- All drinking water contact surfaces including tank, pump, valves, hoses and meters shall be non-toxic. The vendor of the vehicle shall furnish written certification from the manufacturer or supplier that water contact materials meet applicable requirements of the Food Additives Amendments of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act1 .
- The drinking water tank shall be constructed of smooth, durable, corrosion-resistant material and shall be completed enclosed from filling inlet to discharge outlet, except that vent openings are permitted, when protected to prevent contamination of the drinking water.
- The drinking water tank shall be designed so that the inside surfaces can be steamed and flushed. A drain shall be provided to permit complete drainage of the tank. The tank shall be equipped with covers which allow visual inspection and access to the tank for cleaning. These covers shall be designed to prevent entrance of dust, dirt or moisture during operation of the vehicle. When access openings are located on the top of the tank, they shall be provided with a combing or curb, raised at least 1/2 inch above the tank top. The cover shall extend to the outer edge of the curb or combing and shall be provided with a gasket and a device for securing it in place. Flush cover plates will be acceptable on the sides of the tank.
- Hoses for filling the aircraft drinking water tanks shall have smooth interior surfaces, 3/4 inch in diameter or less, and be equipped with a cap and keeper chain.
- All hose connections for servicing the aircraft drinking water system shall be of a different size or type than those used for servicing lavatory facilities on the aircraft and shall be 3/4 inch in diameter, or less.
- Vents shall terminate in a downward direction and the end shall be covered with 16 mesh screen wire or equivalent .
- The inlet and outlet to the tank shall terminate in either a horizontal or a downward direction and shall be provided with caps or closures with keepers chains for protection against contamination . The inlet and outlet shall be equipped with couplings of a type which permits quick, easy attachment and removal of the hose. Threaded fittings on inlets and outlets to water tanks shall be acceptable only with hoses which are permanently attached.
- When hoses are transported on the drinking water servicing vehicle, storage facilities shall be provided on the vehicle to protect hoses from contamination.
- The vehicle shall be labeled - DRINKING WATER ONLY - in 3 inch minimum height letters.
1 Evidence of compliance of water contact coatings and materials meeting the Environmental Protection Agency's requirements (Under SDWA, TSCA, & FIFRA, see Federal Register, V. 44, N. 141, pp. 42775-8, July 20, 1979) may be acceptable in lieu of FDA's FFDCA requirements. 1970 ed., February 1995 update
- The tanks shall be constructed of a material which is either corrosion resistant or is coated and protected against corrosion.
- The bottom of the waste tank shall slope to the drain to permit complete drainage of the tank.
- The vehicle waste hose(s) shall be designed to completely drain the aircraft retention tank without leakage of waste.
- The waste hose(s) shall be stored so that any leakage from the hose ends will drain into vehicle waste tank. As an alternative the waste hoses(s) shall be stored in an elevated position so that there will be no leakage from the hose ends. The hose ends shall be provided with a cap and keeper chain or a cap attached to the vehicle.
- The water connections to the vehicle shall be protected by atmospheric vacuum breakers located 6 inches above the highest water level when the vehicle is in its normal position, and on the discharge side of the final control valve. An approved air gap or other types of backflow preventers shall be acceptable.
- The dump assembly of the waste tank shall be designed so that waste is not splashed on surrounding areas or on the vehicle operator when the valve is activated.
- The waste tank dump valve shall be designed to prevent leakage.
- All hose connections for servicing aircraft waste disposal facilities shall be of a different size or type than those used for supplying drinking water to the aircraft and shall be one inch in diameter or larger.
- Necessary waste tank vents shall be designed to prevent leakage by splashing or surging. Vents shall be screened to prevent entrance of insects.
- When a flushing system for the vehicle waste tank is provided the water shall be obtained from a water line adequately protected with a vacuum breaker located 6 inches above the highest water level when the truck is in its normal position, and on the discharge side of the final control valve. Other types of approved backflow prevention devices are acceptable.
- The vehicle for transporting waste-receiving tanks, lavatory flushing water or deodorants shall not be used to transport drinking water or food.
- The vehicle shall be clearly labeled - LAVATORY WASTE - with 3 inch minimum height letters.
1970 ed., February 1982 reprint.
This document contains criteria for the sanitary construction of aircraft galleys and components or related equipment. It has been developed as a guideline for the manufacturer's of airframes, manufacturers of aircraft galleys and components or related equipment, the airline industry, and public health personnel to achieve and maintain a higher level of sanitation in aircraft galleys and to provide for uniformity in sanitary construction.
