuronectes platessaPlaice | FlounderEuropean Plaice 
VAddition of Vernacular Name Salvelinus alpinusCharArctic Char 
VModification to Vernacular Names  Salvelinus fontinalisTroutBrook Trout  
VModification to Vernacular Names  Salvelinus malmaTrout Dolly Varden 
VModification to Vernacular Names  Salvelinus namaycushTroutLake Trout  
VAddition of Common Name Sardinella albellaSardinePerforated-Scale Sardine | White Sardinella 
VNomenclature change: Formerly known as Sardinella janeiro  Sardinella brasiliensisSardineOrangespot Sardine 
VModification to Vernacular Names  Sardinella fimbriataSardine Fringescale Sardinella 
VAddition of Vernacular Names and images  Sardinella gibbosaSardineGoldstripe Sardinella 
VRemove due to nomenclature change: Species is no longer valid Sardinella janeiroSardineOrangespot Sardine 
VModificaion to Common Names Sardinella longicepsSardineIndian Oil Sardine 
VNew listing Sardinella maderensisSardineMadeiran Sardinella 
VModification to Common Name Sardinella zunasiSardineJapanese Sardinella | Japanese Scaled Sardine 
VRemove Sardinops neopilchard from SFL. 
Sardinops neopilchard is invalid nomenclature. 
Species is valid as Sardinops sagax.
 Sardinops neopilchard Pilchard | SardineAustralian Pilchard  
VRemove Vernacular Name  Sardinops ocellatusPilchard | SardineSouth African Pilchard  
VAddition of comment  Sardinops sagaxPilchard | SardinePacific Sardine 
VRemoved from the SFL.
Sale is not permitted in US commerce. 
The SFL only identifies those fish that are sold in the US. 
 Sphoeroides annulatusPuffer FishBullseye Puffer 
VRemoved from the SFL.
Sale is not permitted in US commerce. 
The SFL only identifies those fish that are sold in the US. 
 Sphoeroides dorsalisPuffer FishMarbled Puffer  
VRemoved from the SFL.
Sale is not permitted in US commerce. 
The SFL only identifies those fish that are sold in the US. 
 Sphoeroides lobatusPuffer FishLongnose Puffer 
VModification to Acceptable Market and Vernacular Names 
Addition of marker
Addition of images
IASphoeroides maculatusPuffer FishNorthern PufferImport Alert 16-20 (fda.gov)
VModification to Acceptable Market Name
Addition of marker
IASphoeroides nephelusPuffer FishSouthern Puffer Import Alert 16-20 (fda.gov)
VRemoved from the SFL.
Sale is not permitted in US commerce. 
The SFL only identifies those fish that are sold in the US. 
 Sphoeroides pachygasterPuffer FishBlunthead Puffer 
VRemoved from the SFL.
Sale is not permitted in US commerce. 
The SFL only identifies those fish that are sold in the US. 
 Sphoeroides parvusPuffer FishLeast Puffer 
VRemoved from the SFL.
Sale is not permitted in US commerce. 
The SFL only identifies those fish that are sold in the US. 
 Sphoeroides spengleriPuffer FishBandtail Puffer 
VRemoved from the SFL.
Sale is not permitted in US commerce. 
The SFL only identifies those fish that are sold in the US. 
 Sphoeroides spp.Puffer  
VRemoved from the SFL.
Sale is not permitted in US commerce. 
The SFL only identifies those fish that are sold in the US. 
 Sphoeroides testudineusPuffer FishCheckered Puffer 
VAddition of Hazards  Stephanolepis cirrhiferFilefishThreadsail Filefish 
VNomenclature change: Formerly Clupea bentincki Strangomera bentinckiHerring  Araucanian Herring 
IRetired. Subspecies and synonymous to Strombus pugilis Strombus alatus ConchFlorida Fighting Conch 
VNew Listing. 
Allowed entry through Letter Exchange with Japan ONLY. 
IATakifugu rubripesPuffer Fish | FuguTiger PufferImport Alert 16-20 (fda.gov)
VRemoved from the SFL.
Sale is not permitted in US commerce. 
The SFL only identifies those fish that are sold in the US. 
 Takifugu spp.Puffer | FuguPuffers 
VRemoved from the SFL.
Sale is not permitted in US commerce. 
The SFL only identifies those fish that are sold in the US. 
 Tetraodon sppPufferSwellfishes 
VNew Listing  Trichopodus microlepisGouramiMoonlight Gourami 
INomenclature change: Formerly known as Pleuroploca gigantea Triplofusus giganteusConchHorse Conch 
IAddition of Hazards  Venerupis asperaClam, LittleneckVenus Carpet Shell 

Additional Information

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