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  1. Importing and Exporting Medical Devices

CDRH Foreign Liaison List

Country Embassy Address State\Province\Country Telephone/Fax Misc(Footnote Number)
AFGHANISTAN Charges d'Affaires Embassy of the Islamic State of Afganistan 2341 Wyoming Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20008 Telephone: (202) 234-3770/Fax: (202) 328-2516  
ALGERIA Economic Counselor Embassy of Algeria 2118 Kalorama Road, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20008 Telephone: (202) 265-2800 - Fax: (202) 667-2174  
ANDORRA Department de Sanitat Ministeri de Benestar, Sanitat i Treball Govern d' Andorra c/Prat de la Creu No 62-64 Andorra la Vella Principat ANDORRA Telephone: 011-34-738-29345 - Fax: 011-34-738-61933  
ARGENTINA Secretaria de Estado de Salud Publica Relaciones Sanitarias Internacionales Defensa 120 - 4 - Of. 4027 1345 Buenos Aires, ARGENTINA    
AUSTRALIA Information and Secretariat Listing Therapeutic Devices Branch Therapeutic Goods Administration P.O. Box 100 Woden ACT 2606 AUSTRALIA Telephone: + 616-239-8444 - Fax: + 616-239-8687  
AUSTRIA Republik Osterreich Bundesministerium fur Gesundheit Sport und Komsumentenschutz Rodetzskystasse 2 A-1031 Wein AUSTRIA Telephone: + 431-71172-4206 - Fax: + 431-7138614  
BAHAMAS Chief Medical Officer Ministry of Health and Environment P.O. Box N 3729 Nassau, N.P.,COMMONWEALTH OF THE BAHAMA ISLANDS Bahamas Telephone: (809) 322-7425 - Fax: (809) 322-7788  
BAHRAIN Ministry of Health Directorate of Pharmacy and Drug Control P.O. Box 12 Manama BAHRAIN Fax: 011-973-252569  
BANGLADESH Director Drug Administration Ministry of Health and Population Control (Health Division) 80 Motijheel Commercial Area Dacca BANGLADESH    
BARBADOS First Secretary Embassy of Barbados 2144 Wyoming Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20008 Telephone: (202) 939-9200 - Fax: (202) 332-7467  
BELARUS Ministerstva Achovy Zdarovia Mjasnikova 39 220007 Minsk BELARUS  




BELGIUM The Pharmaceutical Inspectorate Ministry of Public Health Vesaliusgebow 3 Verdieping Administratief Centrum 1010 Brussels BELGIUM    
BELGIUM Coordinator of the Medical Device Unit (Service des dispositifs médicaux) Cité Administrative de l’Etat – Quartier Vé sale 320 Boulevard Pachéco 19, bp 5; B 1010 Bruxelles Belgique Telephone: 011 32 2 210 48 99 - Fax: 011 32 2 210 49 01  
Belgium Head of the IVD Unit: Institut Scientifique de la Santé Rue Juliette Wytsman 14 B-1050 Bruxelles Belgium Telephone: 011 32 2 642 55 21 - Fax: 011 32 2 642 56 45 (above for in vitro diagnostic devices only)
BENIN Directeur General de 1'ONP Office National de Pharmacie BP 1255 Cotonou PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF BENIN    
BOLIVIA Ministerio de Prevision Social y Salud Publica Plaza Franz Tamayo La Paz BOLIVIA    
BOTSWANA Permanent Secretary Ministry of Health Private Bag 0038 Gaborone BOTSWANA    
BRAZIL Ministerio da Saude Secretaria de Vigilancia Sanitaria Divisao Nacional de Vigilancia Sanitaria de Medicamentos DIMED Esplanada dos Ministerios Bloco G,5 Anexo Ala B, #4 Andar, Sala 402 CEP 70058, Brasilia - D.F., Brasil    
BULGARIA Director General Customs Directorate Akakou 1 1040 Sofia BULGARIA Telephone: + 800402 - Fax: + 884909  
BURMA Chancellor Embassy of Burma 2300 S Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20008    
BURUNDI The Ambassador Burundi Embassy 2717 Connecticut Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20008    
CAMEROON The Ministry of Public Health P.O. Yaounde UNITED REPUBLIC OF CAMEROON      
CANADA Director Medical Device Bureau Environmental Health Directorate Health and Welfare of Canada Main Statistics Building, Room 1605 Tunney's Pasture Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0L2 CANADA Telephone: (613) 957-4786 - Fax: (613) 954-2486  