The Commissioner of Food and Drugs, Food and Drug Administration (as delegated by the Secretary, DHHS, and under authority of the Public Health Service Act, Public Law 410, Seventy-Eighth Congress), is authorized to promulgate regulations for the prevention, introduction or the spread of communicable diseases. The Interstate Conveyance Sanitation Regulations, 21 CFR Part 1250, requires the owner or operator of the conveyance to submit plans to the Food and Drug Administration for review of construction and reconstruction of aircraft. The requirements set forth herein are the criteria by which the plans and constructed equipment will be evaluated by authorized FDA representatives. The nearest office of the Food and Drug Administration should be contacted for procedural information on plan submittal, or other matters.
As improved methods and techniques of manufacturing or fabrication are developed and as changes in the airline industry occur, changes in the requirements for sanitary practices and procedures must occur. Such developments will be included in subsequent editions of this publication.
Further, this publication does not preclude the need to meet the requirements of other governmental agencies having responsibility concerning aircraft.
Inquiries or comments regarding this publication or other interstate conveyance sanitation related matters should be directed to the appropriate Food and Drug Administration office.
1.1 ACCEPTABLE: Demonstrated to the Food and Drug Administration to be satisfactory and suitable for its intended use.
1.2 ACCESSIBLE: An area, space, or surface that can be exposed for inspection and proper cleaning with the use of simple devices.
1.3 READILY ACCESSIBLE: An area, space, or surface that is or can be exposed for cleaning and inspection without the use of tools.
1.4 INTERNAL ANGLE OR CORNER: The intersection of two planes at an angle of 110 degrees or less.
1.5 AIRLINE CATERING POINT: Any catering establishment or airline commissary, from which food, drink or service equipment is provided for use aboard aircraft.
1.6 EASILY CLEANABLE: Surfaces which are readily accessible and of such material and finish and so fabricated that residue may be completely removed by normal cleaning methods.
1.7 CLOSED: Fitted together snugly to have surface-to-surface contact leaving no opening greater than 1/32 inch.
1.8 GALLEY COMPONENT: That equipment used in conjunction with airline food service which is not an integral part of the galley and which is REMOVABLE. Equipment such as ovens, refrigerators, freezers, carts, tray carriers, liquor kits, and coffee brewers are classified in this category for purposes of this document.
1.9 FOOD: Any raw, cooked, or processed edible substance, beverage (including water and ice) or ingredient used or intended for use in whole or in part for human consumption.
1.10 FOOD SERVICE SUPPLIES: Items of equipment and utensils, including single service, used in food service operations.
1.11 POTENTIALLY HAZARDOUS FOOD: Any food which consists in whole or in part of milk or milk products, eggs, meat, poultry, fish, shellfish, or other ingredients capable of supporting rapid and progressive growth of infectious or toxigenic microorganisms.
1.12 GALLEY: That section of the aircraft including bars, service centers, and auxiliary galleys from which food, beverages, and service supplies are stored and served.
1.13 JOINT: The line of meeting of two or more pieces, parts, or sections of equipment.
1.14 CORROSION-RESISTANT MATERIAL: One which maintains its original surface characteristics under use conditions and the prolonged influences of food, cleaning compounds, and sanitizing solutions. For the purpose of this document, aluminum is considered corrosion resistant.
1.15 NON ABSORBENT MATERIAL: One with a surface resistant to moisture penetration.
1.16 NON-TOXIC MATERIAL: One which will not introduce poisonous, harmful or injurious substances into the food product, and must meet the applicable requirements of the Food Additive Amendments of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act. Evidence of Compliance of drinking water contact coatings and materials meeting the Environmental Protection Agency's requirements (under Safe Drinking Water Act, Toxic Substances Control Act, and Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act, see Federal Register, V. 44, N. 141, pp. 42775-8, July 20, 1979) may be acceptable in lieu of FFDCA requirements.
1.17 MULTI-TEMPERATURE UNIT: A container capable of combining two or more of the functions of a refrigerator, freezer, or oven.
1.18 HIGH TEMPERATURE OVEN: An oven capable of rapidly heating food to a temperature of 140oF, or above.
1.19 HOLDING OVEN: An oven capable of constantly maintaining the temperature of food at 140oF, or above, but not intended to heat, reheat, or reconstitute food.
1.20 REFRIGERATOR: A container capable of maintaining food at 45oF, or below at all times.
1.21 REMOVABLE: Capable of being taken away from the main unit with the use of simple tools.
1.22 READILY REMOVABLE: Capable of being taken away from the main unit without the use of tools.
1.23 SEALED: Free of cracks or other openings which permit the entry or passage of moisture.
1.24 SEAM: The line of meeting of two or more pieces, parts, or sections of equipment.
1.25 SINGLE-SERVICE ARTICLE: Articles which are constructed and intended by the manufacturers, and generally recognized by the public, as for one usage only, then to be discarded.
