Chapter 6 - Veterinary Medicine
Sub Chapter 600 - 659 Veterinary Drugs
Sub Chapter 660 - 699 Animal Feed
Sub Chapter 600 - 659 Veterinary Drugs
- CPG Sec. 605.100 - Use of Statements Regarding NADA Approval by FDA in Labeling and Advertising of New Animal Drugs (Withdrawn 2/20/2020)
- CPG Sec. 607.100 - Adequate Directions for Use (Species Designation) - Animal Drugs and Veterinary Devices
- CPG Sec. 608.100 Human-Labeled Drugs Distributed and Used in Animal Medicine (Withdrawn 7/7/2006)
- CPG Sec. 608.200 Over-The-Counter Sale of Injectable Animal Drugs
- CPG Sec. 608.300 Lay Use of *Animal Capture and Euthanasia* Drugs (Withdrawn 2/20/2020)
- CPG Sec. 608.500 Illegal Sales of Veterinary Prescription Drugs Direct Reference Authority for *Warning* Letter Issuance (Withdrawn 2/20/2020)
- CPG Sec. 615.100 Extralabel Use of New Animal Drugs in Food Producing Animals - Revoked on 09/24/1998 (63 FR 51074)
- CPG Sec. 615.115 Extralabel Use of Medicated Feeds for Minor Species
- CPG Sec. 615.200 Proper Drug Use and Residue Avoidance by Non-Veterinarians
- CPG Sec. 615.300 Responsibility for Illegal Drug Residues in Meat, Milk and Eggs
- CPG Sec. 616.100 Streptomycin Residues in Cattle Tissues (Withdrawn 7/7/2006)
- CPG Sec. 625.200 Availability of Bulk Chemicals for Animal Drug Use (Withdrawn 4/14/2022)
- CPG Sec. 625.300 Unapproved New Animal Drugs - Follow-up Action to Approved Warning Letter - Direct Reference Seizure Authority (Withdrawn 2/20/2020)
- CPG Sec. 625.400 Reconditioning of New Animal Drugs Seized Under Section 501 (a)(5) (Withdrawn 2/20/2020)
- CPG Sec. 625.500 Failure to Register *and/or Drug List* (Withdrawn 2/20/2020)
- CPG Sec. 625.600 Orders for Post-Approval Record Reviews
- CPG Sec. 634.100 Drugs Packaged for Infusion or Injection of Food-Producing Animals (Withdrawn 2/20/2020)
- CPG Sec. 635.100 Large Volume Parenterals (LVP's) for Animal Use
- CPG Sec. 637.100 Plastic Containers for Injectable Animal Drugs (Withdrawn 2/20/2020)
- CPG Sec. 638.100 Process Validation Requirements for Drug Products Subject to Pre-Market Approval
- CPG Sec. 640.100 Anthelmintics (Withdrawn 2/20/2020)
- CPG Sec. 641.100 *Products for Control of Fleas and Ticks* Containing a Pesticide (Withdrawn 2/20/2020)
- CPG Sec. 642.100 *Drugs for Odor Control and Conception in Pet Animals*
- CPG Sec. 643.100 Oral Iron Products for Baby Pigs (Withdrawn 2/20/2020)
- CPG Sec. 645.100 Biological Drugs for Animal Use (Withdrawn 2/20/2020)
- CPG Sec. 650.100 Animal Drugs for Euthanasia (Withdrawn 5/23/2024)
- CPG Sec. 651.100 Ethylenediamine Dihydroiodide (EDDI) (Revised 05/01/2000)
- CPG Sec. 653.100 Animal Grooming Aids
- CPG Sec. 654.100 Dimethyl Sulfoxide (DMSO) for Animal Use (Withdrawn 2/20/2020)
- CPG Sec. 654.200 Teat Dips and Udder Washes for Dairy Cows and Goats
- CPG Sec. 654.300 Chloramphenicol as an Unapproved New Animal Drug - Direct Reference Seizure Authority (Withdrawn 2/20/2020)
- CPG Sec. 655.100 Devices for Use in Animals
- CPG Sec. 655.200 Adequate Directions for Use - Animal Drugs & Veterinary Devices (Withdrawn 2/20/2020)
