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CERSI Collaborative Research Projects

The CERSIs conduct cutting-edge regulatory science research with high public health impact aimed at development of new tools, standards, and approaches to assess the safety, efficacy, quality and performance of FDA-regulated products. Many of these research projects are conducted in collaboration with FDA.

The CERSIs promote innovation in regulatory science predominantly through cutting-edge scientific research that supports FDA's regulatory science needs. They may also provide regulatory science information sharing opportunities, such as lectures, workshops, courses, scholar awards, fellowships, and competitions. We aim for the collaborative activities to target one or more of the focus areas in the Regulatory Science Framework.


Project TitleCERSIFiscal Year (FY)Lead/Funding CenterCERSI Lead PIFDA Lead SMECharge/Topic Area
A Mixed Methods Research Design to Identify Factors Influencing Prescriber Decision-Making about Pain Management and Opioid PrescribingYale-MayoFY21CDERHooten, MichaelColeman, BlairCharge 2 Topic E
A positive deviance approach for representing women, older adults and patients identifying as racial and ethnic minorities in oncology researchYale-MayoFY22OCEMiller, JenniferFashoyin-Aje, LolaCharge 1 Topic F
A Rapid Query Model to Address Prioritized COVID-19 Questions Using EHR DataUCSF-StanfordFY20OCButte, AtulAbernethy, AmyCharge 1 Topic J
Active Surveillance of Medical Device Safety and Outcomes Using EHRs: Prostate Cancer Partial Gland Ablation TechnologiesJHUFY19CDRHGorin, Michael; Segal, JodiFisher, BenjaminCharge 2 Topic A
Adapting a Measure of Heart Failure to an Adolescent PopulationUCSF-Stanford, Yale-MayoFY18CDRHStanford-Christopher Almond, Yale-Mayo Jennifer RidgewayBocell, FraserCharge 1 Topic E
An Electronic Approach for Post-Market Safety Monitoring for Antibiotic-Associated Adverse EventsJHUFY21CDERCosgrove, SaraGopinath, RamyaCharge 2 Topic D
An integromic signature for distinguishing malignant from benign growths detected on screening CT scansUMDFY21OCEFeng JiangSchneider, JulieCharge 1 Topic D
An Unbiased Analysis of Identification and Assessment of Cas9/gRNA Potential Off-Target Sites in Clinical Development of Ex Vivo Manufactured Genome Edited Cell ProductsUCSF-StanfordFY18CBERStanford- Matthew Porteus, Kyle CromerYe, ZhaohuiCharge 1 Topic G
An X-Ray Based Online Probe for Real-Time Process Monitoring of The Crystallization of Active Pharmaceutical IngredientsUMDFY23OCETLex Schultheis, MD, PhDCoburn, James Charge 1 Topic B
Analysis and Strategy of Tools to Improve Remote Interactions and Document ManagementUMDFY23CDERKunpeng Zhang, PhDJaiswal, MihirCharge 1 Topic C
Applying Additive Manufacturing for Continuous Production of Extracellular Vesicle ProductsUMDFY23OCETSteven Jay (PI)Sung, KyungCharge 1 Topic B
Assessing disparities in occurrence of type 2 diabetes adverse drug events in minority populations using real world administrative claims and electronic health recordsJHUFY20CDERHadi KharraziLiu, Qi (CDER)Charge 2 Topic A
Assessing Physiological, Neural, and Self-Reported Response to Tobacco Education MessagesJHUFY18CTPMoran, MeghanNavarro, MarioCharge 3 Topic C
Assessing real world use of pharmaceuticals among pregnant and lactating peopleJHUFY20OWHLadd-Acosta, ChristineVasisht, KaveetaCharge 1 Topic
Assessing the Potential for Patient-Specific and Genome Edited Induced Pluripotent Cell-Based Models to Streamline Clinical Drug Development for Rare DiseasesUCSF-StanfordFY21CDERJoseph Wu (Stanford)Strauss, DavidCharge 1 Topic J