1.26 SMOOTH: A surface finish which is at least equal to the following:
1.26.1 FOOD CONTACT SURFACE: Number 3 (100 grit) stainless steel finish.
Commercial grade hot rolled steel free of visible scale.
1.27 SAFE TEMPERATURES: Temperatures of 45oF, or above with respect to potentially hazardous foods.
1.28 SIMPLE TOOLS: Common hand tools such as a screw driver, pliers, or open end wrench.
1.29 LIQUID WASTE: Fluids including water, melted ice and beverages, arising from in-flight food service operations in galleys.
1.30 SOLID WASTE: Materials including garbage and rubbish that accumulate from in-flight food service operations.
1.31 POTABLE WATER: Water meeting the requirements of the Environmental Protection Agency's Drinking Water Regulations or the Food and Drug Administration's Bottled Water Regulations.
Good sanitary design and construction features are related to the type of materials to be used in fabrication of equipment. Materials shall be able to withstand normal use; not render toxic any food or beverage with which they may come in contact; and be easily cleanable. The following criteria apply to the galleys, galley components, potable water systems:
surfaces shall be CORROSION RESISTANT, DURABLE, EASILY CLEANABLE, RELATIVELY NON-ABSORBENT, NON-TOXIC, SMOOTH, and free of open SEAMS. SINGLE SERVICE ARTICLES need not be durable. Bolts, nuts, threads, rivets, studs and screw heads shall be minimized in accordance with good manufacturing practices on these surfaces. Equipment which shall comply with this item shall include but not be limited to heating units which come in contact with food, beverage or ice containers, coffee maker and reservoirs, and soup warmers. Materials used as food contact surfaces shall be in compliance with the Food Additives Amendment of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act.
2.2 NON-FOOD CONTACT SURFACES: Surfaces of equipment not intended for contact with food shall be CORROSION-RESISTANT, DURABLE, EASILY CLEANABLE, NON-ABSORBENT, SMOOTH, and free of open SEAMS. These surfaces which may be exposed to splash, food debris, or otherwise require frequent cleaning, shall be washable, free of unnecessary ledges, projections, or crevices; readily accessible for cleaning; and of such material as to be readily maintained in a clean and sanitary condition.
2.3 PAINT: Paint shall not be used on food contact surfaces. When paint is used on the interior of compartment or components, it shall be a NON-TOXIC MATERIAL and of a light color, preferably white.
2.4 SEALING COMPOUNDS: Good fabrication techniques should preclude the use of sealants. When sealants are necessary, they shall be non-shrinking, EASILY CLEANABLE, NON-ABSORBENT, and wiped SMOOTH. Resilient sealants shall be used in those areas where sealants may be subjected to loosening or cracking.
2.5 SOLDER: The deposited material shall be DURABLE, EASILY CLEANABLE, SMOOTH, and finished equal to the surrounding area.
2.5.1 SOFT SOLDER: Soft solder when used as a food contact surface shall be limited to joining metal or sealing SEAMS between abutting metal surfaces; shall be of such formulation as to be NON-TOXIC MATERIAL under use conditions; shall contain at least 50 percent tin; shall contain no more lead than is necessary under good manufacturing practice; and shall, be consistent with good industrial practice in the refining of its constituent elements, be free of cadmium, antimony, bismuth, and other toxic materials.
2.5.2 HARD SOLDER: (Silver Solder): Hard solder when used as a FOOD CONTACT SURFACE shall be of such formulation as to be NON-TOXIC MATERIAL under such conditions; shall be CORROSION RESISTANT, and shall, be consistent with good industrial practice in the refining of its constituent elements, be free of cadmium, antimony, bismuth, and other toxic materials.
2.6 WELDING OR BRAZING: Welding or brazing materials shall be NON-TOXIC MATERIAL. The smoothness of the resulting JOINT or SEAM surfaces shall be equal to the parent material. All JOINTS or SEAMS shall be DURABLE and EASILY CLEANABLE.
2.7 FASTENING DEVICES: Fastening devices shall be CORROSION-RESISTANT under use conditions, sized, and located to permit ease in cleaning. Hollow stem rivets, if used, must be closed at both ends. Blind-type rivets are ACCEPTABLE, provided the tail is ground SMOOTH with the surface of the head.
