Links to Related Web sites
The following web sites are posted as a service to our visitors who want to explore further some of the themes featured on this site, who want to expand their own research into areas related to FDA and regulatory history, and to those who might want to learn more about the community of historians, curators, and others that include specialists in subjects closely linked to the work of this agency. Regardless of which aspects of the agency’s historical responsibilities one is interested in, these institutions, organizations, and databases offer a penetrating perspective on the history that frames the endeavors of FDA.
American Association for the History of Medicine
American Institute of the History of Pharmacy
FDA Notices of Judgment Collection at the National Library of Medicine, 1906-1964
The Notices summarize each case pursued under the 1906 Food and Drugs Act, the 1938 Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, and other laws under FDA's jurisdiction
FDA-USP Partners in Public Health
Web page for the discussion list for researchers, teachers, and others interested in the history of science, medicine, and technology
Images from the History of Medicine
Online database of medical history images from the collection of the National Library of Medicine
Life Sciences Foundation
Dedicated to collecting and preserving the history of biotechnology
National Library of Medicine's online database of books in the NLM collections
Dewitt Stetten, Jr. Museum of Medical Research/National Institutes of Health History
Museum of Questionable Medical Devices
National Archives and Records Administration
Guide to FDA Records (1877 - 1977)
National Council Against Health Fraud
National Institutes of Health "History of the Pregnancy Test Kit"
National Museum of American History, Smithsonian Institution
Includes information about collections in health and medicine
National Museum of Health and Medicine, Armed Forces Institute of Pathology
Patent Full-Text and Full-Page Image Database, U. S. Patent and Trademark Office
Pub Med
National Library of Medicine online database of articles and book chapters on the history of medicine; to search for history of medicine articles only, select "history of medicine" under the "subset" bar-language, publication dates, and other limitation can be selected as well
Society for History in the Federal Government
The Wellcome Library for the History and Understanding of Medicine