Assessment of Patient Tolerance for Risk with High Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU) that Destroys Prostate TissueUMDFY20CDRHSiddiqui, MinhajViviano, CharlesCharge 1 Topic I
Assessment of Safety and Performance Issues with Extended Reality (XR) Tele-mentoring of an Image-Guided, Clinically Important ProcedureUMDFY23CDRHSarah Murthi (Co-PI)Beams, RyanCharge 1 Topic J
Bayesian adaptive trial designs for neoantigen based immunotherapy and borrowing strength across subpopulations within the trial and from external controlsYale-MayoFY20OCEYin, VivienSchneider, Julie; Sridhara, RajeshwariCharge 1 Topic C
Biokinetic modeling of hemolysis and renal injury in cardiopulmonary bypass patients: Establishing safety acceptance criteria for blood damage caused by medical devicesUMDFY21CDRHBuehler, PaulSaylor, David MCharge 1 Topic D
Building Capacity for Research on Cancer and Aging: The UMGCCC-Medicare DatabaseUMDFY21OCEJoanne DorganRivera, Donna Charge 1 Topic J
Bulk Drug Substances Used to Compound Drugs for Patients with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)JHUFY18CDERRobinson, Karen; Alexander, Caleb; Gilmore, Vi; Ladd-Acosta, Christine; Vasa, Roma; Volk, HeatherDohm, JulieCharge 2 Topic A
Characterization and analysis of high incidence of potentially unsafe prescribing of some Extended-Release opioid analgesics using Natural Language Processing of Electronic Health Records clinical notesYale-MayoFY17CDERJeffery, MollyKornegay, Cynthia J; Liberatore, MarkCharge 2 Topic A
Characterizing Benefit-Risk Tradeoffs in Opioid-Based Chronic Pain TreatmentUCSF-StanfordFY19CDRHStanford - Sean Mackey, Corinne Jung, Kate Lorig; Univ Houston - Partha Krishnamurthy, Ye Hu; Northwestern - Karon CookTarver, MichelleCharge 1 Topic I
Characterization of the impact of xylazine and dexmedetomidine: pharmacological profile, addictive behaviors, and physiological effects, including wound developmentTriangleFY23CDERMcElligott, ZoeVarshneya, NeilCharge 3 Topic D
Characterizing Population-Specific Clinical Asthma ProfilesUCSF-StanfordFY20OMHHESook Wah Yee (UCSF)Araojo, RichardaeCharge 1 Topic D
Characterizing safety and efficacy of brand-name and generic drugs used to treat hypothyroidism among patients who switch therapy formulationYale-MayoFY19CDERBrito, Juan; Lipska, KasiaWang, ZhongCharge 2 Topic A
Characterizing use, safety and efficacy of brand-name and generic drugs used to treat hypothyroidismYale-MayoFY16CDERRoss, Joseph; Shah, NilayChoi, LaurenCharge 2 Topic A
Chemoinformatic Tools to Predict the Effects of Excipients in Generic DrugsUCSF-StanfordFY15CDERUCSF- Brian ShoichetZhao, LiangCharge 1 Topic C
Clinical Use of Drugs Including Bulk Drug Substances Nominated for Use in Compounding by Outsourcing FacilitiesUMDFY18CDERUMB- Ashlee Mattingly, James Polli, Steve HoagCosel, GabrielleCharge 3 Topic F
Clinical Use of Drugs Including Bulk Drug Substances Nominated for Use in Compounding by Outsourcing FacilitiesUMDFY18CDERMattingly, AshleeRothman, SaraCharge 3 Topic F
Clinical Use of Drugs Including Bulk Drug Substances Nominated for Use in Compounding by Outsourcing FacilitiesUMDFY19CDERMattingly, Ashlee; Polli, JamesLawson, RosilendCharge 3 Topic F
Communicating about COVID-19 Testing to Underrepresented Populations (Spanish version)UMDFY21CDRH, OMHHEDaniel MullinsTarver, MichelleCharge 2 Topic A
Community-Level Simulation of Opioid-Related Health OutcomesYale-Mayo, JHUFY21CDERTaylor, Andrew (Yale); Ballreich, Jeromie (JHU)Ahadpour, MitraCharge 2 Topic F