2.8 GASKETS: Gaskets shall be NON-ABSORBENT, NON-TOXIC, odor free, stable, and shaped to fit snugly when installed. Hollow-type gaskets must be closed at ends to be ACCEPTABLE. Exposed surfaces of gaskets shall be EASILY CLEANABLE and JOINTS shall be SEALED.
2.9 FILLER OR TRIM STRIPS: Filler or trim strips shall be constructed of SMOOTH, odor free, stable, EASILY CLEANABLE, NON-ABSORBENT, NON-TOXIC MATERIAL with all sharp or rough edges removed.
2.10 INSULATION: Insulation shall be of a material that will not compact, settle or separate under normal operation and use. Fibrous insulation or like material shall be sheathed or protected in such a manner to prevent particles of insulation falling onto food or on galley surfaces.
2.11 SOUND DEADENING MATERIAL: Sound deadening material shall be applied so that it does not flake or peel.
Galley or Galley Components shall be designed to include an effective means of maintaining hot foods at or above 140oF.
3.1 LIGHTING: Sources of artificial light shall be capable of providing at least 20 foot-candles of light on all areas of work surfaces. Where possible, such lighting should be an integral part of the galley. All lighting fixtures shall be designed and installed such that breakage will not contaminate food.
3.2 COUNTER TOPS: Counter tops shall be constructed of CORROSION-RESISTANT, DURABLE, EASILY CLEANABLE, NON-ABSORBENT, NON-TOXIC, SMOOTH MATERIAL. Multi-piece construction may be utilized provided all transition seams are sealed and smooth. When a removable section of a counter top is necessary, the holding and locking mechanisms shall be easily cleanable. A raised lip or trough shall be included as part of the counter top. The lip, raised rim, or trough shall be constructed with a smooth radius of at least 1/8 inch. The height of the lip or raised rim, or depth of trough shall be at least 1/4 inch. All INTERNAL ANGLES or CORNERS, including those formed by the intersection of the counter top with the raised rim, vertical surfaces, fixed ice walls, coffee warmers, or other fixed equipment, shall have a minimum continuous and SMOOTH radius of 1/8 inch to facilitate cleaning.
3.3 DRAIN WELLS: Drain wells shall be used exclusively for the collection and disposal of LIQUID WASTES and shall not be used for food preparation or storage. All INTERNAL ANGLES and CORNERS shall have a minimum continuous and SMOOTH radius of at least 1/8 inch.
3.4 GALLEY SINKS: ALL INTERNAL ANGLES and CORNERS shall have a minimum continuous and SMOOTH radius of at least 1/8 inch.
3.5 WASTE WATER DRAINS: All portions of galley drainage systems shall be adequately sized, and shall be installed to insure complete drainage. Drain wells, galley sinks, coffee makers, drinking fountains, condensate collection systems or drains from sumps in waste receptacle compartments which drain through an overboard drain mast, shall be equipped with No. 10 size mesh screens or equivalent. Screening devices shall be either permanently installed and capable of being cleaned in place or be REMOVABLE as a ground servicing operation. Drains which terminate in a galley waste container need not be equipped with screening devices. Drains from ice wells, ice cube makers, and food compartments shall be provided with air gaps or breaks. Interior surfaces of drain fittings and tubing shall have a smoothness and a bend radius which prevents the accumulation of liquids and solid particles. Lavatory facilities and drains shall not be located directly above galley areas without adequate protection such as waterproof ceilings, double piping, or lines without joints.
Counter top openings to the waste chutes or deflectors shall be so located to insure the proper disposition of SOLID and LIQUID WASTE within the container. They shall be of EASILY CLEANABLE, DURABLE, NON-ABSORBENT CONSTRUCTION. Waste chutes or deflectors shall be adequately sized and sloped to facilitate cleaning and inspections.
3.7 ICE STORAGE: Drawers, wells, or containers used for the storage of ice shall be constructed of CORROSION-RESISTANT, DURABLE, EASILY CLEANABLE, NON-ABSORBENT, NON-TOXIC, SMOOTH material. Drawers, wells, and multi-use ice containers shall be equipped with READILY REMOVABLE liners or inserts or be themselves readily removable for cleaning. ALL INTERNAL ANGLES AND CORNERS of ice storage drawers, wells, and containers shall have a minimum continuous and SMOOTH RADIUS of at least 1/8 inch. Where ice wells are accessible through the galley counter top or food service cart counter top, the opening into the storage space shall be protected from the entry of spillage.
Compartments shall be designed and constructed to provide interior surfaces which are EASILY CLEANABLE. When painted, the finish shall be of a light color, preferably white. The configuration of each compartment shall be such that all interior surfaces can be reached by hand for cleaning and inspection.
