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On Oct. 1, 2024, the FDA began implementing a reorganization impacting many parts of the agency. We are in the process of updating FDA.gov content to reflect these changes.

  1. Home
  2. About FDA
  3. FDA Organization
  4. Center for Devices and Radiological Health
  5. CDRH Offices
  6. Office of Training and Education
  1. CDRH Offices

Office of Training and Education

Who We Are

The Office of Training and Education (OTE) provides CDRH employee training and development that fosters a culture of continuous learning and external training content and educational resources for the public and medical device industry. OTE is within CDRH’s Office of Communication, Information Disclosure, Training and Education (OCITE).

What We Do

  • Lead strategic training and education planning and administration of programs, which consist of premarket, scientific and technical training, leadership development training for effective succession planning, and an Experiential Learning Program (ELP) that offers a collaborative approach to closing the knowledge gap between emerging and innovative technology and the premarket review of the resulting medical devices.
  • Lead strategic development and execution of internal and external training content and materials, for CDRH and the public across print and digital mediums and platforms.
  • Provide industry and consumer education programs, including webinars on CDRH regulations and guidance for the medical device industry.
  • Develop and implement educational resources and outreach regarding medical device and radiological product premarket and postmarket requirements for the medical device industry, and for domestic and foreign governments.
  • Assist patients and consumers regarding premarket and postmarket issues involving medical devices and radiation‐emitting products.

Office Organization

Division of Employee Training and Development

Who We Are

The Division of Employee Training and Development (DETD) provides CDRH employees with training programs and developmental opportunities that provide professional, technical, and leadership enrichment to achieve organizational excellence.

What We Do

  • Provide foundational training opportunities and support for staff development, including:
    • Professional Development Curriculum
    • New Employee Information Sessions (NEIS) and Manager Orientation
  • Provide scientific and regulatory training in support of medical device regulation, including:
    • Experiential Learning Program (ELP)
    • Reviewer Certification Program (RCP)
  • Provide opportunities for leadership development in support of organizational excellence, including:
    • Leadership/Supervisory (Leadership Enhancement and Development Program)
    • Leadership Readiness Program (LRP)
    • Leadership Development for Non-managers (LNM)
  • Coordinate development opportunities from external partners, including:
    • FDAU Project Management Certificate Program
    • HHS Coach Training Program
    • Federal Executive Institute
    • Management Seminar Series
    • HHS and FDA Mandatory Training
  • Provide instructional design expertise to CDRH staff developing and delivering education for internal and external audiences.
  • Oversee CDRH’s Learning Center.

Division of Industry and Consumer Education

Who We Are

The Division of Industry and Consumer Education (DICE) serves as CDRH’s focal point for industry and consumer inquiries and education. We provide information about the FDA’s regulation of medical devices and radiation-emitting electronic products.

What We Do

  • Answer questions by phone and email from the industry and consumers of medical devices and radiation-emitting electronic products.
  • Develop educational resources that explain the broad range of FDA regulatory medical device and radiological health programs.

Educational Resources

Contact Us

Email: OCITE@fda.hhs.gov

For specific phone numbers and email addresses for each office, division, and team, see the CDRH Management Directory by Organization.

For answers to general questions about medical device regulation, contact the Division of Industry and Consumer Education at dice@fda.hhs.gov or 800.638.2041 or 301.796.7100.

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