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2022 Biological Device Application Approvals

This list reflects information regarding the applications as of the approval/clearance date. It is not updated with regard to applicant or application status changes. The applications are listed in order by date of approval / clearance in reverse chronological order.

2022 Biological Device Application Approvals
Tradename/Common Name Description and Indication for Device Submission ID Manufacturer Clearance Date
Aurora Xi Plasmapheresis System
Automated Blood Cell Separators
The Aurora Xi Plasmapheresis System is designed for the automated collection of plasma BK220788/0 Fresenius Kabi AG
Three Corporate Drive
Lake Zurich, IL 60047
Lipocube Nano, Liopcube Hybrid I, Lipocube Hybrid II, Centrifuge Container
Suction lipoplasty system
The Lipocube is a disposable device for autologous fat transfer. The Lipocube can be used for concentration and transfer of homogenous adipose tissues with a legally marketed lipoplasty system when the concentrated and homogenous fat tissue is reinjected into the recipient body areas of the same patient autologously.

The Lipocube is intended for use in the following surgical specialties when the concentration of harvested adipose tissue is desired for aesthetic body contouring.

Neurosurgery/ Gastrointestinal Surgery/ Urological Surgery/ General surgery/ Orthopedic Surgery/ Gynecological Surgery /Thoracic Surgery/ Laparoscopic Surgery/ Arthroscopic Surgery/ Plastic and reconstructive surgery.
BK220767/0 StemC Biotechnology, Inc.
3422 Leonardo Lane
New Smyrna Beach, FL 32168
Transfer Packs
Empty Container for the Collection and Processing of Blood and Blood Components
For processing and/or storage of blood and blood components. BK220785/0 Fresenius Kabi AG
Three Corporate Drive
Lake Zurich, IL 60047
Blood Establishment Computer Software and Accessories
IH-AbID Integrated Antibody Identification Software is an optional software module for IH-Com that provides the user with guidance and information on the identification of antibodies to red blood cell antigens subsequent to the immunohematology testing with the IH-system. The IH-AbID module graphically displays the ruling out of antibodies to red blood cell antigens by reproducing the same logic techniques of antibody identification used in blood transfusion laboratories. For use by trained laboratory personnel, in a (blood transfusion) laboratory environment. BK220769/0 Bio-Rad Medical
Diagnostics GmbH
Industriestrasse 1
Dreieich 63303
DG Reader Net
Automated Blood Grouping and Antibody Test System
DG Reader Net is a device designed to read, interpret, and report the results of the processed DG Gel 8 cards. The instrument also identifies DG Gel 8 cards by reading their barcodes.

As a stand-alone or interfaced to the customer's Laboratory Information System (LIS), the instrument automates data management requirements using DG Gel 8 cards and digital image processing.
BK220738/0 Diagnostic Grifols, S.A.
Passeig Fluvial, 24
Parets del Valles
Barcelona, Spain 08150
Automated Blood Grouping and Antibody Test System
The Erytra is a fully-automated high-throughput analyzer designed to automate in vitro immunohematological testing of human blood utilizing DG Gel 8 card technology, including Blood Grouping, Antigen Typing, Antibody Screening, Antibody Identification, Antibody Titration, Compatibility Tests, and Direct Antiglobulin Tests.

As a standalone analyzer or interfaced to the customer’s Laboratory Information System (LIS), the Erytra automates test processing functions and data management requirements using DG Gel 8 cards and digital image processing.
BK220751/0 Diagnostic Grifols, S.A.
Passeig Fluvial, 24
Parets del Valles
Barcelona, Spain 08150
Erytra Eflexis
Automated Blood Grouping and Antibody Test System
Erytra Eflexis is a fully-automated analyzer designed to automate in vitro immunohematological testing of human blood utilizing DG Gel 8 cards technology, including Blood Grouping, Antigen Typing, Antibody Screening, Antibody Identification, Antibody Titration, Compatibility Tests, and Direct Antiglobulin Tests.

As a standalone analyzer or interfaced to the customer’s Laboratory Information System (LIS), Erytra Eflexis automates test processing functions and data management requirements using DG Gel 8 cards and digital image processing.
BK220752/0 Diagnostic Grifols, S.A.
Passeig Fluvial, 24
Parets del Valles
Barcelona, Spain 08150
DG Reader Net
Automated Blood Grouping and Antibody Test System
DG Reader Net is a device designed to read, interpret, and report the results of the processed DG Gel 8 cards. The instrument also identifies DG Gel 8 cards by reading their barcodes.