3.8.1 MACHINERY: Machinery utilizing lubricated bearings and gears shall be so constructed that lubricants cannot get into food or onto food contact surfaces or, the machinery shall be housed in closed leak-proof compartments.
Waste container compartments shall be completely separated from all other compartments, and shall be adequately sealed to prevent liquid waste spillage into adjoining compartments. All JOINTS and SEAMS shall be sealed and SMOOTH to facilitate cleaning.
3.8.3 OVEN COMPARTMENTS: When ovens are suspended above the work counter there shall be a minimum clearance of 4 inches to the counter to provide adequate cleaning space.
If ovens are permanently installed on work counter level, they must be on a raised platform which is sealed to the counter a minimum of 1/4 inch. If READILY REMOVABLE, they may be installed directly on the counter.
If ovens are mounted on platforms at the work counter the platform will be adequately sealed to prevent entrapment of spilled liquids.
3.9 GALLEY STEPS: Galley steps and similar devices shall be designed and located to prevent contamination of food, beverages, or food service supplies.
INSTALLATION: Doors and other closures for galley storage compartments shall be constructed and installed to maintain alignment and closure under use conditions. Doors shall be as tight fitting as is possible, commensurate with good manufacturing practices. Single panel doors shall be constructed to minimize the collection of food particles or other foreign matter. Hinged and nesting type doors shall be installed to insure that all surfaces are READILY ACCESSIBLE for cleaning and READILY REMOVABLE to facilitate cleaning of the door, its tracks an guides, and all interior surfaces of all compartments. Sliding doors shall be READILY REMOVABLE or be readily accessible for cleaning and shall have tracks or guides which are EASILY CLEANABLE. Bottom tracks and guides shall be EASILY CLEANABLE. Continuous open slots, or clean-out opening shall be provided at each end of the track, at stops, and at intervals on long tracks. Door latch mechanisms including springs shall be closed. Door latch striker plates shall be designed and installed to eliminate openings or penetrations into inaccessible areas. When gaskets are used, they shall be EASILY CLEANABLE and installed, to preclude openings and to minimize wear.
3.11 SHROUDS AND COVERS: Protective shrouds and covers for service lines if used shall be constructed of EASILY CLEANABLE material and shall be installed in a manner that prevents the entrapment of food particles, dust, and liquids.
3.12 ACCESS PANELS: Access openings into compartments or areas not otherwise readily accessible shall be provided with close-fitting, hinged, or REMOVABLE covers or panels. These access panels or covers shall not contain finger holes.
3.13.1 Drawers (including ice storage drawers) shall be EASILY CLEANABLE and READILY REMOVABLE.
3.13.2 Drawer slides and rollers shall be constructed and installed to minimize areas where food and other foreign materials may collect.
3.13.3 Rollers or roller trays installed on horizontal surfaces shall be REMOVABLE for cleaning. Guides and wear strips shall be installed to prevent cracks, crevices and buckling.
3.14 GALLEY FLOORS: Galley floors shall be constructed as an EASILY CLEANABLE surface to facilitate the removal of waste material. Exposed structural members, stiffeners, gussets, and other framing members shall be adequately sealed to prevent the entrapment of waste material. Where spaces are created which are less than 3/4 inch in width, the spaces shall be filled and SEALED. The vertical leg of carrier guides shall terminate at least 3/4 inch from the back wall of the compartment or butt firmly against compartment to facilitate cleaning.
3.15 TIE-DOWNS: Tie-downs located in the galley floor shall be equipped with cover plates which shall be SEALED in place. Quick change equipment does not have to be SEALED. In other areas of the galley, the tie-downs shall be EASILY CLEANABLE.
3.16 WASTE CONTAINERS: There shall be sufficient waste storage capacity to accommodate the volume of waste accumulated between cabin services. SOLID and LIQUID WASTE containers shall be constructed of CORROSION-RESISTANT, DURABLE, EASILY CLEANABLE, NON-ABSORBENT MATERIAL. Containers shall be designed to permit easy and complete emptying of solid and liquid wastes when inverted. Rims, handles, and other structural members shall be installed to facilitate cleaning and to prevent the accumulation of liquids and solid particles. Waste containers shall be designed to permit easy cleaning of all surfaces. Waste containers shall not be used for any other purpose.
