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Modified Risk Granted Orders

Note: Before making documents available to the public, FDA must redact trade secret and confidential commercial information (CCI) and ensure documents posted to the FDA website are accessible to everyone. For these reasons, the full decision summary, environmental assessment and finding of no significant impact (FONSI) memo for marketing authorizations may be posted to the website after the order issuance date. In the interim, to provide as much information as possible at the time of order issuance, we are making redacted versions of the order letter and the “Executive Summary” section of the decision summary available to broadly explain the public health rationale for authorization of these products.

Manufacturer Product Name and Order Letter Product Category Date Issued Decision Summary Environmental Assessment FONSI
Swedish Match USA, Inc. General Loose Smokeless Tobacco 11/07/2024 Renewal
EA0000256.PD1 FONSI0000256.PD1
Swedish Match USA, Inc. General Dry Mint Portion Original Mini Smokeless Tobacco 11/07/2024 Renewal
EA0000256.PD2 FONSI0000256.PD2
Swedish Match USA, Inc. General Portion Original Large Smokeless Tobacco 11/07/2024 Renewal
EA0000256.PD3 FONSI0000256.PD3
Swedish Match USA, Inc. General Classic Blend Portion White Large - 12ct Smokeless Tobacco 11/07/2024 Renewal
EA0000256.PD4 FONSI0000256.PD4
Swedish Match USA, Inc. General Mint Portion White Large Smokeless Tobacco 11/07/2024 Renewal
EA0000256.PD5 FONSI0000256.PD5
Swedish Match USA, Inc. General Nordic Mint Portion White Large - 12ct Smokeless Tobacco 11/07/2024 Renewal
EA0000256.PD7 FONSI0000256.PD7
Swedish Match USA, Inc. General Portion White Large Smokeless Tobacco 11/07/2024 Renewal
EA0000256.PD8 FONSI0000256.PD8
Swedish Match USA, Inc. General Wintergreen Portion White Large Smokeless Tobacco 11/07/2024 Renewal
EA0000256.PD9 FONSI0000256.PD9
U.S. Smokeless Tobacco Company Copenhagen Classic Snuff Smokeless Tobacco 3/16/2023 MR0000108 EA0000108 FONSI0000108
Philip Morris Products S.A. IQOS 3 System Holder and Charger* Heated Tobacco Product 3/11/2022 MR0000192    
22nd Century Group, Inc. VLN® King Cigarettes 12/23/2021 MR0000159    
22nd Century Group, Inc. VLN® Menthol King Cigarettes 12/23/2021 MR0000160    
Philip Morris Products S.A. IQOS System Holder and Charger Cigarettes 07/07/2020 MR0000133    
Philip Morris Products S.A. Marlboro Heatsticks Cigarettes 07/07/2020 MR0000059    
Philip Morris Products S.A. Marlboro Smooth Menthol Heatsticks Cigarettes 07/07/2020 MR0000060    
Philip Morris Products S.A. Marlboro Fresh Menthol Heatsticks Cigarettes 07/07/2020 MR0000061    
Swedish Match USA, Inc. General Loose Smokeless tobacco 10/22/2019 MR0000020
[Expired; Renewal Granted 11/07/2024]
Swedish Match USA, Inc. General Dry Mint Portion Original Mini Smokeless tobacco 10/22/2019 MR0000021
[Expired; Renewal Granted 11/07/2024]
Swedish Match USA, Inc. General Portion Original Large Smokeless tobacco 10/22/2019 MR0000022
[Expired; Renewal Granted 11/07/2024]
Swedish Match USA, Inc. General Classic Blend Portion White Large - 12ct Smokeless tobacco 10/22/2019 MR0000024
[Expired; Renewal Granted 11/07/2024]
Swedish Match USA, Inc. General Mint Portion White Large Smokeless tobacco 10/22/2019 MR0000025
[Expired; Renewal Granted 11/07/2024]
Swedish Match USA, Inc. General Nordic Mint Portion White Large - 12ct Smokeless tobacco 10/22/2019 MR0000027
[Expired; Renewal Granted 11/07/2024]
Swedish Match USA, Inc. General Portion White Large Smokeless tobacco 10/22/2019 MR0000028
[Expired; Renewal Granted 11/07/2024]
Swedish Match USA, Inc. General Wintergreen Portion White Large Smokeless tobacco 10/22/2019 MR0000029
[Expired; Renewal Granted 11/07/2024]

*The product categories listed in this chart only reflect FDA’s categorization for the purposes of premarket review. Some products may fit in one category for the purposes of premarket review but may come under different product category definitions by statute and regulation, and thus may be subject to different or additional requirements than the category indicated in the chart.

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