Comparing Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches to Eliciting Patient Preferences: A Case Study on Innovative Upper Limb ProsthesesUCSF-StanfordFY16CDRHUCSF- Leslie WilsonSaha, AninditaCharge 1 Topic C
Comprehensive Assessment of Sex-Differential Smoking-related Effects in Publicly Available Gene Expression DataUCSF-StanfordFY19OWHStanford - Russ Altman, Emily FlynnNugent, BridgetCharge 1 Topic D
Creating a Framework for a National Adaptive Platform Trial to Evaluate Pediatric Medical DevicesUCSF-StanfordFY20CDRHChristopher Almond (Stanford)Peiris, VasumCharge 1 Topic F
Data-informed Models to Identify Optimal Opioid Use Disorder Treatment TrajectoriesUMDFY20CDERDanya QatoColeman, Blair Charge 3 Topic D
Defining SARS-CoV-2 vaccine-induced immunity in pregnant and lactating peopleJHUFY21OWHKlein, SabraNugent, BridgetCharge 1 Topic D
Developing Frameworks and Tools for Integration of Digital Health Tools into Clinical PracticeUCSF-StanfordFY18CDRHAndrew Auerbach (UCSF)Rashid, LeedaCharge 3 Topic C
Development of a precision oncology decision support platform to enhance genotype-driven clinical trial recruitment and decentralized personalized medicine approachesJHUFY22OCEValsamo AnagnostouNarayan, PreetiCharge 1 Topic D
Development of computational methods to inform public health decisions for newly emerging opioidsUMDFY24CDERShen, Jana Stavitskaya, LidiyaCharge 1 Topic C
Development of optical and digital microscopy hardware, software, and statistical methods to enable computational pathology in low resourcesYale-MayoFY22CDRHBlenman, KimGallas, Brandon D.Charge 1 Topic D
Developing a risk prediction engine for relapse in opioid use disorderTriangleFY23CDRHDunn, JessilynSaha, AninditaCharge 3 Topic D
Development of Thrombogenicity Testing Methods for Medical Devices with Large Blood-Contacting SurfacesUCSF-StanfordFY18CDRHUCSF- Shuvo RoyLu, QijinCharge 1 Topic B
Effects of Antioxidants in Drug Products on Intestinal Drug TransportersUCSF-StanfordFY22CDERSook Wah Yee (UCSF)Lu, DongmeiCharge 2 Topic A
Effects of Excipients in Generic Drugs Products on Intestinal Drug TransportersUCSF-StanfordFY15CDERUCSF- Kathy GiacominiZhao, LiangCharge 1 Topic C
Engineering quality control into biomanufacturing of extracellular vesicle-based productsUMDFY20CBERSteven JayBauer, StevenCharge 1 Topic B
Enhancing the role of pharmacies in reducing opioid misuse and abuse in racial and ethnic minority and rural communitiesTriangleFY23CDERHughes, Tamera; Ferreri, StefanieRass, OlgaCharge 3 Topic D
Evaluate Application of Artificial Intelligence to Adaptive Enrichment Clinical TrialsYale-MayoFY21CDERYin, VivienBrodsky, BorisCharge 2 Topic B
Evaluate the Application of Machine Learning Algorithms to the Management of Postpartum HemorrhageYale-MayoFY22OWHSon, MouenBersoff-Matcha, SusanCharge 2 Topic A
Evaluating mobile health tool use for capturing patient-centered outcome measures in heart failure patientsYale-MayoFY18CDERMcLeod, ChrisSacks, Leonard VCharge 2 Topic A
Evaluating Quality Performance of Extemporaneously Compounded Estrogen Hormone ProductsUMDFY22OWHAudra StinchcombSouth, Erin Charge 1 Topic E
Evaluating the utility of negative controls in drug safety and effectiveness studies using real-world dataUMDFY20CDERZafar ZafariTian, FangCharge 2 Topic A
Evaluation of the REMS Programs for Psychiatric MedicationsUMDFY20CDERCatherine CookeBergquist, BarbaraCharge 2 Topic E
Histology, Pathology and Histopathology of Humanized MiceJHUFY18CDERGabrielson, Kathleen;Howard, KristinaCharge 1 Topic D
How consumers use flavors to make inferences about Electronic Nicotine Delivery System (ENDS) product qualities and intentions to useJHUFY17CTPMoran, Meghan; Kennedy, Ryan; Lagasse, LisaTrigger, SarahCharge 2 Topic E