As a stand-alone or interfaced to the customer's Laboratory Information System (LIS), the instrument automates data management requirements using DG Gel 8 cards and digital image processing.
BK220753/0 Diagnostic Grifols, S.A.
Passeig Fluvial, 24
Parets del Valles
Barcelona, Spain 08150
DG Gel 8 Neutral
Automated Blood Grouping and Antibody Test System
The DG Gel 8 Neutral card is for the detection of antibodies to red blood cell antigens of human blood samples and for its use as a control microtube.

For use with the DG Gel System.

For in vitro diagnostic use.
BK220754/0 Diagnostic Grifols, S.A.
Passeig Fluvial, 24
Parets del Valles
Barcelona, Spain 08150
Sterile Tube Welder (Model: STW6810-RFID)
Transfer set
The Sterile Tube Welder (STW6810-RFID) is used to connect two closed internally sterile components such as a blood collection container, apheresis set, transfer set or needle set by making a sterile weld in the tubing connected to these components. These welds may consist of dry-to-dry, wet-to-dry or wet-to-wet connections. The resulting sterile component may be used in blood collection, blood component processing or transfusion applications.

The Sterile Tube Welder is not to be used with tubing connected to a person. This device is for use by trained individuals in such settings as blood bank laboratories and hospitals.
BK220673/0 Wuhan BMS Medicaltech Co., Ltd
Share Info (Guangzhou) Medical Consultant Ltd.
No. 1919-1920, Building D3, Minjie Plaza
Shuixi Road, Huangpu District
Procleix® WNV/Babesia Quality Control
Assayed quality control material for clinical microbiology assays
Procleix® WNV/Babesia Quality Control, a set of quality controls, is intended for use as an external assayed quality control material to monitor the performance of the qualitative detection of RNA from Babesia microti and West Nile Virus (WNV) with the Procleix Babesia Assay and Procleix WNV Assay respectively performed on the Procleix Panther System. This product is intended to be used solely with the Procleix Babesia Assay or Procleix WNV Assay, licensed donor screening assays performed on the Procleix Panther System. This product is not intended to replace manufacturer controls provided with the device. BK220746/0 Grifols Diagnostic Solutions Inc.
4560 Horton Street
Emeryville, CA 94608
Blood Typing Manager
Blood Establishment Computer Software and Accessories

Blood Typing Manager is a transfusion data manager software that aids in interfacing and managing data between immunohematology instruments, Blood Establishment Computer Software and Laboratory Information System.

Blood Typing Manager includes the following features:

  • Bidirectional connectivity with one or more LIS.
  • Provides the ability to centralize the management of Quality Control.
  • Allows user to view and validate results remotely prior to export to LIS.
  • Allows to create and print reports.
BK220744/0 Diagnostic Grifols, S. A.
Elvira Estapé
Passeig Fluvial, 24
Parets del Valles, Barcelona 08150
MATCH IT!® Antibody
Test, Qualitative, for HLA, Non-Diagnostic
MATCH IT!® Antibody software v1.5 is an optional accessory to the following LIFECODES antibody detection kits for use with Luminex:


LIFECODES® Class II ID v2 PN 628223 IFU LC807IVD

LlFECODES® Lifescreen Deluxe PN 628215 IFU LC1003IVD



LIFECODES® LifeScreen XP PN 628220 IFU LC1698IVD

Default settings for all assays are aligned with the IFU and the performance characteristics of the assay. Any other methods of assignment would need to be validated by lab personal prior to use.

