Enforcement Report API Definitions
This page provides definitions for each result column available on the Enforcement Reports API.
Column Name | Column Full Text | Definition |
centercd | Center Name | The name of the FDA Center that classifies the recall. |
centerclassificationdt | Center Classification Date | Date that FDA classified the recalled products as Class I, II, or III. |
centerclassificationtypetxt | Classification | Numerical designation (I, II, or III) that is assigned by FDA to a particular product recall that indicates the relative degree of health hazard. For recalls pending classification, the entry will display as “Not Yet Classified.” Definitions for Class I, II, and III are found on the Enforcement Report Navigation and Definitions page. |
codeinfoindicator | Code Information (Expansion Indicator) | Indicator associated with the Code Information that identifies when the truncated version is displayed on the search results and event/product details pop-up screen and where an option to expand to the view the full text is given (i.e., "more…"). |
codeinformation | Code Information (Full Text) | A list of all lot and/or serial numbers, product numbers, expiration dates, sell or use by dates, etc., which appear on the product or its labeling. |
codeinfoshort | Code Information (Short Text) | A truncated version of the Code Information (Full Text) that is displayed in search results and event/product details pop-up. |
createdt | Create Date | Date that recall was first posted. |
determinationdt | Determination Date | Date the recall was determined that a firm's action meets the definition of a recall. |
distributionareasummarytxt | Distribution Pattern (Full Text) | General area of initial distribution such as states, countries, or territories. Note that subsequent distribution by the consignees to other parties may not be included. |
distributionpatternindicator | Distribution Pattern (Expansion Indicator) | Indicator associated with the Distribution Pattern that identifies when the truncated version is displayed on the search results and event/product details pop-up screen and where an option to expand to the view the full text is given (i.e., "more…"). |
distributionpatternshort | Distribution Pattern (Short Text) | A truncated version of the Distribution Pattern (Full Text) that is displayed in search results and event/product details pop-up. |
enforcementreportdt | Weekly Enforcement Report Date | Date that the FDA issued the enforcement report for the product recall. |
eventlmd | Event Last Modified Date | Date that the recall event was last posted or modified for any change. For endpoints involving product or event history, this column displays the date the new value was posted. |
fieldname | Field Name | Column name where a new value was posted. |
firmcitynam | Original Recalling Firm City Name | City of the recalling firm at the time of the recall. |
firmcountrynam | Original Recalling Firm Country | Country of the recalling firm at the time of the recall. |
firmfeinum | Original Recalling Firm FEI Number | FDA Establishment Identifier (FEI) of the recalling firm at the time of the recall. |
firmlegalnam | Original Recalling Firm Name | Name of the recalling firm at the time of the recall. |
firmline1adr | Original Recalling Firm Address Line 1 | Address Line 1 of the recalling firm at the time of the recall. |
firmline2adr | Original Recalling Firm Address Line 2 | Address Line 2 of the recalling firm at the time of the recall. |
firmpostalcd | Original Recalling Firm Postal Code | Postal code of the recalling firm at the time of the recall. |
firmstateprvncnam | Original Recalling Firm State or Province | US State or Province of the recalling firm at the time of the recall. |
firmsurvivingfei | Current Recalling Firm FEI Number | Current FDA Establishment Identifier (FEI) of the recalling firm if changed since the time of the recall. |
firmsurvivingnam | Current Recalling Firm Name | Current Name of the recalling firm if changed since the time of the recall. |
initialfirmnotificationtxt | Initial Firm Notification of Consignee or Public | The method(s) by which the firm initially notified the public or their consignees of a recall. |
newvalue | New Value | New value that supersedes the previous value. |
oldvalue | Old Value | Previous value that was replaced by the new value. |
phasetxt | Status | Shows the progress of a recall (On-going, Completed, or Terminated). Definitions for the status values are found on the Enforcement Report Navigation and Definitions page. |
postedinternetdt | Posted to Internet Date | The date the recall was first posted to the Enforcement Report. This field supports the Enforcement Report Daily View and may be blank for older recalls (recalls prior to October 25, 2022). |
pressreleaseissuedt | Press Release Issue Date | The date that press release(s) posted onto FDA's website. |
pressreleasetype | Press Release Type | The type of press release, i.e., State, Firm, or FDA. |
pressreleaseurl | Press Release URL | The URL of the press release(s) posted on the FDA's website. |
productdescriptionindicator | Product Description (Expansion Indicator) | Indicator associated with the Product Description that identifies when the truncated version is displayed on the search results and event/product details pop-up screen and where an option to expand to the view the full text is given (i.e., "more…"). |
productdescriptionshort | Product Description (Short Text) | An abbreviated version of the Product Description (Full Text) that is displayed in search results and event/product details pop-up. |
productdescriptiontxt | Product Description (Full Text) | Brief description of the product. |
productdistributedquantity | Product Quantity | The amount of product subject to recall. |
productid | Product ID | A numerical designation assigned by FDA to a specific recall product (used for tracking purposes). |
productlmd | Product Last Modified Date | Date that the recalled product was last posted or modified for any change. |
productshortreasontxt | Reason for Recall (Full Text) | Information describing how the product is defective. |
producttypeshort | Product Type | Commodity of the recalled product. |
recalleventid | Event ID | A numerical designation assigned by FDA to a specific recall event (used for tracking purposes). |
recallinitiationdt | Recall Initiation Date | The date that the firm first began notifying the public or their consignees of the recall. |
recallnum | Recall Number | A system generated, numeric designation assigned by FDA to a specific, classified recalled product (used for tracking purposes). |
recallreasonindicator | Reason for Recall (Expansion Indicator) | Indicator associated with the Reason for Recall that identifies when the truncated version is displayed on the search results and event/product details pop-up screen and where an option to expand to the view the full text is given (i.e., "more…"). |
recallreasonshort | Reason for Recall (Short Text) | An abbreviated version of the Reason for Recall (Full Text) that is displayed in search results and event/product details pop-up. |
terminationdt | Date Terminated | The date that FDA terminated the recall. |
voluntarytypetxt | Voluntary Type Text | Designates that a recall was initiated voluntarily by a firm on its own volition or after being requested to recall by FDA. |