CAPE VERDE Ministry of Health and Social Affairs Secretaria-Geral da Farmacia Praia Cape Verde CAPE VERDE ISLANDS Telephone: + 238-610112126 - Fax: + 238-613991  
CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC Directeur General de la Sante Publique B.P. 783 Banqui (Centrafrique) CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC Fax: + 236-61-17-09  
CHAD Ministre de la Sante Publique et des Affaires Sociales N'Djamena   REPUBLIC OF CHAD    
CHILE Ministerio de Salud Jefe de Coordinacion y Planes Mac Iver 541 Piso 3 Santiago CHILE    
CHINA Embassy of the People's 1 Republic of China 2300 Connecticut Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20008 Telephone: (202) 238-2500 - Fax: (202) 265-7523  
COLOMBIA Jefe Division de Medicamentoes Ministerio de Salud Calle 55 No 10-32 Blogue B, Oficina 306 Santafe de Botota D.C. COLOMBIA Telephone: + 011-2-550225 - Fax: + 011-2- 358116  
COSTA RICA Ministerio de Salud Publica San Jose   COSTA RICA    
CROATIA Director General State Office for Standardization and Metrology OZNM Republic of Croatia Ulica grada Vukovara, 78 HR-41000 Zagreb CROATIA Telephone: + 385-41-63-34-44 - Fax: + 385-41-53-66-88  
CYPRUS Director Pharmaceutical Services Ministry of Health Republic of Cyprus Nicosia CYPRUS Telephone: + 302001 - Fax: + 302721  
CZECH REPUBLIC Head Hygienist of the Ministry of Health Hygiene, Department Palackeho namestri 4 128 01 Prague 2 CZECH REPUBLIC Telephone: + 422-297709 - Fax: + 422-24972130  
DENMARK National Board of Health Medicines Division 378 Frederikssundsvej DK-2700 Bronshoj DENMARK Telephone: + 45-4494-3677 - Fax: + 45-4494-3676  
DOMINICAN REPUBLIC Secretaria de Estado de Salud Publica y Asistencia Social Ensanche La Fe Santo Domingo Hispaniola Island DOMINICAN REPUBLIC    
ECUADOR Ministerio de Salud Publica Directora Nacional de Control Sanitario Juan Larrea No. 444 Quito ECUADOR    
EGYPT Director General of Importation Department 6 El-Shwarby St. Cairo EGYPT    
EL SALVADOR Presidente del Consejo Superior de Salud Publica Avenida Espana No 736 San Salvador EL SALVADOR    
ETHIOPIA Embassy of Ethiopia Economic Office 1800 K Street, N.W., Suite # 824 Washington, D.C. 20006 United States Telephone: (202) 452-1272 - Fax: (202) 233-0137  
FIJI Embassy of the Republic of the Fiji Islands 2233 Wisconsin Avenue, NW, Suite 240 Washington, DC 20007 Telephone: (202) 337-8320 Fax: (202) 337-1996  
FINLAND National Research and Development Centre for Welface and Health Siltasaarenkatu 18, P.O. Box 220 SF-00531 Helsinki FINLAND Telephone: + 368-0-39671 - Fax: + 358-0-76130  
FRANCE Ministere de la Sante des Affaires Sociales, Ville Direction des Hopitaux Division des Equimpments, des Materials Medicaux et des Innovations Technologiques Bureau EM 1/DG/GD 1 Place de Fontenoy F-75730 Paris 07 SP REPUBLIC OF FRANCE    
FRANCE Ministere de la Sante des Affaires Sociales et de la Ville Agence du Medicament Direction des Laboratoires et des Controles 25, Boulevard Saint-Jacques F-75680 Paris Cedex 14 FRANCE    
GABONESE REPUBLIC Embassy of the Republic of Gabon 2034 20th Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20009    
GERMANY Federal Ministry for Health (BMG) Am Propsthof 78 a, 53121 Bonn FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY    
GERMANY Federal Ministry for Health Mohrenstraß 62 10117 Berlin PO Box 08 01 63 10001 Berlin FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY    
GHANA Director of Medical Services c/o P.O. Box M.44 Accra GHANA GREAT BRITAIN (see United Kingdom)    
GREAT BRITAIN See United Kingdom        
GREECE Ministry of Health, Welfare, and Social Security Biomedical Technology Division 17 Aristotelous str. 101 87 Athens GREECE Telephone: + 5235286 - Fax: + 5247067  
