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  5. Electrical Safety in CTP Regulated Products - 04/08/2021 - 04/08/2021
  1. FDA Grand Rounds

Webcast | Virtual

Event Title
Electrical Safety in CTP Regulated Products
April 8, 2021

April 8, 2021

About the Speakers:

Karen Coyne, Ph.D.
Associate Director, Division of Product Science, Office of Science
Center for Tobacco Products (CTP)

Selena M. Russell, Ph.D.
Senior Chemist, Division of Product Science, Office of Science
Center for Tobacco Products (CTP)

About the Presentation:

This presentation will discuss the reports of injuries and other adverse experiences resulting from the failures of batteries used in electronic nicotine delivery systems (ENDS; e.g., e-cigarettes) to the government agencies and news outlets from 2009-2017.

In response, FDA-CTP engaged in public education, outreach and also developed an infographic to advise the public on how to avoid tobacco product related battery explosions. Additionally, FDA-CTP convened a public workshop (Battery Safety Concerns in Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems (ENDS) Public Workshop, April 2017) and opened a public docket to request information on issues related to batteries used in ENDS. The workshop and the docket enabled FDA-CTP to gather information related to electrical safety concerns in battery-operated tobacco products (e.g., overheating, fire, explosion), risk mitigation, and design parameters.

Learning Objectives:

  • Describe the key electrical risks and hazards associated with battery-operated tobacco products: proximity to body, limited protections and controls, interchangeable cells, and high current draw.
  • Describe how manufacturer compliance with industry standards may reduce electrical risks and hazards.
  • Explain things users can do to reduce electrical risks and hazards.


Webcast Recording

Event Materials

Title File Type/Size
Activity Outline FDA Grand Rounds: April 8, 2021 pdf (223.25 KB)
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