The software is intended for In vitro diagnostic use.
BK220762/0 Immucor GTI Diagnostics, Inc.
20925 Crossroads Circle
Waukesha, WI 53186
LIFECODES LifeScreen XP LIFECODES LifeScreen XP is a manual, qualitative bead-based immunoassay used to detect lgG antibodies to HLA Class I and Class II molecules in patients sensitized to HLA by transfusion, pregnancy, or transplantation to aid donor and recipient matching in transfusion or transplantation. A Luminex Instrument is required to run the LIFECODES LifeScreen XP assay. The MATCH IT!® Antibody Software is an accessory intended as an aid in the analysis of LIFECODES LifeScreen XP assay. Laboratory professionals are the intended user of the device. BK220763/0 Immucor GTI Diagnostics, Inc.
20925 Crossroads Circle
Waukesha, WI 53186
Arthrex Autologous Conditioned Plasma (ACP) Max™ PRP System
Platelet and Plasma Separator for Bone Graft Handling
The Arthrex Autologous Conditioned Plasma (ACP) Max™ PRP system is indicated to be used intraoperatively at the point of care for the safe and rapid preparation of autologous platelet concentrate platelet rich plasma (PRP) from a small sample of peripheral blood or a small sample of a mixture of peripheral blood and bone marrow. The PRP is mixed with autograft and/or allograft bone prior to application to a bony defect for improving handling characteristics. BK210655/0 Arthrex, Inc.
1370 Creekside Boulevard
Naples, FL 34108
Procleix® HIV-1/HCV/HBV Quality Control
Assayed quality control material for clinical microbiology assays
Procleix® HIV-1/HCV/HBV Quality Control, a set of quality controls, is intended for use as an external assayed quality control material to monitor the performance of the qualitative detection of Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) DNA, Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) RNA, and Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 (HIV-1) RNA with the Procleix Ultrio Elite Assay, a licensed donor screening assay performed on the Procleix Panther System. This product is intended to be used solely with the Procleix Ultrio Elite Assay performed on the Procleix Panther System. This product is not intended to replace manufacturer controls provided with the device. BK220736/0 Grifols Diagnostic Solutions Inc.
4560 Horton Street
Emeryville, CA 94608
IMUGARD® WB PLT Platelet Pooling Set
Empty container for the collection and processing of blood and blood components
IMUGARD® WB PLT Platelet Pooling Set is intended to be used to leukocyte-reduce, pool, and store whole-blood-derived platelets. Leukoreduction and pooling occur on Day 1, the day after whole blood collection and processing, with subsequent platelet storage up to Day 7 in the Terumo BCT ELP storage bag when used with FDA-cleared or approved bacterial detection tests.

Additionally, for platelet units stored past 5 days and through 7 days, every pooled platelet product must be tested with a bacterial detection device cleared by FDA and labeled as a "safety measure."
BK210658/0 Terumo BCT, Inc.
10810 West Collins Avenue
Lakewood, CO 80215
st’rim™, macro st’rim™, mini st’rim™, and nano st’rim™
Suction lipoplasty system
The st’rim™, macro st’rim™, mini st’rim™, and nano st’rim™ fat tissue and injection cannula sets are intended for use in aesthetic body contouring. BK220750/0 THIEBAUD SAS
9 Rue Geoffroy-Saint-Hilaire
75005 Paris, France
Galileo NEO®
Automated Blood Grouping and Antibody Test System
The Galileo NEO is a microprocessor-controlled instrument to fully automate immunohematology in vitro diagnostic testing of human blood. The Galileo NEO automates test processing, result interpretation and data management functions. The Galileo NEO is designed to automate standard immunohematology assays using a microplate-based platform. Assays include ABO grouping and Rh (D) typing, detection/identification of IgG red blood cell antibodies, compatibility testing, red blood cell phenotyping and antigen screening.

The Galileo NEO is for in vitro diagnostic use.
BK220670/0 Immucor, Inc.
3130 Gateway Drive
Norcross, GA 30071
NEO Iris®
Automated Blood Grouping and Antibody Test System
The NEO Iris is a microprocessor-controlled instrument to fully automate immunohematology in vitro diagnostic testing of human blood. The NEO Iris automates test processing, result interpretation and data management functions. The NEO Iris is designed to automate standard immunohematology assays using a microplate-based platform. Assays include ABO grouping and Rh (D) typing, detection/identification of IgG red blood cell antibodies, compatibility testing, red blood cell phenotyping and antigen screening.

