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  3. Complete List of Donor Screening Assays for Infectious Agents and HIV Diagnostic Assays
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Complete List of Donor Screening Assays for Infectious Agents and HIV Diagnostic Assays

Alinity s Assay
Alinity s Assay

HBsAg Assays - Hepatitis B Surface Antigen
Anti-HBc Assays - Hepatitis B Virus Core Antigen
HBV Nucleic Acid Assays - Hepatitis B Virus

Anti-HCV Assays - Hepatitis C Virus Encoded Antigen
HCV Nucleic Acid Assays - Hepatitis C Virus

Anti-HIV-1 Assays - Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1
HIV-1 Nucleic Acid Assays - Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1
HIV-Syphilis Assay
Anti-HIV Specimen Collection Devices, Testing Services, and Home Test Kits
Anti-HIV-2 Assays - Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 2
Anti-HIV-1/2 Assays - Human Immunodeficiency Virus Types 1 and 2
Anti-HIV-1/2 and HIV-1 Antigen Combo Assays

Anti-HTLV-I/II Assays - Human T-Lymphotropic Virus Types I and II
Elecsys HTLV- I/II

Malaria Nucleic Acid Assay

T. pallidum
Anti-T. Pallidum Assays - Treponema pallidum (Syphilis)

T. cruzi
Anti- T. cruzi Assays - Trypanosoma cruzi (T. cruzi)

Babesia Nucleic Acid Assay
Babesia Nucleic Acid Assay

Babesia antibody assay
Babesia antibody assay

WNV Nucleic Acid Assays - West Nile Virus

Zika Nucleic Acid assay

Anti-CMV Assays - Cytomegalovirus

Multiplex Assays

Alinity s Assay

TradenameInfectious AgentFormatSpecimenUseManufacturerApproval DateSTN
ABBOTT Alinity s HBsAg; ABBOTT Alinity s HBsAg ConfirmatoryHBV


CMIA - specific antibody neutralization

Serum/ Plasma/ Cadaveric SerumDonor Screening: Qualitative detection of HBsAg.
Confirmatory: To confirm the presence of HBsAg in samples found to be repeatedly reactive by the ABBOTT Alinity s HBsAg assay.
Abbott Ireland Diagnostics Division
Sligo, Ireland
US License 2094
ABBOTT Alinity s HTLV-I/IIHTLV-I, HTLV-IICMIASerum/ PlasmaDonor Screening: Qualitative detection of antibodies to HTLV-I and HTLV-II.Abbott GbmH & Co KG
Wiesbaden, Germany
US License 2095
ABBOTT Alinity s HIV Ag/Ab ComboHIV-1, HIV-2CMIAPlasma / Serum/ Cadaveric SerumDonor Screening: Simultaneous qualitative detection of HIV p24 antigen and antibodies to HIV-1 groups M and O and/or antibodies to HIV-2.Abbott GbmH & Co KG
Wiesbaden, Germany
US License 2095
ABBOTT Alinity s Anti-HCVHCVCMIAPlasma / Serum/ Cadaveric SerumDonor Screening: Qualitative detection of antibodies to hepatitis C virus.Abbott GbmH & Co KG
Wiesbaden, Germany
US License 2095
ABBOTT Alinity s Anti-HBcHBVCMIAPlasma / Serum/ Cadaveric SerumDonor Screening: Qualitative detection of antibody to hepatitis B core antigenAbbott GbmH & Co KG
Wiesbaden, Germany
US License 2095
ABBOTT Alinity s ChagasT. cruziCMIAPlasma / Serum / Cadaveric SerumDonor Screening: Qualitative detection of antibodies to T. cruzi.Abbott GbmH & Co KG
Wiesbaden, Germany
US License 2095
Alinity s Anti-HCV II assayHCVCMIASerum / plasma SpecimensQualitative detection of antibodies to hepatitis C virus (HCV) in human serum and plasma specimens on the Alinity s System.
To screen individual human donors, including volunteer donors of whole blood and blood components, and other living donors for the presence of anti-HCV.
In testing serum and plasma specimens to screen organ donors when specimens are obtained while the donor's heart is still beating, and in testing serum and EDTA plasma specimens to screen cadaveric (non-heart-beating) donors.
Abbott GmbH7/15/2022125759

HBsAg Assays - Hepatitis B Surface Antigen

TradenameInfectious AgentFormatSpecimenUseManufacturerApproval DateSTN


ChLIA - specific antibody neutralization

Serum/ Plasma/ Cadaveric SerumDonor Screening: Qualitative detection of HBsAg.
Confirmatory: To confirm the presence of HBsAg in samples found to be repeatedly reactive by the ABBOTT PRISM HBsAg assay.
Abbott Laboratories
Abbott Park, IL
US License 0043
Genetic Systems HBsAg EIA 3.0;
Genetic Systems HBsAg Confirmatory Assay 3.0
HBVEIASerum / Plasma / Cadaveric SerumIn Vitro Diagnostic,
Donor Screening: Qualitative detection of HBsAg.
Confirmatory: To confirm the presence of HBsAg in reactive specimens.
Bio-Rad Laboratories
Redmond, WA
US License 1109
Elecsys HBsAg II and HBsAg II Auto ConfirmHepatitis BECLIAPlasma / Serum

Donor Screening:

in vitro immunoassay for the qualitative detection of hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) in human serum and plasma. Elecsys HBsAg II is intended to screen individual human donors, including volunteer donors of whole blood, blood components and source plasma. The assay is also intended to be used to screen organ, tissue and cell donors, when donor samples are obtained while the donor’s heart is still beating. It is not intended for use on cord blood specimens.

The electrochemiluminescence immunoassay “ECLIA” is intended for use with cobas pro serology solution equipped with the cobas e 801 analytical unit.