Hyperspectral Interferometric Scattering Microscopy for Characterizing Nanoparticle-based TherapeuticsUMDFY20CDERWoehl, TaylorQin, BinCharge 1 Topic C
Identification and Validation of Biomarkers for Breast Cancer Resistance ProteinUCSF-StanfordFY20CDERSook Wah Yee (UCSF)Liu, Qi (CDER)Charge 1 Topic D
Identify Genotype-Phenotype and Pharmacogenetic Association Using a Population-scale Cellular PlatformUCSF-StanfordFY22CDERJoseph C. WuStrauss, David; Ford, KevinCharge 1 Topic G
Identifying, Selecting, and Utilizing Quantitative Bias Analysis MethodsYale-MayoFY22CDERWallach, JoshuaHua, Wei; Zhang, MingfengCharge 2 Topic B
Implementation of a stakeholder survey to facilitate enhanced pediatric medical device innovationYale-MayoFY18ORSI, CDRHSchlesinger, MarkPeiris, VasumCharge 1 Topic H
Improving adverse event detection related to biologic immunosuppressant use – a pilot study of the BERT deep learning model adapted to real-world clinical notesUCSF-StanfordFY21CDERVivek RudrapatnaHabal, NadiaCharge 1 Topic J
Improving efficacy and safety of pathogen inactivation strategies for platelet transfusionUMDFY19CBERFontaine, MagaliAtreya, ChintamaniCharge 1 Topic B
Improving FDA Health Communications with Older Women Regarding FDA-Regulated ProductsUMDFY19OWHMullins, DanielJu, Jing (Julia)Charge 2 Topic E
Improving the diagnosis and treatment of women with myocardial ischemia and no obstructive coronary artery disease (INOCA)Yale-MayoFY22OWHShah, SamitBersoff-Matcha, Susan; Reasner, DavidCharge 1 Topic E
Improving the Efficiency and Rigor of Pharmacovigilance at FDAUCSF-StanfordFY15CDERRuss Altman (Stanford)Rocca, MitraCharge 1 Topic A
Improving the Efficiency and Rigor of Pharmacovigilance at FDA: visualization of multi-source information and unsupervised learning to support causal inferenceJHUFY18ORSI, CDERBotsis, Taxiarchis; Rosner, Gary; Lehmann, Harold; Naidoo, JaruskaBall, Robert; Dang, OanhCharge 2 Topic A
Improving the Integrity of Novel Digital Health Technology-derived Endpoints through Rigorous Simulation Studies of Multiple Imputation TechniquesUCSF-StanfordFY23CDERManisha DesaiKam, Maria MatildeCharge 1 Topic J
Informatics driven real world analysis of SARS-CoV-2 serologic response and in vitro diagnostic accuracyYale-MayoFY20CDRHSchulz, WadeCanos, DanielCharge 2 Topic A
Investigation of potential mutagenicity of Molnupiravir in COVID-19 patientsUMDFY22NCTRJames PolliDobrovolsky, VasilyCharge 1 Topic G
Large Language Models to support Bioequivalence EvaluationUCSF-StanfordFY23CDERRuss Altman (Stanford)Zhao, LiangCharge 1 Topic C
Learning Real-World Sex-Specific Clinical Factors Influencing the Susceptibility to Infection, Immune Response, Treatment Utilization and Outcomes Among Individuals Infected with SARS-CoV-2 InfectionUCSF-StanfordFY21OWHRohit Vashisht (UCSF)Doamekpor, Lauren; Bersoff-Matcha, Susan Charge 1 Topic A
Leveraging human brain organoids for mixture neurotoxicity and the understanding of individual susceptibilities – BrainMixToxJHUFY21CFSANHartung, ThomasFitzpatrick, SuzanneCharge 1 Topic A
Linking data sources to elucidate non-fatal and fatal opioid-related overdose epidemiology and the role of FDA-regulated productsYale-MayoFY17ORSI, CDERBecker, William; Howell, BenDormitzer, Catherine; Greene, ChristinaCharge 2 Topic A
Longitudinal analysis & visualization of patient-reported physical function & symptom dataYale-MayoFY22OCEThanarajasingam, GitaBhatnagar, VishalCharge 1 Topic E