GRENADA Permanent Secretary Ministry of Health   St. George's GRENADA    
GUATEMALA Ministerio de Salud Publica y Asistencia Social Palacio Nacional zona 1 Guatemala GUATEMALA      
GUINEA - BISSAU Minister of Public Health Box 50 Bissau GUINEA, BISSAU Telephone: + 245-201701    
GUYANA Food and Drugs Department GAHEF 19/21 Lyng and Evans Streets Charlestown Georgetown GUYANA Telephone: + 592-2-68336 - Fax: + 592-2-57524  
HAITI Ministere Sante Publique Port-Au-Prince HAITI      
HONDURAS Director, General de Salud Tegucigalp D.C. HONDURAS      
HUNGARY Director Department for Medical Devices Ministry of Welfare and Health P.O. Box 1 H-1361 Budapest HUNGARY Telephone: + 361-1323-100 - Fax: + 361-1534-955  
HONG KONG See China        
ICELAND Embassy of Iceland 2022 Connecticut Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20008 Telephone: (202) 265-6653 - Fax: (202) 265-6656    
INDIA First Secretary (Commerce) Embassy of India 2536 Massachusetts Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20008   Telephone: (202) 939-9806 - Fax: (202) 797-4693  
INDONESIA Chief of Import of Chemical, Pharmaceutical Medical Devices, and Agriculture Products Directorate General for Foreign Trade Department of Trade J1. M.I. Ridwan Rais No 5, Blok II, 6th FL Jakarta 10110 INDONESIA Telephone: + 62-21-385-8195 - Fax: + 62-21-385-8191  
IRAN Incessant Office Embassy of Pakistan Interests Section of the Islamic Republic of Iran/td> 2209 Wisconsin Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20007    
IRAQ Commercial Officer Iraq Embassy 1801 P Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20036      
IRELAND Earlsfort Terrace Dublin 2 Ireland   Tele: 011 353 1 6764971 - Fax; 011 353 1 6767836  
ISRAEL State of Israel Ministry of Health Medical Device Department Horkania St. 8a P.O. Box 1176 Jerusalem 91010 ISRAEL    
ITALY General Director Ministero della Sanita Direzione Generale del Servizio Farmaceutico Via della Civilta Romana 7 I-00144 Rome ITALY    
IVORY COAST (WEST AFRICA) Ministere de la Sante Publique de la Population et des Affaires Sociales 01 B.P. V4 Abidjan 01 IVORY COAST    
JAMAICA Chief Medical Officer Ministry of Health 10 Caledonia Avenue Kingston 5 JAMAICA Telephone: + 809-926-4990-9 - Fax: + 809-926-3857  
JAPAN Ministry of Health and Welfare Inspection and Guidance Division Pharmaceutical Affairs Bureau 2-2, I-chome, Kasumigaseki Chiyoda-ku Tokyo, 100-8045 JAPAN Telephone: + 81-3-3501-4877 - Fax: + 81-3-3503-1043  
JORDAN Ministry of Health Department of Pharmacy P.O. Box 86 Amman JORDAN Telephone: + 693104 - Fax: + 688373  
KENYA Permanent Secretary Ministry of Health P.O. Box 30016 Nairobi KENYA    
KOREA (SOUTH) Director General Bureau of Medical Administration Ministry of Health and Social Affairs 77 Sejongro Chongroku Seoul REPUBLIC OF KOREA    
KUWAIT Health Counselor Health Office Embassy of the State of Kuwait 4201 Connecticut Avenue, N.W. Suite # 502 Washington, D.C. 20008 Telephone: (202) 686-4304 - Fax: (202) 686-4308  
LAOS Counsellor In Charge of Affairs Laos Embassy 2222 S Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20008    
LATVIA Labklajibas Ministrija Skolas 28 Rigia LATVIA   Telephone: +371 7021608 +371 7021685 +371 2276235  
LEBANON First Secretary, Embassy of Lebanon 2560 28th St., NW Washington, DC 20008 Telephone: (202) 939-6300 - Fax: (202) 939-6324  
LESOTHO Permanent Secretary Ministry of Health P.O. Box 514 Maseru 100 LESOTHO      
LIBERIA Research and Information Officer Embassy of Liberia Liberian Information Center 1050 17th Street, N.W. Suite 330 Washington, D.C. 20036    
LIECHTENSTEIN Amt fur Lebensmittelkontrolle P.O. Box 402 FL-9494 Schaan LIECHTENSTEIN    