Roche Diagnostics,
US License 2305

Anti-HBc Assays (detect antibodies to Hepatitis B Virus Core Antigen)

TradenameInfectious AgentFormatSpecimenUseManufacturerApproval DateSTN
Elecsys Anti-HBc IIHepatitis BECLIAPlasma / SerumDonor Screening:

Elecsys Anti-HBc II is an in vitro immunoassay for the qualitative detection of antibodies to hepatitis B core antigen (anti‑HBc) in human serum and plasma. Elecsys Anti‑HBc II is intended to screen individual human donors, including volunteer donors of whole blood and blood components. The assay is also intended to be used to screen organ, tissue and cell donors, when donor samples are obtained while the donor’s heart is still beating. It is not intended for use on cord blood specimens.

The electrochemiluminescence immunoassay “ECLIA” is intended for use with cobas pro serology solution equipped with the cobas e 801 analytical unit.
Roche Diagnostics,
US License 2305
ORTHO HBc ELISA Test SystemHBVELISASerum / PlasmaIn Vitro Diagnostic,
Donor screening: Qualitative detection of total antibody to hepatitis B core antigen.
Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc
Raritan, NJ
ABBOTT PRISM HBcoreHBVChLIASerum / PlasmaDonor Screening: Qualitative detection of total antibody to hepatitis B core antigenAbbott Laboratories
Abbott Park, IL
US License 0043

HBV Nucleic Acid Assays (detect Hepatitis B Virus DNA),see also Multiplex Assays

TradenameInfectious AgentFormatSpecimenUseManufacturerApproval DateSTN
Procleix® HIV-1/HCV/HBV Quality ControlHIV-1/HCV/HBVClinical Microbiology AssayHIV-1 RNA;
HIV-1/HBV/HCV controls for Procleix assays performed on the Procleix Panther system.Grifols, Diagnostic Solutions, Inc.
Emeryville, CA
UltraQual™ HBV PCR AssayHBVPCRPlasmaSource Plasma Donor Screening: Qualitative detection of HBV DNA. For in-house use only at NGI.National Genetics Institute Los Angeles, CA US License 15829/1/2011BL125193
COBAS AmpliScreen HBV TestHBVPCRPlasma/ cadaveric serum or plasmaDonor Screening: Qualitative detection of HBV DNA.Roche Molecular Systems, Inc
Pleasanton, CA
US License 1636

Anti-HCV Assays (detect antibodies to Hepatitis C Virus Encoded Antigen)

TradenameInfectious AgentFormatSpecimenUseManufacturerApproval DateSTN
Abbott PRISM HCVHCVChLIASerum / Plasma/ Cadaveric serumDonor screening: Qualitative detection of antibodies to hepatitis C virus.Abbott Laboratories
Abbott Park, IL
US License 0043
Elecsys Anti-HCV IIHepatitis CECLIAPlasma / SerumDonor Screening: Elecsys Anti-HCV II is an in vitro immunoassay for the qualitative detection of antibodies to hepatitis C virus (HCV) in human serum and plasma. Elecsys Anti‑HCV II is intended to screen individual human donors, including volunteer donors of whole blood, blood components and source plasma. The assay is also intended to be used to screen organ, tissue and cell donors, when donor samples are obtained while the donor's heart is still beating. It is not intended for use on cord blood specimens. 

The electrochemiluminescence immunoassay “ECLIA” is intended for use with cobas pro serology solution equipped with the cobas e 801 analytical unit
Roche Diagnostics, 
US License 2305
Ortho HCV Version 3.0 ELISA Test SystemHCVEIASerum / PlasmaDonor Screening: Qualitative detection of antibodies to hepatitis C virus.Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc
Raritan, NJ
US License 1236

HCV Nucleic Acid Assays (detect Hepatitis C Virus RNA), see also Multiplex Assays

TradenameInfectious AgentFormatSpecimenUseManufacturerApproval DateSTN
Procleix® HIV-1/HCV/HBV Quality ControlHIV-1/HCV/HBVClinical Microbiology AssayHIV-1 RNA;
HIV-1/HBV/HCV controls for Procleix assays performed on the Procleix Panther system.Grifols, Diagnostic Solutions, Inc.
Emeryville, CA
Hepatitis C Virus RT PCR AssayHCVPCRPlasmaSource Plasma Donor Screening: Qualitative detection of HCV RNA. For in house use only by Baxter Healthcare International.BioLife Plasma Services, L.P.
Deerfield, IL
US License 1640
UltraQual HCV RT-PCR AssayHCVPCRPlasmaSource Plasma Donor Screening: Qualitative detection of HCV RNA. For in house use only at NGI.National Genetics Institute
Los Angeles, CA
US License 1582
COBAS AmpliScreen HCV Test, ver 2.0HCVPCRPlasma/ Cadaveric serum or plasmaDonor Screening: Qualitative detection of HCV RNA.
Donor Supplemental: To confirm HCV infection for specimens that are repeatedly reactive on a licensed donor screening test for antibodies to HCV, and reactive on the COBAS® AmpliScreen HCV Test, v2.0.
Roche Molecular Systems, Inc
Pleasanton, CA
US License 1636

Anti-HIV-1 Assays (detect antibodies to Human Immunodeficiency Virus type 1)

