Fish and Fishery Products Hazards and Controls Guidance Learning Module Videos
Fish and Fishery Products Hazards and Controls Guidance Main Page
The FDA has developed an online learning module to help the seafood industry, retailers, and state regulators ensure the proper labeling of seafood products offered for sale in the U.S. marketplace. Proper identification of seafood is important throughout the seafood supply chain to ensure that appropriate food safety controls are implemented and that consumers are getting the type of seafood they expect and for which they are paying.
For more information on FDA sampling of seafood, see FDA DNA Testing at Wholesale Level to Evaluate Proper Labeling of Seafood Species.
The module provides:
- an overview of the federal identity labeling requirements for seafood offered in interstate commerce;
- a list of the specific laws, regulations, guidance documents, and other materials pertinent to the proper labeling of seafood;
- a description of the FDA’s role in ensuring the proper labeling of seafood;
- and tips for identifying mislabeled seafood in the wholesale distribution chain or at the point of retail.
FDA and Seafood Labeling Part 1
This video describes the purpose of labeling; the role and authority of the FDA; and some possible reasons why seafood may be mislabeled.
FDA and Seafood Labeling Part 2
This video provides information on FDA’s specific laws, regulations, and guidance documents relevant to seafood labeling.
FDA and Seafood Labeling Part 3
This video illustrates FDA’s current work to discourage the mislabeling of seafood, and offers specific tips for regulators, retailers, and consumers in a combined effort to ensure proper seafood labeling.