FDA-TRACK: Animal Drug User Fee Act Performance - Mutual Recognition Agreements
Beginning in FY 2024, FDA will report quarterly in FDA‐TRACK the percentage of pre-approval inspection risk decisions in which enacted mutual recognition agreements were used to establish or to provide a more recent Good Manufacturing Practices history. FDA uses a risk-based approach to determine whether pre-approval inspections are needed to support submission approval using information provided in applications and information FDA may have regarding the facilities.
Risk factors include product risk (critical quality attributes (CQA)s, and the products context of use) and manufacturing risk (impact of the process on CQAs and facility capability and history). Pre-approval inspection decisions also consider the need to confirm accuracy and reliability of the information provided in the application or to verify on-site conformance to the application.
Download FDA-TRACK: ADUFA Performance - Mutual Recognition Agreements Dataset
Note: The data provided on this website are produced on an ongoing basis for performance management purposes and are subject to change due to updates of preliminary estimates, corrections, or other reasons.