TradenameInfectious AgentFormatSpecimenUseManufacturerApproval DateSTN
Reveal G4 Rapid HIV-1/2 Antibody TestHIV-1; HIV-2SerologyWhole Blood, Serum, PlasmaSingle use, qualitative immunoassay to detect antibodies to Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 (HIV-1) and Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 2 (HIV-2)MedMira Laboratories, Inc.12/13/2023BK231015
Fluorognost HIV-1 IFAHIV-1IFASerum / Plasma
Dried Blood Spot
Diagnostic and Donor Supplemental: Qualitative detection of antibodies to HIV-1 for use as an additional, more specific test in specimens found to be repeatedly reactive by screening procedures.
Donor Screening: Only in special cases.
Sanochemia Pharmazeutika AG
Vienna, Austria
US License 1631
Cambridge Biotech HIV-1 Western Blot KitHIV-1WBSerum / PlasmaDiagnostic and Donor Supplemental: Qualitative detection of antibodies to HIV-1 for use as an additional, more specific test in specimens found to be repeatedly reactive by screening procedures.Maxim Biomedical, Inc.
Rockville, MD
US License 1741
GS HIV-1 Western BlotHIV-1WBSerum / Plasma
Dried Blood Spot
Diagnostic and Donor Supplemental: Qualitative detection of antibodies to HIV-1 for use as an additional, more specific test in specimens found to be repeatedly reactive by screening procedures.Bio-Rad Laboratories
Redmond, WA
US License 1109
Avioq HIV-1 Microelisa SystemHIV-1EIASerum, Plasma, Dried Blood Spot, Oral FluidIn Vitro Diagnostic: Qualitative detection of antibodies to HIV-1.Avioq Inc.,
Rockville, MD
Maxim (Calypte) HIV-1 Urine EIAHIV-1EIAUrineIn Vitro Diagnostic: Qualitative detection of antibodies to HIV-1.Maxim Biomedical, Inc.
Rockville, MD
US License 1741
Reveal Rapid HIV-1 Antibody TestHIV-1Rapid ImmunoassaySerum / PlasmaIn Vitro Diagnostic: Qualitative detection of antibodies to HIV-1; point-of-care test.MedMira Laboratories, Inc.
Halifax, Nova Scotia
OraSure HIV-1 Western Blot KitHIV-1WBOral FluidDiagnostic Supplemental: Qualitative detection of antibodies to HIV-1 for use as an additional, more specific test in oral fluid specimens found to be repeatedly reactive by the Oral Fluid Vironostika HIV-l Microelisa System.OraSure Technologies
Bethlehem, PA
Cambridge Biotech HIV-1 Urine Western Blot KitHIV-1WBUrineDiagnostic Supplemental: Qualitative detection of antibodies to HIV-1 for use as an additional, more specific test in urine specimens found to be repeatedly reactive by Maxim HIV-1 Urine EIAMaxim Biomedical, Inc.
Rockville, MD
US License 1741

HIV-1 Nucleic Acid Assays (detect Human Immunodeficiency Virus type 1 RNA), see also Multiplex Assays

TradenameInfectious AgentFormatSpecimenUseManufacturerApproval DateSTN
Aptima® HIV-1 Quant Dx AssayHIV-1in vitro nucleic acid amplification test (NAAT)Serum, Plasmain vitro nucleic acid amplification test (NAAT) for the detection and quantitation of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) on the fully automated Panther® system and Panther Fusion® systemHologic, Inc.
San Diego, CA
Procleix® HIV-1/HCV/HBV Quality ControlHIV-1/HCV/HBVClinical Microbiology AssayHIV-1 RNA;
HIV-1/HBV/HCV controls for Procleix assays performed on the Procleix Panther system.Grifols, Diagnostic Solutions, Inc.
Emeryville, CA
Alinity m HIV-1HIV-1Quantitative PCRPlasmaPatient Monitoring: Quantitation of HIV-1 RNA in plasma of HIV-1 infected individuals.Abbott Molecular, Inc., Des Plaines, IL7/2/2020BP200455
Santosa SQHIV-1 Genotyping AssayHIV-1GenotypingPlasmaPatient Monitoring: For detecting HIV genomic mutations (in the protease and part of the reverse transcriptase regions of HIV) that confer resistance to specific types of antiretroviral drugs, as an aid in monitoring and treating HIV infection.Vela Diagnostics. USA, Inc., Fairfield, NJ11/5/2019BR190330
Human Immunodeficiency Virus, Type 1 RT PCR AssayHIV-1Qualitative PCRPlasmaSource Plasma Donor Screening: Qualitative detection of HIV-1 RNA. For in-house use only by Baxter Healthcare International.BioLife Plasma Services, L.P.
Deerfield, IL
US License 1640
UltraQual HIV-1 RT-PCR AssayHIV-1Qualitative PCRPlasmaSource Plasma Donor Screening: Qualitative detection of HIV-1 RNA. For in house use only at NGI.National Genetics Institute
Los Angeles, CA
US License 1582
COBAS AmpliScreen HIV-1 Test, ver 1.5HIV-1Qualitative PCRPlasma/ Cadaveric serum or plasmaDonor Screening: Qualitative detection of HIV-1 RNA.Roche Molecular Systems, Inc.
Pleasanton, CA
US License 1636

APTIMA HIV-1 Quant Assay

APTIMA HIV-1 Quant Dx Assay

HIV-1TMAPlasma/ Serum

Patient Monitoring: Quantitation of HIV-1 RNA in plasma of HIV-1 infected individuals.