LITHUANIA Department of Medical Equipment Ministry of Health Republic of Lithuania Gedimino pr. 27 232682 Vilnius LITHUANIA Telephone: + 621625 - Fax: + 0122-2224601  
LUXEMBOURG Ministre de la Santé Villa Louvigny - allée Marconi L-2120 LUXEMBOURG Telephone: +352 478 5501 - Fax. +352 46 79 63  
MADAGASCAR Directeur des Pharmacies et Laboratories Ministere de la Sante Publique Ambohidahy Antananarivo Madagascar Madagascar Island MALAGASY REPUBLIC    
MALAWI The Secretary for Health Ministry of Health Headquarter P.O. Box 30377 Capital City Lilongwe 3 MALAWI Telephone: + 265-783044 - Fax: + 265-783109  
MALAYSIA Assistant Director of Medical Services (Equipment) Medical Services Division Ministry of Health Jalan Cenderasari 50590 Kuala Lumpur MALAYSIA Telephone: + 03-2985077, Ext. 403 - Fax: + 03-2934933  
MALI Embassy of Mali 2130 R Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20008      
MALTA Chief Pharmacist of the Department of Health Government Medical Stores G'Mangia, Malta SOVEREIGN STATE OF MALTA   Telephone: + 00356-23-18-48 - Fax: + 0356-24-31-63  
MAURITANIA Directeur Direction de la Sante et des Affairs Sociale Nouakchott Mauritania ISLAND REPUBLIC OF MAURITANIA      
MAURITIUS The Permanent Secretary Ministry of Health Port-Louis Mauritius Island MASCARENE ISLANDS      
MEXICO Director General de Control de Insumos para la Salud Mariano Escobedo 737 6 Piso Colonia Chapupltepic Morales 11560 Mexico, D. F. MEXICO Telephone: + 525-254-0962 + 525-254-2525 - Fax: + 525-250-6962  
MONACO Direction de l'Action Sanitaire et Sociale Department de l'Interieur Ministere d'Etat Principaute de Monaco   MONACO    
MOROCCO Ministre de la Sante 335 Avenue Mohammed 5 P.O. Box 812 Rabat MOROCCO Telephone: +(07) 76-11-21 Fax: +(07) 76-38-95  
MOZAMBIQUE Chief of Pharmaceutical Department Ministry of Health Post Box 264 Maputo MOZAMBIQUE Telephone: + 258-01-427-131 - Fax: + 258-01-426547  
NEPAL Royal Nepalese Embassy 2131 Leroy Place, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20008 Telephone: (202) 667-4550 - Fax: (202) 667-5534  
THE NETHERLANDS Ministry of Welfare, Health and Cultural Affairs Staatstoezicht op de Volksgezondheid Hoofdinspectie voor de Geneesmiddelen P.O.Box 5406 2280 HK Rijswijk THE NETHERLANDS Telephone: + 011-31-70-340-7911 - Fax: + 011-31-70-340-7159  
NEW GUINEA Economic Officer Papua New Guinea Embassy 1800 K Street, N.W. Suite 631 Washington, D.C. 20006    
NEW ZEALAND Therapeutics Section Department of Health P.O. Box 5013 Wellington NEW ZEALAND Telephone: + 64-4-496-2364 - Fax: + 64-4-496-2340  
NICARAGUA Ing. Marcos Wheelock Vice Ministro de Salud Apartado Postal No. 107 Ministerio de Salud Managua NICARAGUA    
NIGER Ambassador Embassy of Niger 2204 R Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20008    
NIGERIA Assistant Director (Drug Controls) Food and Drug Administration Federal Ministry of Health Federal Secretariat Ikoyi Lagos FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF NIGERIA    
NORWAY Director, Directorate of Health Calmeyersgaten Oslo P.B. 8128 DEP. N-0032 Oslo NORWAY Telephone: + 47-22349090 - Fax: +47-22349590  
NORWAY The Control for Single-Use Medical Devices National Institute of Public Health Geitmyrsveien 75 0462 Oslo 4 NORWAY Telephone: + 47-22042200 - Fax: + 47-22353605  
NORWAY Elektrisitetstilsynet, Enhet for Medisinsk Utstyr, Norwegian Electrical Safety Directorate Unit for Medical Devices Sternsberggt. 25 N-0170 Oslo NORWAY Telephone: + 47 22467330 - Fax: + 47 22468057  
OMAN Second Secretary Embassy of Oman 2342 Massachusetts Avenue, N.W.>/td> Washington, D.C. 20008    
PAKISTAN Drugs Controller\Ministry of Health
Islamabad, Pakistan   Telephone: 92-51-9202566 - Fax: 92-51-9202566, 92-51-9205481  
PANAMA Director de Salud de Adultos Salud del Canal Ministerio de Salud Direccion del Programa de Salud de Adultos Apartado 2048 Panama 1 REPUBLIC OF PANAMA    