The agency policy on this subject can be found in CPG Sec. 607.100 - Adequate Directions for Use (Species Designation) - Animal Drugs and Veterinary Devices. - CPG Sec. 655.300 Barking Dog Collar (Withdrawn 2/20/2020)
- CPG Sec. 655.400 The Status of Syringes and Needles for Animal Use (Withdrawn 2/20/2020)
Sub Chapter 660 - 699 Animal Feed
For enforcement criteria for pesticides in animal food, see CPG Sec. 575.100
- CPG Sec. 660.100 Failure to Register (Withdrawn 2/20/2020)
- CPG Sec. 665.100 Common or Usual Names for Animal Feed Ingredients (Withdrawn 1/6/2025)
- CPG Sec. 665.200 Checklist Labeling for Custom Mixed Medicated Feeds (Withdrawn 7/23/2019)
- CPG Sec. 665.300 Use of Type A Medicated Article Brand Names in Feed Labels
- CPG Sec. 666.100 Alternate Feeding of Different Medicated Feeds
- CPG Sec. 670.100 Refusals of Formula Information During Inspection of Feed Mills Manufacturing Feeds Requiring Approved Medicated Feed Applications (Withdrawn 6/30/2020)
- CPG Sec. 670.200 Status of Vitamins and Minerals in Type B and C Medicated Feed and in Non-Medicated Feed (Withdrawn 2/20/2020)
- CPG Sec. 670.500 Ammoniated Cottonseed Meal - Interpretation of 21 CFR
- CPG Sec. 675.100 Diversion of Contaminated Food for Animal Use
- CPG Sec. 675.200 Diversion of Adulterated Food to Acceptable Animal Feed Use
- CPG Sec. 675.300 Moisture Damaged Grain
- CPG Sec. 675.400 Rendered Animal Feed Ingredients (Withdrawn 4/30/2019)
- CPG Sec. 680.100 Tracers in Animal Feed (Withdrawn 10/19/2022)
- CPG Sec. 680.200 CGMP Regulations for Medicated Feeds - Daily Inventory Requirements (Withdrawn 2/20/2020)
- CPG Sec. 680.400 Medicated Feeds -- Combined Batches
- CPG Sec. 680.500 Unsafe Contamination of Animal Feed from Drug Carryover (Withdrawn 1/30/2023)
- CPG Sec. 680.600 Sequencing as a Means to Prevent Unsafe Drug Contamination in the Production, Storage, and Distribution of Feeds (Withdrawn 1/30/2023)
- CPG Sec. 681.100 Order for Post-Approval Record Reviews (Withdrawn 2/20/2020)
- CPG Sec. 682.100 Use of Drug-Contaminated Products in Animal Feed (Withdrawn 2/20/2020)
- CPG Sec. 682.200 The Use of Antibiotic Drug Residue By-Products in Animal Feed Feed (Withdrawn 2/20/2020)
- CPG Sec. 683.100 Action Levels for Aflatoxins in Animal Feeds
- CPG Sec. 685.100 Recycled Animal Waste
- CPG Sec. 687.500 Silage Ingredients
- CPG Sec. 688.100 Unapproved Additives for Exported Grains
- CPG Sec. 689.100 Direct-Fed Microbial Products
- CPG Sec. 690.100 Nutritional Supplements for Companion Animals (Withdrawn 2/20/2020)
- CPG Sec. 690.150 Labeling and Marketing of Dog and Cat Food Diets Intended to Diagnose, Cure, Mitigate, Treat, or Prevent Diseases
- CPG Sec. 690.200 Pet Food Labeling (Withdrawn 2/20/2020)
- CPG Sec. 690.300 Canned Pet Foood (Withdrawn 4/30/2019)
- CPG Sec. 690.400 Water and Gravy in Pet Food (Withdrawn 2/20/2020)
- CPG Sec. 690.500 Uncooked Meat for Animal Food (Withdrawn 4/30/2019)
- CPG Sec. 690.600 Rodent Contaminated Pet Foods - *Direct Reference Seizure Authority* (Withdrawn 2/20/2020)
- CPG Sec. 690.800 Salmonella in Food for Animals