Structural stiffeners, gussets and other framing members, which cannot be totally enclosed within walls, shall be installed so as to be EASILY CLEANABLE. The ends of all hollow sections shall be SEALED. Horizontal angle stiffeners, gussets, and tray carrier guides shall be installed to preclude the accumulation of spillage and food particles. Spaces created by carrier guides or structural members less than 3/4 inch at the narrowest width shall be filled and SEALED. Carrier guides and wear strips shall be installed in a manner which will eliminate buckling, cracks, and crevices and shall terminate at least one inch from the back wall of the compartment. Rollers, roller trays, or bearing-type transfer devices shall be installed to preclude areas which are difficult to clean or shall be readily removable for cleaning. Stops, retention devices, carrier guides and wear strips and latches shall be installed in a manner that precludes the formation of areas which are difficult to clean. Turn latches shall be installed with their mechanisms totally enclosed when installed in areas subjected to wastes entrapment.
Whenever possible services lines shall not cross or pass through compartments, but shall be located outside the compartment. Service lines, outlets, plugs, brackets, or other fixtures within the galley framework shall be installed to permit satisfactory cleaning. Service lines should be installed to facilitate cleaning where the service line is subjected to wastes entrapment. (Ref. 3.11).
In locations where service lines pass into a compartment which is not READILY ACCESSIBLE or which is of double wall construction, or through the outer shell or framework of the galley, the openings around the service lines shall be CLOSED.
3.19 IDENTIFICATION LABEL: A permanent identification label shall be READILY ACCESSIBLE on a non-wearing surface. The label shall indicate name of the manufacturer, model number, and date of manufacture.
3.20 ELEVATORS AND DUMBWAITERS: Elevator cars, lifts, base of elevator shafts, and other areas which are subjected to spillage shall be of EASILY CLEANABLE construction. All other areas shall be constructed to provide access for inspection and cleaning.
Good sanitary design and construction features are clearly related to the type, weight, and configuration of materials to be used in fabrication of equipment. Materials shall be suitable for the intended use. Components shall meet all applicable requirements of Sections 2 and 3 and the general and applicable specific requirements set forth in Section 4.
4.1 TEMPERATURE CONTROL: Unless provided for in the GALLEY, the GALLEY COMPONENTS shall be designed to include an effective means of maintaining hot foods at or above 140oF, and cold foods at or below 45oF.
4.2.1 Provisions shall be made to maintain temperature of stored foods at or below 45oF at all times. Freezers shall be capable of maintaining stored foods in the frozen state.
4.2.2 Designer/manufacturer must demonstrate to FDA that 1st article unit does meet with provisions of 4.2.1.
4.2.3 Refrigerator plate surface within the compartment shall be EASILY CLEANABLE or REMOVABLE. Other interior accessories, except light fixtures and impellers, shall be READILY REMOVABLE.
4.3.1 Where ovens are self cleaning, the gaskets may be kept from the NON-ABSORBENT requirements.
4.3.2 Where ovens are not self-cleaning, exposed heating elements and all other interior accessories, except impellers, shall be EASILY REMOVABLE.
4.3.3 Designer/manufacturer must demonstrate to the FDA that 1st article unit does meet with provisions of 1.18.
4.3.4 External exhaust ducts if utilized shall be covered with No. 16 size mesh screen or equivalent.
4.4.1 Holding ovens shall be capable of maintaining the temperature of the food at 140oF, or above at all times. Conduction ovens shall meet an equivalent test.
4.4.2 Indicators shall be provided to signal when the operating temperature of the unit has reached 140oF.
4.4.3 Ovens designed for transportation to the aircraft unless other means of protection are used shall be dust tight.
4.5 MULTI-TEMPERATURE UNITS: These units shall also meet the requirements applicable for the various temperature ranges uses involved.
4.6.1 The holder of the coffee package shall be designed to be EASILY CLEANABLE.
4.6.2 Sensing probes shall be EASILY CLEANABLE or READILY REMOVABLE.
4.6.3 Reservoir interiors shall be EASILY CLEANABLE and READILY REMOVABLE.
4.6.5 Coffee reservoirs shall be provided with EASILY CLEANABLE covers and when indicated shall be equipped with suitable means to prevent spillage.
4.6.6 Coffee reservoirs shall have an opening large enough to permit dish washing machine cleaning of the interior.
4.7.1 Dispensers when used for storage of single service beverage containers shall be provided with an end cover to protect content end of the cup and be EASILY CLEANABLE.
4.8.1 All can openers shall be READILY REMOVABLE for returning to the catering point for cleaning.
4.8.2 Bottle openers if not EASILY CLEANABLE shall be READILY REMOVABLE.
4.9.1 Doors shall be close-fitting.
4.9.2 Handle recesses shall be EASILY CLEANABLE.
4.9.3 Dry ice pockets shall be of EASILY CLEANABLE open-type construction.
4.9.4 Tray carriers designed with perforated construction shall be transported to aircraft in an ACCEPTABLE transporter unit or be adequately protected from dust and vermin.