PARAGUAY Director, Instituto Nacional de Tecnologia y Normalizacion Av. Gral. Artigas y Gral. Roa Asuncion PARAGUAY        
PERU Ministerio de Salud Director Superior Avenida Salaverry 8 ava Cuadra Jesus Maria Lima PERU    
PHILIPPINES Director Department of Health Bureau of Food and Drugs Alabang, Muntinlupa Metro Manila REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES    
POLAND Office of Medicinal Products, Medical Devices and Biocides 30-34 Chelmska Str.00-725 Warsaw POLAND    
PORTUGAL Ministerio da Saude Infarmed-Instituto Nacional de Farmacia e do Medicamento Av. Estados Unidos da America 37 1700 Lisboa PORTUGAL Telephone: + 304131 - Fax: + 8480331  
QATAR Director General of the Ministry of Health Ministry of Public Health P.O. Box 42 Doha QATAR    
ROMANIA Ministerul Sanatatii Str. Minesterului mr. 1-3 Sector 1 Bucharest ROMANIA Telephone: + 401-614-1526 - Fax: -401-615-6192  
RUSSIA Ministry of Health Rakhmanovsky Per 3 Moscow 101431 RUSSIA Fax: 200-0212  
RWANDA Ministere de la Sante Publique B.P. 84, Kigali RWANDA        
SAUDI ARABIA Ministry of Health Riyadh 11176 SAUDI ARABIA    
SAINT LUCIA The Minister Ministry of Health and Local Goverment Chaussee Road Castries ST. LUCIA Telephone: + 809-452-2859 - Fax: + 809-452-5655  
SENEGAL Press Counsellor Embassy of Senegal 2112 Wyoming Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20008    
SIERRA LEONE Education Attache Embassy of Sierra Leone 1701 19th Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20009    
SINGAPORE Centre for Medical Device Regulation\Health Sciences Authority
11 Outram Road Singapore 169078 Telephone: 65-6213-0663 - Fax: 65-6324-4361
SLOVAK REPUBLIC International Department Ministry of Health Limbova 2 831 05 Bratislava SLOVAK REPUBLIC Telephone: + 427-376-161 - Fax: + 427-377-934  
SLOVENIA The Republic of Slovenia Ministry of Health Stefanova 5 61000 Ljubijana SLOVENIA Telephone: (+38) 61 151 028 - Fax: (+38) 61 217 752  
SOUTH AFRICA The Registrar of Medicines Medicines Control Council; Department of National Health and Population Development Private Bag X828 0001 Pretoria REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA Telephone: + 12-312-0284 - Fax: + 12-325-5706  
SPAIN Subdireccion General de Evaluacion de Productos Sanitarios Ministerio de Sanidad y Consumo Paseo del Prado, 18 28014 Madrid SPAIN    
SRI LANKA Director General of Health Services Ministry of Health and Woman's Affairs Inland Revenue Building 111/1 Sir Chittampalam A. Gardiner Mawatha Colombo 2 SRI LANKA Telephone: + 941-421121 - Fax: + 941-692913  
SUDAN Government Analyst Chemical Laboratories Ministry of Health P.O. Box 287M Khartoum SUDAN    
SURINAME Ministerie van Volksgezondheid Gravenstraat 64 Paramaribo SURINAME      
SWAZILAND Director of Medical Services Ministry of Health P.O. Box 5 Mbabane SWAZILAND    
SWEDEN Head, Hospital Division Socialstyrelsen;The National Board of Health and Welfare S-106 30 Stockholm SWEDEN      
SWEDEN Principal Administrator, Medical Devices Medical Products Agency Lakemedelsverket Box 26 S-751 03 Uppsala SWEDEN Telephone: + 46-18-17-46-40 - Fax: + 46-18-54-85-66  
SWITZERLAND Economic Section Embassy of Switzerland 2900 Cathedral Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20008 Telephone: (202) 745-7900 - Fax: (202) 387-2564  
SYRIA Minister of Health Ministry of Health Parliament Street   Damascus SYRIA    
TAIWAN Bureau of Pharmaceutical Affairs Department of Health Executive Yuan 100 Ai Kuo E. Rd. Taipei TAIWAN   Telephone: + 886-2-3952193 - Fax: + 886-2-3971548  
TANZANIA The Principal Secretary Ministry of Health P.O. Box 9083 Dar Es Salaam (Attention: A.C.M.O.[Hs]) TANZANIA Telephone: + 26633 - Fax: + 41455  
