Introductory Issue
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Date: 2/4/72 Number: 1
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This issuance launches the Inspectors Technical Guide, commonly known as "ITG". It is intended as a medium for making all FDA Inspectors aware of selected technical information not previously available on a broad scale. Content of the ITG will differ from Inspectors Manual material in that the ITG will not normally express operational directives. It may be complementary and add depth to Manual instructions, however, its use will depend upon Inspectors' or Districts' judgment. The interval of publication will be "as needed". Responsibility for ITG issuance rests with the *ORA/ORO/DEIO/HFC-130*. Distribution is to be sufficient for each Inspector and Technician, plus copies for interested District and Headquarters units.
Districts should arrange to maintain a complete set of ITG's in the Inspectors' Library and each Resident Post. We regret being unable to supply binders as was originally intended. (The whole matter of "Manual proliferation" is presently under study.) We suggest you use standard one-inch, three-ring binders. Index and Table of Contents for the retention sets will be provided and up-dated as necessary.
Present plans for leading ITG issues include the following topics:
- Boiler plant inspections in food canneries
- Steam distribution to retorts
- Steam pressure regulators
- "Cook-Chex" retort indicators
- "Polariscope"
- "Strobotac"
- "Kenics" Static Blender
- Ethylene oxide sterilization
- gas concentrations
- operational factors
- residual toxicity
- biological indicators
Suggestions for other ITG topics may be submitted to HFC-130 by any District at any time. Ideally, topics should be suitable for texts with maximum length of two single-spaced pages, although a series of issues may be used to handle longer topics. We hope, on a long-range basis, to solicit finished ITG articles from Inspectors in order to promote use of the special expertise presently available in many problem areas. Ground rules for Field submissions will be published at a later date, including a mechanism for coordination to prevent duplication of effort on the same topics. Any questions regarding the ITG should be addressed to *DEIO/Investigations Branch on (301) 443-3340.*