Addition of claim for Qualitative detection HIV-1 RND on Panther platform

Hologic Inc., San Diego, CA
US License 1592





APTIMA HIV-1 RNA Qualitative AssayHIV-1TMAPlasma/ SerumIn Vitro Diagnostic: Qualitative detection of HIV-1 RNA.Gen-Probe, Inc.,
San Diego, CA
US License 1592
cobas HIV-1HIV-1Quantitative PCRPlasmaPatient Monitoring: Quantitation of HIV-1 RNA in plasma of HIV-1 infected individuals.Roche Molecular Systems, Inc.
Pleasanton, CA
US License 1636
Abbott RealTime
HIV-1Quantitative PCRPlasmaPatient Monitoring: Quantitation of HIV-1 RNA in plasma of HIV-1 infected individuals.ABBOTT Molecular, Inc., Des Plaines, IL5/11/2007BP060002
Amplicor HIV-1 Monitor TestHIV-1Quantitative PCRPlasmaPatient Monitoring: Quantitation of HIV-1 RNA in plasma of HIV-1 infected individuals.Roche Molecular Systems, Inc.
Pleasanton, CA
US License 1636
COBAS AmpliPrep/COBAS TaqMan HIV-1 TestHIV-1Quantitative PCRPlasmaPatient Monitoring: Quantitation of HIV-1 RNA in plasma of HIV-1 infected individuals.Roche Molecular Systems, Inc.
Pleasanton, CA
US License 1636
Versant HIV-1 RNA 3.0 (bDNA)HIV-1Quantitative PCRPlasmaPatient Monitoring: Quantification of HIV-1 RNA in plasma of HIV-1 infected individuals.Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics, Inc.9/11/2002BP000028
ViroSeq HIV-1 Genotyping SystemHIV-1GenotypingPlasmaPatient Monitoring: For detecting HIV genomic mutations (in the protease and part of the reverse transcriptase regions of HIV) that confer resistance to specific types of antiretroviral drugs, as an aid in monitoring and treating HIV infection.Celera Diagnostics
Alameda, CA
Trugene HIV-1 Genotyping Kit and Open Gene DNA Sequencing SystemHIV-1GenotypingPlasmaPatient Monitoring: For detecting HIV genomic mutations (in the protease and part of the reverse transcriptase regions of HIV) that confer resistance to specific types of antiretroviral drugs, as an aid in monitoring and treating HIV infection.Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics, Inc.4/24/2002

HIV-Syphilis Assay

TradenameInfectious AgentFormatSpecimenUseManufacturerApproval DateSTN
DPP HIV-Syphilis SystemHIV-1/2, T.pallidumRapid Immunochromatographic AssayWhole blood, EDTA plasmaIn Vitro Diagnostic: Qualitative detection of antibodies to HIV-1 and/or HIV-2; and/or T. pallidum, point-of-care test.Chembio Diagnostic Systems, Inc.
Medford, NY

Anti-HIV Specimen Collection Devices, Testing Services, and Home Test Kits

TradenameInfectious AgentFormatSpecimenUseManufacturerApproval DateSTN
Home Access HIV-1 Test SystemHIV-1Dried Blood Spot Collection DeviceDried Blood SpotIn Vitro Diagnostic: Self-use by people who wish to obtain anonymous HIV testingHome Access Health Corp.,
Hoffman Estates, IL
OraSure HIV-1 Oral Specimen Collection DeviceHIV-1Oral Specimen Collection DeviceOral Fluid
  • OraSure HIV-1 Oral Specimen Collection Device is intended for use in the collection of oral fluid specimens by properly trained individuals for the purpose of testing for the presence of antibodies to Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 (HIV-1).
  • OraSure HIV-1 specimens are intended to be used only with the Avioq HIV-1 Microelisa System screening test manufactured by Avioq, Inc. OraSure HIV-1 is intended for use with subjects 13 years of age or older.
OraSure Technologies, Inc.
Bethlehem, PA
OraQuick HIV Self-TestHIV-1, HIV-2ImmunoassaOral fluidOver-the-counter (OTC) diagnostic home-use test. A positive result is preliminary and follow-up confirmatory testing is needed.OraSure Technologies
Bethlehem, PA

Anti-HIV-2 Assays(detect antibodies to Human Immunodeficiency Virus type 2)

TradenameInfectious AgentFormatSpecimenUseManufacturerApproval DateSTN
Genetic Systems HIV-2 EIAHIV-2EIASerum / PlasmaIn Vitro Diagnostic,
Donor Screening: Qualitative detection of antibodies to HIV-2.
Bio-Rad Laboratories
Redmond, WA
US License 1109

Anti-HIV-1/2 Assays (detect antibodies to Human Immunodeficiency Virus types 1 and 2)

TradenameInfectious AgentFormatSpecimenUseManufacturerApproval DateSTN
Atellica® IM HIV Ag/Ab Combo (CHIV)HIV-1/2in vitro qualitative detection testSerum, Plasmain vitro diagnostic test for the simultaneous qualitative detection of human immunodeficiency virus p24 antigen and antibodies to human immunodeficiency viruses type 1 (including group “O”) and type 2, in serum and plasma using the Atellica CI Analyzer.Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics, Inc.11/7/2024BK241075
Bio-Rad Geenius HIV-1/HIV-2 Supplemental AssayHIVPCRPlasma/SerumUsed as specific test to confirm the presence of antibodies of HIV-1 and HIV-2 for the detection of specimens to be repeatedly reactive by screening by donor screening assay.Bio-Rad Laboratories
Redmond, WA
US License 1109
VioOne HIV Profile Supplemental Assay  HIVELISAPlasma/SerumIn vitro Diagnostic: Used as specific test to confirm the presence of antibodies of HIV-1 and HIV-2 for the detection of specimens to be repeatedly reactive by screening procedures.Avioq Inc., Research Triangle Park, NC10/19/2020BP180279
ABBOTT PRISM HIV O Plus assayHIV-1, HIV-2ChLIAPlasma / Serum/ Cadaveric SerumIn Vitro Diagnostic,
Donor Screening: Qualitative detection of antibodies to HIV-1 groups M and O and/or antibodies to HIV-2.
Abbott Laboratories
Abbott Park, IL
US License 0043
Geenius HIV 1/2 Supplemental AssayHIV-1, HIV-2HIV Detection TestBloodUsed as specific test to confirm the presence of antibodies of HIV-1 and HIV-2 for the detection of specimens to be repeatedly reactive by screening procedures.Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc
Redmond, WA
US License 1109
Genetic Systems HIV-1/HIV-2 Plus O EIAHIV-1, HIV-2EIASerum / Plasma / Cadaveric SerumIn Vitro Diagnostic,
Donor Screening: Qualitative detection of antibodies to HIV-1 (Groups M and O) and/or HIV-2.
Bio-Rad Laboratories
Redmond, WA
US License 1109
INSTI HIV-1/HIV-2 Antibody TestHIV-1 and HIV-2Rapid ImmunoassayPlasma / Whole Blood (veni-puncture and fingerstick)In Vitro Diagnostic: Qualitative detection of antibodies to HIV-1.bioLytical Laboratories Inc.
British Columbia, Canada
ADVIA Centaur HIV 1/O/2 Rapid TestHIV-1, HIV-2Microparticle Chemi-luminometric ImmunoassayPlasma/Serum

In Vitro Diagnostic: Qualitative determination of antibodies to HIV-1, including Group O, and/or HIV-2.