4.10.1 Provisions shall be made to protect the ice from contamination during transportation and storage.
4.10.2 Sliding covers, if provided, shall be EASILY CLEANABLE or READILY REMOVABLE and their tracks shall be EASILY CLEANABLE.
4.11.1 Doors shall be close-fitting and handle recesses shall be EASILY CLEANABLE.
4.11.2 Drawers and racks shall be READILY REMOVABLE and designed to permit handling of the glassware without having to touch the lip of the glass.
4.11.3 Racks of SINGLE USE material are ACCEPTABLE.
4.12.1 Casters and wheels shall be CLEANABLE.
4.12.2 Exposed portions of the unit's tie-down and brake system shall be CLEANABLE.
4.12.3 If used, mixing faucets shall be of an ACCEPTABLE type.
4.12.4 Units for storage and dispensing of glasses, cups, and SINGLE-SERVICE beverage containers shall be of an ACCEPTABLE type.
4.12.5 Covers if provided for waste storage units shall be EASILY CLEANABLE.
4.13.1 The inner shell and the outer shell of a double walled metal container shall both be air tight.
4.13.2 Covers shall be of double wall construction. Vents for the container shall be designed and located to prevent contamination of the contents when the cover is in place.
4.13.3 The container is READILY ACCESSIBLE when the cover is removed.
4.13.4 Insulation shall be non-settling under normal use and temperature ranges.
4.13.5 The inside of the container shall be sloped toward the faucet to effect complete drainage.
4.13.6 Faucets shall be capable of being taken apart without the use of tools and be EASILY CLEANABLE.
4.13.7 Refillable beverage syrup storage containers are acceptable if they meet the above requirements and comply with the Food Additives Amendment of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act. Collapsible type containers shall be SINGLE-SERVICE only.
5.1 GALLEY SHELL: Galleys on all-passenger, cargo or freighter, or convertible configuration shall be installed to exclude openings in inaccessible areas. Openings between the outer shell of the GALLEY and the aircraft fuselage shall be CLOSED or the enclosed area shall be READILY ACCESSIBLE for cleaning. GALLEY units when in contact with the floor shall be SEALED to the aircraft floor. Units not in contact with the floor will have sufficient clearance between the unit and the floor to permit cleaning of the exposed area. Magazine racks or other equipment if attached to GALLEYS shall be installed to eliminate pockets or areas which are not EASILY CLEANABLE.
5.2 QUICK-CHANGE CONFIGURATION: When an aircraft is to be used in the quick-change configuration, the spaces between the outer edge of the GALLEY and the aircraft fuselage may remain open. If the aircraft is to be used in the passenger configuration for an extended period of time the GALLEY shall be installed in accordance with the all-passenger GALLEY installation standards.
5.3.1 FIXED OVENS: Ovens shall be installed in a manner to make the adjacent areas EASILY CLEANABLE. For this purpose, installation shall incorporate the following details: Ovens shall be REMOVABLE for cleaning of the compartment. Auxiliary air exhaust ducts shall be covered with No. 16 six mesh screening or equivalent.
5.3.2 COFFEE BREWER: Coffee brewers shall be installed in a manner to make the adjacent area EASILY CLEANABLE. For this purpose, installation shall incorporate the following details: Coffee brewers shall be EASILY REMOVABLE for cleaning the compartment. Drip trays shall be READILY ACCESSIBLE for cleaning with the coffee maker removed.
5.3.3 FIXED REFRIGERATORS AND FREEZERS: The finished installation shall present a closed face to prevent the accumulation of debris. Filler or trim material shall be EASILY CLEANABLE.
5.3.4 HOT WATER HEATERS AND BOILERS: Hot water heaters and boilers shall be installed in a manner to make the adjacent area EASILY CLEANABLE. For this purpose, installation shall incorporate the following details: The unit shall be installed in a completely enclosed compartment or it shall be located in an open area which permits full access to the unit for inspection and cleaning or shall be REMOVABLE to facilitate cleaning.
5.4.1 Units shall be installed so that the interior of the compartment is ACCESSIBLE for inspection and cleaning.
5.4.2 Units shall be installed away from the wall for cleaning or the space between the wall and the unit shall be CLOSED. When the entire area within the compartment is not READILY ACCESSIBLE air intakes and exhaust openings shall be covered with No. 16 size mesh screening or equivalent.
5.5 FLOOR COVERING OR CARPETING: Floor covering of all galley areas shall be constructed and installed to be EASILY CLEANABLE. The use of carpeting or cushion-type matting is contingent on its being easily REMOVABLE.