Measurement of Metal Ions and HPHCs in Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems (ENDS) and Their Physio-pathological Impact on Cells of the Oral Cavity and Upper Respiratory TractUMDFY20CTPSarah MichelPatel, VyomeshCharge 1 Topic C
Metabolism-based drug-drug interactions (DDI) and liver toxicity of drugs for COVID-19 treatmentUMDFY20CDERHongbing WangHuang, Shiew Mei Charge 1 Topic G
Methods to capture post-market patient preference informationYale-MayoFY19OWHHargraves, IanBersoff-Matcha, SusanCharge 2 Topic E
Microphysiological Systems for the Evaluation of Drug-induced Liver InjuryUMDFY24CDERHongbing WangSadrieh, NakissaCharge 1 Topic A
Next Generation Text Analytics for FDA - Relevant Text MiningUCSF-StanfordFY15OHIStanford- Russ AltmanJohanson, ElaineCharge 1 Topic C
Non-invasive Integrative Liquid Biopsy Approaches for Precision Immuno-oncologyJHUFY22OCEValsamo AnagnostouVellanki, PazCharge 1 Topic D
Noninvasive Process Analytical Technology (PAT) for Manufacturing AutomationUMDFY23OCETBruce Yu, Ph.D.Coburn, James Charge 1 Topic B
Novel DHT-centric statistical methods for subject-level fingerprinting and handling missingnessJHUFY23CDERVadim ZipunnikovKam, Maria MatildeCharge 1 Topic J
Orthopedic Device MechanicsUCSF-StanfordFY15CDRHUCSF- Jeffrey LotzDmitriev, AntonCharge 1 Topic E
Patient and Caregiver Diversity in FDA Patient Engagement Activities and CBER-regulated TherapeuticsUMDFY21CBERMattingly, JoeyJackler, KarenCharge 3 Topic C
Patient and provider informed labeling of Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning-Based Software to enable transparency and trust for cardiac monitoring and diagnosticsYale-MayoFY21CDRHBarry, BarbaraSaha, Anindita; Weinberg, JessicaCharge 1 Topic I
Patient and Provider Views on Clinical Endpoints: A Qualitative Preference Study of Minimally Invasive Glaucoma Surgical (MIGS) DevicesJHUFY16ORSI, CDRHLi, Tianjing Li; Le, Jimmy; Bridges, John; Bicket, Amanda KielyEydelman, Malvina B.; Tarver, MichelleCharge 1 Topic I
Patient Reported Outcomes for Minimally Invasive Glaucoma Surgery (MIGS)UCSF-StanfordFY19CDRHKuldev Singh (Stanford)Tarver, MichelleCharge 1 Topic I
Persistent In-Line Sensor for Real-World Loading Characterization of Osseointegrated Implants and Prosthetic DevicesJHUFY22CDRHJonathon ThornhillKontson, KimberlyCharge 1 Topic I
PET Evaluation of Adoptive Cancer Cellular ImmunotherapyJHUFY18CBERNimmagadda, SridharPuri, RajCharge 1 Topic G
Phase 1: Development of diagnostic biomarkers for determination of traumatic brain injuryUMDFY19CDERKane, Maureen A.Bandukwala, AbbasCharge 1 Topic D
Physiologically based pharmacokinetic model informed framework to prioritize drugs to be studied in pregnant populationUMDFY23CDERMathangi Gopalakrishnan, M.Pharm, PhD, FCP (PI)Liu, QiCharge 1 Topic C
Post-Market Evaluation of Smartwatch Cardiovascular NotificationsUCSF-StanfordFY21CDRHNigam Shah (Co-PI)Saha, AninditaCharge 2 Topic A
Postmarket surveillance with a novel mHealth platformYale-MayoFY16ORSI, CDRHRoss, Joseph; Shah, NilayDong, Jun; Long, CynthiaCharge 2 Topic A
Precision Medicine Utilizing Bacillus Calmette–Guérin (BCG) Vaccine in Non-Muscle Invasive Bladder CancerUMDFY22OCEMohummad Minhaj SiddiquiLee, DanielCharge 1 Topic D
Predicting Pediatric Dosing for Medical CountermeasuresUCSF-StanfordFY16CDERSook Wah Yee (UCSF)Huang, Shiew MeiCharge 1 Topic F
Prescription Stimulants for Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD): Prescribing Patterns and Associated Consequences in the Veterans Health AdministrationYale-MayoFY24CDERJennifer EdelmanPerezVilar, SilviaCharge 2 Topic A
