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On Oct. 1, 2024, the FDA began implementing a reorganization impacting many parts of the agency. We are in the process of updating FDA.gov content to reflect these changes.

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  3. FDA Meetings, Conferences and Workshops
  4. Developing Novel Therapies for Stimulant Use Disorder - 12/16/2019 - 12/16/2019
  1. FDA Meetings, Conferences and Workshops

Workshop | In Person

Event Title
Developing Novel Therapies for Stimulant Use Disorder
December 16, 2019


December 16, 2019
Event Location
Marriott Metro Center
Washington Marriott at Metro Center

775 12th St NW
Washington, DC 20005
United States

Marriott Metro Center
Washington Marriott at Metro Center
775 12th St NW
Washington, DC 20005


In recent years, there has been an increase in the number of overdoses that involve a psychostimulant, such as methamphetamine, cocaine, or prescription. In response to growing rates of stimulant misuse, addiction, and overdose, stakeholders across the U.S. health care system are working to implement strategies designed to ensure that patients with stimulant use disorder are treated appropriately. For public policy, regulatory, and clinical decision-makers, understanding the shifting trends in addiction is critical to improving patient health outcomes and public health. Currently, there are no pharmacological treatments approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for stimulant use disorder. New therapies are needed to address treatment gaps for patients with stimulant use disorder.

Through a cooperative agreement with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, this public workshop will examine the complexities of stimulant use disorder with a focus on methamphetamine and cocaine abuse. The goals of this workshop are to explore emerging trends in illicit and prescription stimulant abuse, review drug development paradigms for novel treatments, and explore potential innovative therapies for stimulant use disorder. Participants will discuss future directions for drug development and regulation as well as strategies for patient engagement. This meeting will bring together experts and key stakeholders from federal agencies, academia, and professional organizations. This workshop will lay the groundwork for understanding this complex landscape and promoting the exchange of innovative ideas to advance the development of novel therapies for stimulant use disorder.


Event Contact
Duke-Margolis Center for Health Policy
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