Use of ADVIA Centaur XPT System

Use of Atellica IM Analyzer

Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics, Inc.







VITROS HIV-1/HIV-2 Reagent Pack and CalibratorHIV-1, HIV-2ImmunometricPlasma/SerumIn Vitro Diagnostic: Qualitative detection of antibodies to HIV-1 and/or HIV-2.Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc
Raritan, NJ
US License 1236
Multispot HIV-1/HIV-2 Rapid TestHIV-1, HIV-2Rapid ImmunoassayPlasma / SerumIn Vitro Diagnostic: Qualitative detection of antibodies to HIV-1 and/or HIV-2.Bio-Rad Laboratories
Redmond, WA
US License 1109
SURE CHECK HIV 1/2 ASSAYHIV-1, HIV-2Rapid ImmunoassayFingerstick & venous whole blood, serum, plasmaIn Vitro Diagnostic: Qualitative detection of antibodies to HIV-1 and/or HIV-2; point-of-care test.Chembio Diagnostic Systems, Inc.
Medford, NY
HIV 1/2 STAT-PAK ASSAYHIV-1, HIV-2Rapid ImmunoassayFingerstick & venous whole blood, serum, plasmaIn Vitro Diagnostic: Qualitative detection of antibodies to HIV-1 and/or HIV-2; point-of-care test.Chembio Diagnostic Systems, Inc.
Medford, NY
OraQuick ADVANCE Rapid HIV-1/2 Antibody TestHIV-1, HIV-2Rapid ImmunoassayOral Fluid, Plasma, Whole Blood (venipuncture and fingerstick)In Vitro Diagnostic: Qualitative detection of antibodies to HIV-1 and/or HIV-2; point-of-care test.OraSure Technologies
Bethlehem, PA
Chembio DPP® HIV 1/2 AssayHIV-1, HIV-2Rapid Immuno-chromatographic AssayOral Fluid, Serum, Plasma,
Whole Blood (Venipuncture, Fingerstick)
In Vitro Diagnostic: Qualitative detection of antibodies to HIV-1 and/or HIV-2; point-of-care test.Chembio Diagnostic Systems, Inc.
Medford, NY
Uni-Gold™ Recombigen® HIV-1/2HIV-1, HIV-2Rapid EIASerum, Plasma,
Whole Blood (Venipuncture, Fingerstick)
In Vitro Diagnostic: Qualitative detection of antibodies to HIV-1 and/or HIV-2; point-of-care test.Trinity Biotech
Jamestown, NY

Anti-HIV-1/2 and HIV-1 Antigen Combo Assays (detect HIV-1 antigen and antibodies to HIV Types 1 and 2)

TradenameInfectious AgentFormatSpecimenUseManufacturerApproval DateSTN
Access HIV Ag/Ab combo; Access HIV Ag/Ab combo Calibrators; Access HIV Ag/Ab combo QCHIVSerologySerum and PlasmaIn Vitro Diagnostic Assay: Chemiluminescent immunoassay for the simultaneous qualitative in vitro detection and differentiation of HIV-1 p24 antigen and antibodies to HIV-1 (groups M and O) and/or HIV-2 in pediatric populationsBeckman Coulter, Inc.7/27/2023BK230833
Elecsys HIV DuoHIV-1, HIV-1 (Groups M and O) and HIV-2ECLIAPlasma / SerumDonor Screening: in vitro immunoassay for the simultaneous qualitative detection and differentiation of HIV-1 p24 antigen and antibodies to HIV, HIV-1 (groups M and O) and HIV-2Roche Diagnostics, US License 23056/13/2023125778
Elecsys HIV DuoHIV-1; HIV-2SerologyHIV-1 RNA; HBV DNA; HCV RNAHIV-1/HBV/HCV controls for Procleix assays performed on the Procleix Panther system.Roche Diagnostics4/4/2023BK230804
Elecsys HIV DuoHIV-1, HIV-2ImmunocmemiluensencePlasma/SerumIn Vitro Diagnostic: Simultaneous qualitative detection and differentiation of HIV p24 antigen and antibodies to HIV-1 (group M and group O) and/or HIV-2Roche Diagnostics, Indianapolis, IN4/10/2020BP190403
LIAISON XL MUREX HIV Ab/Ag HTHIV-1/HIV-2ImmunocmemiluensencePlasma/SerumIn Vitro Diagnostic: Simultaneous qualitative detection of HIV p24 antigen and antibodies to HIV-1 (group M and group O) and/or HIV-2.DiaSorin Inc., Stillwater, MN11/25/2020BP190437
Elecsys HIV Combi PTHIV-1, HIV-2immunocmemiluensencePlasma/SerumIn Vitro Diagnostic: Simultaneous qualitative detection and differentiation of HIV p24 antigen and antibodies to HIV-1 (group M and group O) and/or HIV-2Roche Diagnostics, Indianapolis, IN6/21/2017BP160050
VITROS HIV-1/HIV-2 Reagent Pack and CalibratorHIV-1, HIV-2ImmunometricSerum/ plasma