THAILAND The Food and Drug Administration Ministry of Public Health Attn: The Secretary-General Samsen Road Bangkok 10200 THAILAND Telephone: + 66-2-282-3388 - Fax: + 66-2-281-2778  
TOGO Ministre de la Sante Publique Lome TOGO        
TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO Embassy of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago 1708 Massachusetts Avenue N.W. Washington, D.C. 20036    
TUNISIA Ministere de la Sante Publique Pharmacie Centrale de Tunisie 51 Avenue Charles Nicolle Tunis TUNISIA    
TURKEY Ayhan KoçakRepublic of Turkey, Ministry of Health, General Directorate of Curative Services Saðlýk Bakanlýðý Tedavi Hizmetleri Genel Müdürlüðü B Blok Kat: 2 Sýhhiye-ANKARA TÜRKÝYE Telephone: 011 90 312 435 58 69 - Fax: 011 90 312 432 42 73  
UGANDA The Permanent Secretary Ministry of Health P.O. Box 8 Entebbe UGANDA   Telephone: + 30860 - Fax: + 21062  
UNITED ARAB EMIRATES Undersecretary Ministry of Health P.O. Box 848, Abu Dhabi UNITED ARAB EMIRATES   Telephone: + 211357 - Fax: + 313742  
UNITED KINGDOM Medical Devices Agency Department of Health Hannibal House Elephant and Castle London SE1 6TQ England UNITED KINGDOM Telephone: +0171-972-8000 - Fax: + 071-972-8112  
URUGUAY Embassy of Uruguay, 1918 F Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20006   Telephone: (202) 331-1315 - Fax: (202) 331-8142  
VENEZUELA Adjunto a la Direccion de Salud Publica Ministerio de Sanidad y Assistencia Social Edificio Sur Centro Simon Bolivar Caracas VENEZUELA    
YEMEN Minister Embassy of Republic of Yemen Economic and Commercial Department 2600 Virginia Avenue, N.W., Suite 705 Washington, D.C. 20037    
YUGOSLAVIA Savezni Zavod Za Standardizaciju Federal Institution for Standardization Slobodana Penezica Krcuna 35 11000 Beograd YUGOSLAVIA    
ZAIRE Embassy of Zaire 1800 New Hampshire Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20009    
ZAMBIA Executive Secretary Food and Drugs Control;Board Ministry of Health Republic of Zambia Cairo Road P.O. Box 30205 Lusaka ZAMBIA    
  • Present embassy contact pending the foreign government's designation of an official liaison to work with FDA on the enforcement of medical laws and regulations.
  • Belgium's authorizing official responsible for approving the importation of medical devices into Belgium.
  • Belgium's foreign liaison responsible for handling all matters regarding medical devices except importation authorization.
  • Present official liaison to work with FDA on the enforcement of medical device laws and regulations.
  • Applications for the letter required by FDA should be addressed to the Ministerialrat and should be either written in German or accompanied by a German translation. Applications can only be considered if they are accompanied by detailed descriptions, which will permit the German authorities to evaluate the conformity of that device with German laws and regulations. Such descriptions should also be in German.
  • The Israeli Embassy has requested us to refer all of our liaison correspondence through the United Embassy in Tel Aviv. However, all 801(e)(2) authorization letters for Israel must come from the Government of Israel..
  • Norway's office responsible for serving as liaison on behalf of the Committee for Medical Devices for all devices except sterile medical devices for single use.
  • Norway's office responsible for serving as liaison on behalf of the Committee for Medical Devices for sterile medical devices for single use.
  • Sweden's authorizing official responsible for approving the importation of devices into Sweden.
  • Sweden's foreign liaison responsible for handling matters regarding industrially sterilized single-use medical devices


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