Guide to Inspections of Low Acid Canned Food 50
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- Drain valve, type, screened.
- Water level indicators, type, use.
- Air supply and control.
- Method of water circulation, compliance with regulations, temperature distribution studies.
- Cooling water supply.
- Location of control temperature sensing probe.
- Continuous agitating steam retorts
- Capacity and number of steps in reel.
- Vents and bleeders specifications and locations.
- Method of removing condensate, condensate bleeder.
- Retort speed timing method and frequency, tamper proof.
- Procedures for handling emergency stops and temperature drops.
- Discontinuous agitating steam retorts
- Capacity and number of steps in reel.
- Retort speed timing method and frequency.
- Procedures for removing condensate.
- Vents and bleeder specifications, locations.
- Procedures for handling emergency stops and temperature drops.
- Discontinuous agitating water retorts
- RPM's timing and control.
- Over-pressure supply and control.
- Method of heating water.
- Come-up steps to heat to processing temp.
- Hydrostatic retorts
- Type, number of chains and number of flights in steam, timing of container carrier.
- Where the scheduled process specifies maintenance of particular temperatures in the feed and exit water legs, location of MIG thermometers and recording devices in the water legs.
- Vents and bleeders, specifications and location
- Disposition of stray containers.
- Cascading/spray water retorts
- Method of heating water (e.g. heat exchanger, direct injection of steam into water, steam distribution pipes).
- Come-up steps in process.
- Water flow, measurement, (e.g. flow meter, pressure, none) is flow the same as that during temperature distribution studies.
- Method used to insure water distribution system is not clogged (e.g. examination of water distribution manifold and sprays, physical cleaning, chemical cleaning).
- Water Pump size, inlet diameter, and horsepower.
- Location of water inlet into shell.
- Timing of RPM's on rotational models.
- Steam-air
- % steam/air mixture, is it the same as that used during temperature distribution studies.
- Fan operation, method of checking.
- Timing of RPM's on rotational models
III. Processing and Production Records
- Production Records
- Frequency of measurement and recording of critical factors.
- Evidence of critical factors not within established limits.
- Processing Records
- Thermal processing records maintained as per 21 CFR 113.100.
- Thermal processing charts and records can be correlated.
- Computer generated records, if used document that all information required by 21 CFR 113 is being captured. Document manufacturer of hardware and software, report procedures for validation/maintenance of equipment
IV. Finished Product
- Warehouse
- Evidence and extent of spoilage and/or abnormal containers
- Incubation practices
- Complaint Files - Evidence of under-processing and/or spoilage
- Product Recalls
- Nature of recall, date of recall
- Disposition of product
- Process Deviations
- Procedures for handling
- Disposition is documented.
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