In Vitro Diagnostic: Simultaneous qualitative detection and differentiation of HIV p24 antigen and antibodies to HIV-1 (group M and group O) and/or HIV-2

Use of VITROS 5600 System

Use of VITROS ECi/ECiQ System

Use of VITROS XT7600 System

Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc
Raritan, NJ
US License 1236









BioPlex 2200 HIV Ag-Ab AssayHIV-1 and HIV-2multiplex flow immunoassaySerum, PlasmaIn Vitro Diagnostic: Simultaneous qualitative detection and differentiation of HIV p24 antigen and antibodies to HIV-1 (group M and group O) and/or HIV-2Bio-Rad Laboratories
Redmond, WA
US License 1109
ADVIA Centaur HIV Ag/Ab Combo (CHIV) AssayHIV-1, HIV-2Microparticle Chemi-luminometric ImmunoassaySerumIn Vitro Diagnostic: Simultaneous qualitative detection and differentiation of HIV p24 antigen and antibodies to HIV-1 (group M and group O) and/or HIV-2Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics, Inc.6/8/2015BP140103
Alinity i HIV Ag/Ab Combo Assay
HIV-1, HIV-2CMIAPlasma / SerumIn Vitro Diagnostic: Simultaneous qualitative detection of HIV p24 antigen and antibodies to HIV-1 (group M and group O) and/or HIV-2. 

A new platform Alinity i, for high throughput highly automated system
Abbott Laboratories
Abbott Park, IL
US License 0043


GS HIV Ag/Ab Combo EIAHIV-1, HIV-2EIAPlasma / SerumIn Vitro Diagnostic: Simultaneous qualitative detection of HIV p24 antigen and antibodies to HIV-1 (group M and group O) and/or HIV-2.Bio-Rad Laboratories
Redmond, WA
US License 1109
Alere DetermineTM
HIV-1/2 Ag/Ab Combo
HIV-1, HIV-2ImmunoassaySerum, Plasma,
Whole Blood (Venipuncture, Fingerstick)
In Vitro Diagnostic: Simultaneous qualitative detection of HIV p24 antigen and antibodies to HIV-1 and/or HIV-2; point-of-care test.Alere Scarborough, Inc.
Scarborough, ME

Anti-HTLV-I/II Assays (detect antibodies to Human T-Lymphotropic Virus types I and II)

TradenameInfectious AgentFormatSpecimenUseManufacturerApproval DateSTN
Avioq HTLV-I/II Microelisa SystemHTLV-1, HTLV-2EIA LysateSerum / PlasmaIn Vitro Diagnostic,
Donor Screening: Qualitative detection of antibodies to HTLV-I and HTLV-II.
Avioq, Inc.
Research Triangle Park, NC 27709
US License 1856
ABBOTT PRISM HTLV-I/HTLV-IIHTLV-1, HTLV-2ChLIASerum / PlasmaDonor Screening: Qualitative detection of antibodies to HTLV-I and HTLV-II.Abbott Laboratories
Abbott Park, IL
US License 0043
MP Diagnostic HTLV Blot 2.4HTLV-I, HTLV-IIWBSerum/PlasmaDonor Supplemental: Qualitative detection and differentiation of antibodies to HTLV-I and HTLV-II for use as an additional, more specific test in specimens found to be repeatedly reactive by screening procedures.MP Biomedicals Asia Pacific PTE. LTD12/11/2014BL125475

Anti-T. pallidum Assays (detect antibodies to Treponema pallidum)and other serological tests for Syphilis

TradenameInfectious AgentFormatSpecimenUseManufacturerApproval DateSTN
cobas pro serology solution (applicable to) a) Elecsys Syphilis and b) Elecsys Anti-CMVTreponema pallidiumSerologySerum, PlasmaDonor Screening in vitro qualitative detection of total antibodies (IgG and IgM) to Treponema pallidum in human serum and plasma.Roche Diagnostics1/10/2025BK241148
Elecsys Syphilis, Elecsys Anti-CMV, cobas pro serology solutionTreponema pallidiumSerologySerum, PlasmaDonor Screening in vitro qualitative detection of total antibodies (IgG and IgM) to Treponema pallidum in human serum and plasma.Roche Diagnostics11/6/2024BK241132
Elecsys Syphilis; PreciControl Syphilis; PreciControl Release SyphilisTreponema pallidiumSerologySerum and PlasmaDonor Screening: in vitro qualitative detection of total antibodies (IgG and IgM) to Treponema pallidum in human serum and plasmaRoche Diagnostics7/31/2023BK230839
ASI Automated RPR test for Syphilis for use on the ASI EvolutionT. pallidumRapid Plasma Reagin TestSerum, Plasma
Cadaveric: Serum, Plasma
Donor Screening: Qualitative detection of reagin antibodiesArlington Scientific, Inc.
Springville, UT
ASI Automated RPR test for Syphilis for use on the ASI EvolutionT. pallidumRapid Plasma Reagin TestSerum, PlasmaDonor Screening: Qualitative detection of reagin antibodiesArlington Scientific, Inc.
Springville, UT
PK7400 TP HA Controls and PK7400 TP HA ReagentTreponema pallidumMicro-hemagglutinationHuman serum, EDTA plasma and CPDA plasmaDonor Screening: Qualitative detection of IgG and IgM antibodies to syphilis.Newmarket Biomedical Ltd.
United Kingdom
CAPTIATM Syphilis (T. Pallidum)-GT. pallidumEIASerum, PlasmaDonor Screening: Qualitative detection of IgG antibodies to Treponema pallidum.Trinity Biotech
Jamestown, NY
ASI TPHA TestT. pallidumMicro-hemagglutinationSerumDonor Screening: Qualitative detection of IgG and IgM antibodies to Treponema pallidum.Arlington Scientific, Inc
Olympus PK TP SystemT. pallidumMicro-hemagglutinationSerum, PlasmaDonor Screening: Qualitative detection of IgG and IgM antibodies to Treponema pallidum.Fujirebio Diagnostics Inc..
Malvern, PA
TPHA ScreenT. pallidumHemagglutinationSerum, PlasmaDonor Screening: Qualitative detection of IgG and IgM antibodies to Treponema pallidum.Immucor, Inc
Norcross, GA
ASiManager-AT™T. pallidumRapid Plasma Reagin (RPR) TestSerum, PlasmaDonor Screening: Qualitative detection of reagin antibodies.Arlington Scientific, Inc.
Springville, UT.
2/24/2014BK 130001

