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Nutrition Labeling Summary Sheets



Nutrients (M) or (V) Printing Requirements If Mandatory, When May Be Deleted If Voluntary, When Becomes Mandatory Simple Definition
    Bold Indent      
Calories (Total Calories or Calories Total 101.9(C)(1)) M Y N Never --- Calculated See 101.9(C)(1)(i)
Calories from Fat 101.9(C)(1)(ii) M N Y (In standard vertical display should follow "Calories" on same line.) If less than 0.5 g fat /serving and statement "Not a significant source of Calories from Fat" is at bottom of nutrient list.    
Calories from Sat Fat 101 .9(C)(l)(iii) V N Y Never    
Total Fat (Fat Total) 101.9(C)(2) M Y N Never   Total Lipid fatty acids expressed as triglycerides.
Saturated Fat (Saturated) 101.1(C)(2)(l) M N Y If less than 0.5 g Total Fat/Serving and no claim about fat or cholesterol and Calories from Sat Fat not declared. If deleted, statement "Not a significant source of saturated fat" must follow nutrient list.   Sum of all fatty acids containing no double bonds.
Polyunsaturated Fat (Polyunsaturated) 101.9(C)(2)(iii) V N Y   When monounsaturated fat is declared, or when claim is made about fatty acids or cholesterol unless food is "fat free". cis - cis methylene Interrupted polyunsaturated fatty acid
Monounsaturated Fat (Monounsaturated) 101.9(C)(2)(ii) V N Y   When polyunsaturated fat is declared, or when claim about fatty acids or cholesterol is made unless food IC "fat free". cis. monounsaturated fatty acids
Cholesterol 101.9(o)(3) M Y N If less than 2 mg cholesterol /serving and make no claims about fat, fatty acids, or cholesterol. If deleted, statement "Not a significant source of cholesterol" must follow nutrient list.    


Nutrients (M) or (V) Printing Requirements If Mandatory, When May Be Deleted If Voluntary, When Becomes Mandatory Simple Definition
    Bold Indent      
Sodium(101.9(c)4) M Y N Never    
Potassium 101.9(c)(5) V Y N   When claim made about potassium  
Carbohydrate Total (Total (Carbohydrate) 101.9(c)(6) M Y N Never   Subtraction of sum of crude protein. total fat. moisture and ash from total weight of food.
Dietary Fiber 101.9(c)(6)(i) M N Y If serving contains less then 1 g or racy state less than 1 g). If deleted, state  "Not a significant source of dietary fiber" must follow nutrient list.    
Soluble fiber 101.9 (c) (6)(i) V N Y   When claim is made about soluble fiber  
Soluble Fiber 101 .9(c)(6)(i)(B) V N Y   When claim Is made about Insoluble fiber  
Sugars 101.9(c)(6)(ii) M N Y If serving contains less than 1 g of sugars and no claims about sweeteners, sugars or sugar alcohol content. if deleted. statement "Not a significant source of sugars" must follow nutrient Nat.   Sum of all free mono and disaccharides (e.g. glucose, fructose, lactose, and sucrose).
Sugar Alcohol (May  state specific sugar alcohol if only one) 101.9(C)(6)(iii) V N Y   When claim made about sugar alcohols or sugar when sugar alcohols are present in the food. Sum of saccharide derivatives within which a hydroxyl group replaces a ketone or aldehyde group and when use in the food is listed by FDA e.g., mannitol or xylitol) or is GRAS (e.g., sorbitol.


Nutrients (M) or (V) Printing Requirements If Mandatory, When May Be Deleted If Voluntary, When Becomes Mandatory Simple Definition
    Bold Indent      
Other Carbohydrates 101.9(c)(6)(iv) V N Y     Differences between total carbohydrates and sum of dietary fiber. sugars and sugar alcohol. Except if sugar alcohol not declared = difference between total carbohydrates and sum of dietary fiber and sugars.
Protein 101.9(c)(7) M Y N Grams of protein never optional. always required. % DV is optional unless (1) protein claim IC made. (2) food IC for infants or children less than 4 yrs. or (3) food is for adults and children 4 or more years and has a protein quality (protein digestibility corrected amino ecol score) of less than 20%.   May be calculated 6.25 times nitrogen content. See 101.9(c)(7)(ii) for method of determining protein quality (%DV).
Vitamins and Minerals If serving contains less than 2%DV, may (1) be declared as zero, (2) be declared as 2% if that is the nearest 2% increment, (3) delete but replaced with "Not a significant source of___" statement or (4) use asterisk referring to statement "Contains less than 2% of the Daily Value of this (these) nutrient(s)." Any other vitamins or minerals with an RDA that is added as a nutrient supplement- or when claim IC made about them. Not required on label if required or permitted by food standard & that standardized food ICincluded - an Ingredient. or If nutrient included solely for technical purposes and declared only in Ingredient statement. Expressed as % DV.
Vitamin A M N N
Vitamin C M N N
Calcium M N N
Iron M N N
Any other Vitamin or mineral listed in 101.9(C)(8)(iv) (in order given) V N N
(horizontally or in columns)
% of Vitamin A as beta carotene 101 .9(c)(8)(iv) V N Y (or In parenthesis)

February 22.1994


M - mandatory V - voluntary
Y - yes N - no




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