Principal stratification methods and software for intercurrent events in clinical trialsTriangleFY23CDRHLi, FanShen, Yuan LiCharge 1 Topic C
Prospective Clinical Study of Pulse Oximeter Errors in Adult Hospitalized Patients with Varying Skin PigmentationUCSF-StanfordFY22CDRHPhilip Bickler (UCSF)Torguson, RebeccaCharge 1 Topic J
Prospective Clinical Study to Evaluate the Accuracy of Pulse Oximeters in ChildrenUCSF-StanfordFY22CDRHChristopher AlmondTarver, MichelleCharge 1 Topic J
Qualitative analysis of sex differences in heart failure Patient Reported Outcomes (PROs)Yale-MayoFY18CDRHDunlay; ShannonSaha, Anindita; Caldwell, BrittanyCharge 1 Topic E
Qualitative techniques to define meaningful within-patient change in symptoms of advanced cancer patientsYale-MayoFY22OCELee, Minji; Yost, KathleenBhatnagar, VishalCharge 1 Topic E
Quantifying physical function in cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy using clinician-reported, patient-reported, and wearable device data sourcesYale-MayoFY20OCEThanarajasingam, Gita; Gross, CaryKluetz, PaulCharge 1 Topic E
Quantifying the relationship between inappropriate prescribing of opioid-tolerant-only medications to patients without prior opioid tolerance and opioid-related harmsYale-MayoFY19CDERJeffery, MollyKornegay, Cynthia J; Liberatore, MarkCharge 2 Topic A
Real world short and intermediate-term safety outcomes following atrial fibrillation ablationYale-MayoFY17ORSI, CDRHAkar, JoeDong, Jun; Ward, RebeccaCharge 2 Topic A
Real-World Data to Assess Variation in Opioid Prescribing and Use for Acute Pain in Diverse PopulationsYale-MayoFY19CDERJeffery, MollyAhadpour, MitraCharge 2 Topic A
Real-World Population Characteristics, Safety and Effectiveness of COVID-19 VaccinesUCSF-StanfordFY21CBERAtul Butte (PI)Whitaker, BarbeeCharge 2 Topic A
Recall of patient-reported symptoms and function in episodic disease/conditions, specifically temporomandibular disordersTriangleFY23CDRHBennett, Antonia; Coles, TheresaZhang, CaiyanCharge 1 Topic E
Redefining the paradigm for Lyme disease diagnosis and therapeuticsYale-MayoFY24CDRHThomas GrysHoney, KristenCharge 2 Topic G
Renal Impairment in New Drug DevelopmentUCSF-StanfordFY15CDERKathy Giacomini (UCSF)Barratt, RuthCharge 1 Topic C
Renal Impairment in New Drug DevelopmentUCSF-StanfordFY20CDERTimothy Meyer (Stanford)Huang, Shiew MeiCharge 1 Topic D
Role of Genomic Ancestry in Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor (TKI)-Induced CardiotoxicityUCSF-StanfordFY22OCEJoseph C. WuAmiri Kordestani, LalehCharge 2 Topic C
Safe Algorithmic Change Protocols for Modifications to AI/ML-based Software as a Medical DeviceUCSF-StanfordFY21CDRHJean Feng (UCSF)Sahiner, Berkman; Gossmann, AlexejCharge 2 Topic B
Sex differences in immune profiles of Post-Acute Sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 Infection (PASC) before and after vaccinationYale-MayoFY21OWHIwasaki, AkikoBersoff-Matcha, SusanCharge 2 Topic A
Source Data Capture from Electronic Health Records (EHRs): Using Standardized Clinical Research Data (OneSource Phase I)UCSF-StanfordFY15CDERUCSF- Laura EssermanRocca, MitraCharge 1 Topic J
Standardizing multi-model data for the diagnosis and prognosis of coccidioidomycosis as a model for establishing harmonized core data for additional infectious diseasesYale-MayoFY23CDRHGrys, ThomasSheikh, Sarah; Jani, PoojaCharge 2 Topic E
Statistical methods to improve precision and reduce the required sample size in many phase 2 and 3 clinical trials, including COVID-19 trials, by covariate adjustmentJHUFY20CDERMichael RosenblumPennello, GeneCharge 1 Topic C