Anti- T. cruzi Assays (detect antibodies to Trypanosoma cruzi)

TradenameInfectious AgentFormatSpecimenUseManufacturerApproval DateSTN
Elecsys ChagasT. cruziECLIAPlasma / SerumDonor Screening: in vitro immunoassay for the qualitative detection of antibodies to Trypanosoma cruzi (T. cruzi, the causative agent of the Chagas disease) in human serum and plasma. Elecsys Chagas is intended to be used to screen individual human donors, including volunteer donors of whole blood and blood components. The assay is also intended to be used to screen organ, tissue and cell donors, when donor samples are obtained while the donor’s heart is still beating. It is not intended for use on cord blood specimens. The electrochemiluminescence immunoassay “ECLIA” is intended for use with cobas pro serology solution equipped with cobas e 801 analytical unit.Roche Diagnostics, US License 2305
US License 2305
ABBOTT ESA ChagasT. cruzimulti-step enzyme strip immunoassaySerum, plasmaAn additional, more specific test on human serum or plasma specimens found to be repeatedly reactive using a licensed screening test for antibodies to T. cruzi.Abbott Laboratories
Abbott Park, IL
US License 0043
Abbott Prism ChagasT. cruziEIASerum / PlasmaDonor Screening: Qualitative detection of antibodies to T. cruzi.Abbott Laboratories
Abbott Park, IL
US License 0043
ORTHO T. cruzi ELISA Test SystemT. cruziEIASerum / Plasma / CadavericDonor Screening: Qualitative detection of antibodies to T. cruzi.Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc.
Raritan, NJ
US License 1236

Babesia Nucleic Acid Assay

TradenameInfectious AgentFormatSpecimenUseManufacturerApproval DateSTN
Procleix® WNV/Babesia Quality ControlBabesia microti and West Nile VirusClinical Microbiology AssayBabesia and WNV RNAQualitative detection of RNA from Babesia microti and West Nile VirusGrifols, Diagnostic Solutions, Inc.
Emeryville, CA
Babesia Microti-NATB. microtiPCRWhole bloodDonor Screening: Qualitative detection of B. microti DNAOxford Immunotec Ltd. Norwood, MA
US license 2021
Cobas Babesia TestBabesia speciesPCRWhole blood

Donor Screening: Babesia DNA and RNA for use on cobas 6800/8800

Addition of testing in pools of six samples

Roche Molecular Systems, Inc. Pleasanton, CA US License 16369/29/2019

BL 125699

Procleix Babesia AssayBabesia speciesNucleic Acid Test (TMA)Whole blood/ cadaveric bloodDonor Screening: Babesia RNAGrifols Diagnostics Solution,
San Diego, CA
US License 2032

Babesia antibody assay

TradenameInfectious AgentFormatSpecimenUseManufacturerApproval DateSTN
Babesia Microti-AFIAB. microtiArrayed Immunofluorescence AssayEDTA PlasmaDonor Screening: Qualitative detection of antibodies to B. microtiOxford Immunotec Ltd. Norwood, MA
US license 2021

WNV Nucleic Acid Assays (detect West Nile Virus RNA)

TradenameInfectious AgentFormatSpecimenUseManufacturerApproval DateSTN
Procleix® WNV/Babesia Quality ControlBabesia microti and West Nile VirusClinical Microbiology AssayBabesia and WNV RNAQualitative detection of RNA from Babesia microti and West Nile VirusGrifols, Diagnostic Solutions, Inc.
Emeryville, CA
cobas WNVWNVPCRPlasma/ Cadaveric plasma or serumDonor Screening: Qualitative detection of West Nile Virus (WNV) RNA.Roche Molecular Systems, Inc.
Pleasanton, CA
US License 1636
Procleix West Nile Virus (WNV) AssayWNVNucleic Acid Test (TMA)Plasma/ Cadaveric plasma or serumDonor Screening: Qualitative detection of West Nile Virus (WNV) RNA.Gen-Probe, Inc.,
San Diego, CA
US License 1592
COBAS TaqScreen West Nile Virus TestWNVPCRPlasma/ Cadaveric plasma or serumDonor Screening: Qualitative detection of West Nile Virus (WNV) RNA.Roche Molecular Systems, Inc.
Pleasanton, CA
US License 1636

Zika Nucleic Acid assay (detects Zika virus RNA)

TradenameInfectious AgentFormatSpecimenUseManufacturerApproval DateSTN
Cobas ZikaZikaPCRPlasma/Cadaveric plasma or serumDonor Screening: Qualitative detection of Zika Virus RNA.Roche Molecular Systems, Inc.
Pleasanton, CA
US License 1636
Procleix Zika AssayZika virusNucleic Acid Test (TMA)Plasma/ Serum/ Cadaveric plasma or serumDonor Screening: Zika RNA.Grifols Diagnostics Solution.,
San Diego, CA
US License 2032

Anti-CMV Assays (detect antibodies to Cytomegalovirus)