The NEO Iris is for in vitro diagnostic use.
BK220669/0 Immucor, Inc.
3130 Gateway Drive
Norcross, GA 30071
Genesis RapidWeld II STW, model GRW-430-02
Transfer set
The Genesis RapidWeld II, model GRW-430-02, is used to make a sterile connection/weld between two segments of PVC tubing used in blood/blood component processing applications. BK210584/0 GenesisBPS, LLC
465 State Route 17
Ramsey, NJ 07446
RegenKit®-Wound Gel-2
Peripheral blood processing device for wound management
RegenKit-Wound Gel-2 is designed to be used at point-of-care for the safe and rapid preparation of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) gel (RegenWound Gel) from a small sample of a patient’s own peripheral blood. Under the supervision of a healthcare professional, the RegenWound Gel is topically applied for the management of exuding cutaneous wounds, such as leg ulcers, pressure ulcers and diabetic ulcers, and mechanically or surgically debrided wounds. BK210661/0 RegenLab SA
37743, 175th Avenue
Avon, Minnesota 56310
ORTHO Optix™ Reader
Automated Blood Grouping and Antibody Test System
The ORTHO Optix™ Reader is a system designed to automate reaction grading, results interpretation and data management when performing in vitro immunohematology testing of human blood utilizing ID-MTS Gel card technology. The ORTHO Optix™ Reader can be used as a standalone instrument or interfaced to the customer’s Laboratory Information System (LIS). BK220724/0 Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc.
1001 U.S. Highway 202 Raritan, NJ 08869
ORTHOTM Daily QC Simulated Whole Blood Quality Control Kit
Quality control kit for blood banking reagents
The ORTHO™ Daily QC Simulated Whole Blood Quality Control Kit (ORTHO™ Daily QC Kit) is intended for use as qualitative controls of ABO and Rh phenotyping and antibody screening using the ID-Micro Typing System™, ORTHO™ Workstation with or without ORTHO Optix™ Reader, ORTHO VISION® Analyzer, and ORTHO VISION® Max Analyzer.

The ORTHO™ Daily QC kit for in vitro diagnostic use only. The product is for use by professional users trained in blood typing techniques
BK210653/0 Millipore (UK) Ltd.
3 Fleming Road, Kirkton Campus
Livingston EH54 7BN
United Kingdom
Sysmex XN-10 Automated Hematology Analyzer
Automated differential cell counter
The Sysmex XN-10 Automated Hematology Analyzer is a quantitative multi-parameter automated hematology analyzer intended for in vitro diagnostic use in screening patient populations found in clinical laboratories. The XN-10 classifies and enumerates the following parameters in whole blood: WBC, RBC, HGB, HCT, MCV, MCH, MCHC, PLT, NEUT%/#, LYMPH%/#, MONO%/#, EO%/#, BASO%/#, NRBC%/#, IG%/#, RDW-CV, RDW-SD, MPV, RET%/#, IRF, IPF, RET-He and has a Body Fluid mode for body fluids. The Body Fluid mode enumerates the WBC-BF, RBC-BF, MN%/#, PMN%/# and TC-BF# parameters in cerebrospinal fluids (CSF), serous fluids (peritoneal, pleural) and synovial fluids. Whole blood, should be collected in K2 or K3EDTA anticoagulant and, serous and synovial fluids in K2EDTA to prevent clotting of fluid. The use of anticoagulants with CSF specimens is neither required nor recommended.

The XN-10 Blood Bank mode is intended for use in blood processing centers for QC release testing of post-processed components. The Blood Bank mode enumerates RBC, HGB and HCT parameters for red blood cell components with anticoagulants (CPD, CP2D, ACD-A, CPDA-1) as well as PLT for platelet components with anticoagulants (CPD, ACD-A). The Blood Bank mode also performs residual WBC counts on leukoreduced red blood cell and platelet components.
BK210631/0 Sysmex America, Inc.
577 Aptakisic Road
Lincolnshire, IL 60069
Precise Cell Concentration System
Platelet and Plasma Separator for Bone Graft Handling
The Precise Cell Concentration System is designed to be used for the safe and rapid preparation of autologous platelet rich plasma (PRP) from a small sample of peripheral blood at the patient’s point of care. The PRP is mixed with autograft and/or allograft bone prior to application to a bony defect to improve handling characteristics. BK200540/0 Arteriocyte Medical Systems, Inc.
45 South Street, Suite 3
Hopkinton, MA 01748
MicroAire LipoFilter® System
Suction lipoplasty system
The MicroAire LipoFilter System is used in the aspiration, harvesting, filtering and transferring of autologous adipose tissue for aesthetic body contouring. If the harvested fat is to be re-implanted, the harvested fat is only to be used without any additional manipulation. BK220674/0 MicroAire Surgical Instruments, LLC.
3590 Grand Forks Boulevard
Charlottesville, Virginia 22911
Rika Plasma Donation System Rika Plasma Separation Set Rika Plasma Bottle
Automated blood cell separator
The Rika Plasma Donation System is an automated blood cell separator device and single-use sterile disposable set intended for use in collecting source plasma with or without saline compensation. BK210635/0 Terumo BCT, Inc
10811 West Collins Avenue
Lakewood, CO 80215
Automated blood grouping and antibody test system
The IH-500 is an automated instrument intended for the in vitro serological analysis for blood grouping and antibody detection of human blood specimens. The IH-500 automates pipetting of samples and reagents, incubation and centrifugation, and provides reaction grading / interpretation based on results from gel card images. Analysis includes ABO, Rh(D) (including weak D and partial D testing), Rh Phenotype and Kell blood grouping, antibody screening and identification of red blood cell alloantibodies, crossmatch, auto control, direct antiglobulin testing and antibody titration testing.