Potable water tanks shall be constructed in a manner that will prevent contamination of water. They shall be independent and have no common partition with a tank holding non-potable water or other liquids. Tanks shall be constructed of CORROSION-RESISTANT, NON-ABSORBENT and NON-TOXIC material. Interior welded or soldered SEAMS and JOINTS shall be free of rough surfaces. Tanks shall be designed to permit complete draining and flushing when the aircraft is in its normal parked position. If a protective coating is used, such coating shall be in compliance with the Food Additives Amendment of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act. Evidence of Compliance of drinking water contact coatings and materials meeting the Environmental Protection Agency's requirements (under Safe Drinking Water Act, Toxic Substances Control Act, and Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act, see Federal Register, V. 44, N. 141, pp. 42775-8, July 20, 1979) may be acceptable in lieu of FFDCA requirements.
Aircraft galley potable water tanks may be filled independently or from the main potable storage tanks aboard. If filling is to be from the main tanks, it shall be via a continuous, closed piping system, Shut-off valves may be installed in these lines. If filling is directly to the galley tanks, the water filling connection shall be quick-coupling, of a size or type different from other service connections on the aircraft (no greater than 3/4 inch). The connection shall be clearly labeled "Potable Water Filling" and be provided with properly secured protective dust-tight cover. The fill line shall be completely independent and not cross-connected with any line used for non-potable liquids.
Tank overflows and vents shall terminate in a downward direction, and shall be located and constructed to prevent entrance of contamination into the tank. A combined overflow and vent is permissible.
If a means is provided for determining the amount of water in the potable water tank, it shall be constructed to prevent the entrance of contamination into the tank.
6.2 DISTRIBUTION: All potable water distribution piping, tubing and fittings shall be of CORROSION-RESISTANT, NON-ABSORBENT AND NON-TOXIC MATERIAL. It shall not be subject to cracking or breaking under normally encountered temperature ranges and use. The potable water system shall not be cross-connected with any non-potable system. Overflows, vents, and drains from tanks or the distribution system shall not be connected directly to waste water lines or waste retention facilities. The entire distribution system shall be designed to allow for complete drainage. If protective covering for piping in the LOWER GALLEY is necessary, the covering shall be NON-ABSORBENT and EASILY CLEANABLE.
Water pressure may be maintained by gravity, compressed air or other non-toxic gases, or electric pump. When compressed air is used, a filter shall be installed in the air supply line. The potable water pump shall be used for no other purpose. Delivery of potable water to sinks, wash basins, and other facilities shall be through an air gap equivalent to twice the effective diameter of the inlet line but in no case less than one inch above the overflow rim of the fixture. Where an air gap is impractical, a properly installed ACCEPTABLE backflow preventer (vacuum breaker) shall be provided. A direct connection of the potable water system to a coffee making or ice making unit is ACCEPTABLE.
If aerators or strainers are used on water outlets, they shall be constructed or CORROSION-RESISTANT, EASILY CLEANABLE material and be EASILY REMOVABLE. Potable water system shall be properly cleaned, disinfected and flushed before being placed in service.
6.3 FILTERS: Filtration of potable water from approved sources is not necessary from a public health standpoint. If used, filters shall comply with the Food Additive Regulations of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act and shall be of the replaceable type. They shall not degrade the quality of the water. Filters and any other such device shall meet the applicable Environmental Protection Agency's requirements under authorities such as the Safe Drinking Water Act and Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act.
6.4 WATER HEATERS: Hot water heaters shall be supplied directly from a potable water system. The accumulation tank and heating elements shall be constructed of CORROSION-RESISTANT, NON-TOXIC material. The insulated casing for the hot water heating system shall be constructed to preclude the accumulation of soil and debris
6.5 WATER COOLERS: Water coolers shall be constructed to prevent contamination of the potable water supply. All surfaces in contact with potable water shall be constructed of CORROSION-RESISTANT, NON-TOXIC MATERIAL. A NON-TOXIC coolant shall be used.
6.6 DRINKING WATER STATIONS: Drinking water stations shall be constructed of EASILY CLEANABLE and CORROSION-RESISTANT MATERIAL. All corners subject to splash shall have a radius of at least 1/8 inch. Fountain orifices shall be of the angle-jet type with a guard designed to prevent mouth contact with the outlet. The outlet shall terminate at least an inch above the highest surrounding flood level rim. The drain strainer shall be READILY REMOVABLE. Aerators on faucet type outlet shall be READILY REMOVABLE. Cup dispensers shall be designed as outlined under Item 4.7.
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