TradenameInfectious AgentFormatSpecimenUseManufacturerApproval DateSTN
cobas pro serology solution (applicable to) a) Elecsys Syphilis and b) Elecsys Anti-CMVCytomegalovirusSerologySerum, PlasmaDonor Screening: in vitro qualitative detection of total antibodies to Cytomegalovirus in human serum and plasmaRoche Diagnostics1/10/2025BK241148
Elecsys Syphilis, Elecsys Anti-CMV, cobas pro serology solutionCytomegalovirusSerologySerum, PlasmaDonor Screening: in vitro qualitative detection of total antibodies to Cytomegalovirus in human serum and plasmaRoche Diagnostics11/6/2024BK241132
Elecsys Anti-CMV; PreciControl Anti-CMV; PreciControl Release Anti-CMVCytomegalovirusSerologySerum and PlasmaDonor Screening: in vitro qualitative detection of total antibodies to Cytomegalovirus in human serum and plasmaRoche Diagnostics
Indianapolis, IN
Capture-CMVCMVSolid phase red cell adherenceHuman Serum and PlasmaDonor Screening: Qualitative detection of IgG and IgM antibodies to CMVImmucor, Inc.
Norcross, GA
PK CMV-PA SystemCMVPassive particle agglutinationEDTA plasma, SerumDonor Screening: Qualitative detection of IgG and IgM antibodies to CMVFujirebio Diagnostics, Inc.
Malvern, PA
Capture-CMVCMVSolid phase red cell adherenceHuman serum and PlasmaDonor Screening: Qualitative detection of IgG and IgM antibodies to CMV.Immucor, Inc.
Norcross, GA
Capture - CMVCMVSolid phase red cell adherenceSerum, PlasmaDonor Screening: Qualitative detection of IgG and IgM antibodies to CMV.Immucor, Inc.
Norcross, GA
Olympus PK CMV-PA SystemCMVPassive particle agglutinationSerum, PlasmaDonor Screening: Qualitative detection of IgG and IgM antibodies to CMV.Fujirebio Diagnostics, Inc.
Malvern, PA

Malaria Nucleic Acid Assay

TradenameInfectious AgentFormatSpecimenUseManufacturerApproval DateSTN
cobas® MalariaPlasmodiumNucleic Acid TestWhole BloodDonor Screening: 

The cobas® Malaria test for use on the cobas® 6800/8800 Systems (cobas® Malaria) is a qualitative in vitro nucleic acid screening test for the direct detection of Plasmodium (P. falciparum, P. malariae, P. vivax, P. ovale and P. knowlesi) DNA and RNA in whole blood samples from individual human donors, including donors of whole blood and blood components, as well as other living donors. It is also intended for use in testing whole blood samples to screen organ and tissue donors when samples are obtained while the donor’s heart is still beating. 

Whole blood samples from all donors are screened as individual samples.  

The test is not intended for use as an aid in diagnosis of Plasmodium infection.  

This test is not intended for use on samples of cord blood. 

This test is not intended for use on cadaveric blood specimens  

This test is not intended for use on cadaveric samples
Roche Molecular Systems, Inc.3/15/2024125808

Multiplex Assays

TradenameInfectious AgentFormatSpecimenUseManufacturerApproval DateSTN
Cobas HIV-1/HIV-2 Qualitative AssayHIV-1/HIV-2PCRSerum/PlasmaIn Vitro Diagnostic: Qualitative detection and differentiation of HIV-1 and HIV-2 RNARoche Molecular Systems, Inc.
Pleasanton, CA
COBAS TaqScreen MPX Test version 2.0HBV, HCV, HIV-1, HIV-2PCRPlasmaDonor Screening: Simultaneous qualitative detection of HBV DNA, HIV-1 Group M and Group O RNA, HIV-2 RNA, and HCV RNARoche Molecular Systems, Inc.
Pleasanton, CA
US License 1636
COBAS TaqScreen MPX TestHBV, HCV, HIV-1, HIV-2PCRPlasma/ Cadaveric plasma or serumDonor Screening: Simultaneous qualitative detection of HBV DNA, HIV-1 Group M and Group O RNA, HIV-2 RNA, and HCV RNA.Roche Molecular Systems, Inc.
Pleasanton, CA
US License 1636
cobas MPX TestHBV, HCV, HIV-1, HIV-2PCRPlasma/ Cadaveric plasma or serumDonor Screening: Simultaneous qualitative detection of HBV DNA, HIV-1 Group M and Group O RNA, HIV-2 RNA, and HCV RNA.Roche Molecular Systems, Inc.
Pleasanton, CA
US License 1636
Procleix Ultrio Elite AssayHBV, HCV, HIV-1, HIV-2Nucleic Acid Test (TMA)Plasma/ Serum/ Cadaveric plasma or serumDonor Screening: Simultaneous qualitative detection of HBV DNA, HCV RNA, HIV-1 RNA and HIV-2 RNA.Grifols Diagnostics Solution.,
San Diego, CA
US License 2032
Procleix Ultrio AssayHBV, HCV, HIV-1Nucleic Acid Test (TMAPlasma/ Serum/ Cadaveric plasma or serumDonor Screening: Simultaneous qualitative detection of HBV DNA, HCV RNA, and HIV-1 RNA.Grifols Diagnostics Solution.,
San Diego, CA
US License 2032
Procleix Ultrio Plus AssayHBV, HCV, HIV-1Nucleic Acid Test (TMA)Plasma/ Serum/ Cadaveric plasma or serumDonor Screening: Simultaneous qualitative detection of HBV DNA, HCV RNA, and HIV-1 RNA.Grifols Diagnostics Solution.,
San Diego, CA
US License 2032
UltraQual Multiplex PCR AssayHBV, HCV, HIV-1, HIV-2Nucleic Acid Test (PCR)PlasmaSource Plasma Donor Screening: Simultaneous qualitative detection of HBV DNA, HCV RNA, HIV-1 RNA and HIV-2 RNA.National Genetics Institute
Los Angeles, CA
US License 1582
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