The Assessment of Commercially Available In-Home Drug Disposal ProductsUMDFY24CDERStephen W. Hoag, Ph.D.Nguyen, Bic (CDER)Charge 3 Topic D
The Digital Variome: Understanding the Implications of Digital Tools on HealthUCSF-StanfordFY21CDRHAndy Auerbach (UCSF)Rashid, LeedaCharge 1 Topic J
The Effect of Excipients on the Oral Absorption of Fexofenadine in HumansUCSF-StanfordFY20CDERKatherine Yang (UCSF)Al-Ghabeish, ManarCharge 1 Topic G
The impact of novel positron emission tomography (PET) imaging tracers on real-world outcomes for patients with prostate cancerYale-MayoFY22OCELeapman, MichaelFallah, JalehCharge 1 Topic D
The MUM study: MUltimorbidity and Medications: The unheard perspective of older adultsUCSF-StanfordFY21CDERJanice B. Schwartz (UCSF)Liu, QiCharge 1 Topic I
The MUM-URMA1 study: Multimorbidity and Medications: the unheard perspective of older Under-Represented Racial and Ethnic Minority Adults: Phase 1UCSF-StanfordFY22CDERJanice B. Schwartz (UCSF)Lee, Christine (OC); Liu, Qi (CDER)Charge 3 Topic C
The Real-World Effectiveness of COVID-19 Vaccines in the Pediatric Population Across the University of California Health SystemUCSF-StanfordFY22CBERAtul Butte (UCSF)Anderson, StevenCharge 1 Topic J
The Regulatory Effect of Substrate Mechanical Properties on the Production and Immunomodulation Efficacy of Mesenchymal Stem Stromal CellsJHUFY21CBERGu, LuoSung, KyungCharge 1 Topic B
Tissue Chips for Multipotent Stromal Cell ManufacturingUCSF-StanfordFY20CBERNgan Huang (Stanford)Sung, KyungCharge 1 Topic B
Trace metals and their impact on protein quality, safety, and efficacyUMDFY19CDERMichel, SarahRao, AshutoshCharge 1 Topic C
Trends in Opioid Use Among Patients with CancerYale-MayoFY22ORSI, CDERPark, HenryLerro, CatherineCharge 2 Topic A
Understanding How Flavors and Nicotine are Used in Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems Advertising (Phases 1 and 2)JHUFY20CTPKennedy, Ryan; Moran Meghan; Welding, Kevin; Czaplicki, LaurenKelley, DannielleCharge 2 Topic A
Understanding Safety Concerns with Intravenous (IV) Misuse and Abuse of Opioids in Deterrent FormulationsUMDFY20CDERPaul BuehlerPinto, JuliaCharge 1 Topic B
Understanding the contribution of laboratory data linked to administrative claims: a case study looking at renal function and oral anticoagulant performance in patients with atrial fibrillationYale-MayoFY17ORSI, CDERYao, Xaoxi; Noseworthy, PeterGraham, David JCharge 2 Topic A
Understanding the use of existing real-world data for medical product evaluationYale-MayoFY19CDERWallach, JoshuaQuinto, Kenneth; Gandotra, Charu; Bradley, MarieCharge 2 Topic A
Usability Testing of Virtual Reality for Opioid-Sparing Pain Management Among Diverse PatientsUCSF-StanfordFY20OMHHEUrmimala Sarkar (UCSF)Lee, ChristineCharge 1 Topic E
Using Social Media for Tobacco Regulatory IntelligenceJHUFY20CTPMark DredzeNavarro, MarioCharge 3 Topic C
Using the University of California Clinical Data Warehouse to Evaluate the Safety and Efficacy of Biologics, including Blood Transfusions, Vaccines, CAR-T Cell Therapies, and Other CBER Regulated ProductsUCSF-StanfordFY19CBERUCSF- Atul Butte, Ayan Patel, Michelle WangWhitaker, BarbeeCharge 2 Topic A
Utilizing the UNC Clinical Data Warehouse for Assessing Efficacy, Toxicity, and Dose-Response Relationships of Molecularly Targeted Therapies in Real-World PatientsTriangleFY23OCECao, Yanguang (Carter); Benyam, MulunehShah, MiratCharge 1 Topic J
Whole exome sequencing to predict immune related adverse events and response to checkpoint inhibitorsUCSF-StanfordFY22OCEElad ZivTheoret, MarcCharge 1 Topic D
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