In the USA, IH-500 is “Rx only”. The IH-500 may only be operated by trained personnel and is not intended for use in a direct patient environment. Use of the IH-500 is only permitted in conjunction with the corresponding software or in a configuration authorized by Bio-Rad.

Use of IH-500 is only permitted with gel cards and reagents from the IH-System as authorized by Bio-Rad. The use of any material not specified in the U.S. User Manual (e.g. non-authorized substances) is forbidden.
BK210625/0 Bio-Rad Medical Diagnostics GmbH
Bio-Rad Laboratories Inc.
6565 185th Ave NE
Redmond, WA 98052
Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Procedure Pack
Platelet And Plasma Separator for Bone Graft Handling
The Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Procedure Pack is indicated for the safe and rapid preparation of autologous platelet rich plasma (PRP) from a small sample of peripheral blood at the patient’s point of care. The PRP is mixed with autograft and/or allograft bone prior to application to a bony defect for improving handling characteristics. BK210591/0 Terumo BCT, Inc
10810 West Collins Ave
Lakewood, Colorado 80215
Royal MAXX PRP Concentration System
Platelet and Plasma Separator for Bone Graft Handling
The Royal MAXX PRP Concentration System is designed to be used at the patient's point of care for the safe and rapid preparation of a platelet rich plasma (PRP) from a small sample of a mixture of peripheral blood and bone marrow aspirate that is mixed with autograft and or allograft bone prior to application to a bony defect for improving handling characteristics. BK210632/0 Royal Biologics, Inc.
401 Hackensack Avenue, Suite 604
Hackensack, NJ 07601
BD® Stem Cell Enumeration Kit
Automated differential cell counter
The BD® Stem Cell Enumeration Kit is intended for enumeration of viable dual-positive CD45+/CD34+ hematopoietic stem cell populations to determine absolute counts (cells/μL) of viable CD34+ and the percentages of viable CD45+/CD34+ hematopoietic stem cells (%CD34). The following cellular-based products (specimens) can be analyzed with this kit:

• Normal and mobilized peripheral blood
• Fresh and thawed leukapheresis products
• Fresh and thawed bone marrow
• Fresh and thawed cord blood

The kit is intended for in vitro diagnostic (IVD) use on any of the following flow cytometer systems:

• BD FACSLyric ™ flow cytometer using BD FACSuite ™ Clinical application
• BD FACSCanto ™ II flow cytometer using BD FACSCanto ™ clinical software
• BD FACSCalibur ™ flow cytometer using BD CellQuest ™ or BD CellQuest ™ Pro software
BK210652/0 Becton, Dickinson & Company
2350 Qume Drive
San Jose, CA 95131
LOGIC 4.0.8
Blood Establishment Computer Software and Accessories
The intended use of LOGIC is to organize and control the transport of units between facilities such as collection sites, warehouses and fractionators. LOGIC also communicates observations or post donation information, status and recalls between collection, warehouse and fractionation facilities. LOGIC provides interface capabilities with sub-systems. BK210650/0 CSL Plasma
1001 Corridor Park Boulevard
Knoxville, TN 37934
BD Vacutainer® ACD A Blood Collection Tube BD Vacutainer® ACD B Blood Collection Tube
Blood Specimen Collection Devices
BD Vacutainer® ACD A and B Blood Collection Tubes are evacuated, sterile, single use, in vitro diagnostic medical devices. They are intended to be used by trained healthcare professionals for the collection, containment, preservation, and transport of human venous blood specimens for the purpose of in vitro diagnostic testing.

BD Vacutainer® ACD A and B Blood Collection Tubes may be used for testing in immunohematology, such as ABO grouping and Rh typing.

The performance characteristics of these tubes have not been established for immunohematology testing in general; therefore, users must validate the use of these tubes for their specific assay- instrument/reagent system combinations and specimen storage conditions.
BK210649/0 Becton, Dickinson & Company
1 Becton Drive
Franklin Lakes, NJ 07417
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