FDA-TRACK: Center for Veterinary Medicine - Post-market Drug Safety, Effectiveness, and Quality
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FDA's Center for Veterinary Medicine (CVM) regulates animal drugs, animal devices and animal food under the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act. CVM protects and promotes the health of humans and animals by ensuring the safety of the American food supply, the safety of animal food and devices, and the safety and effectiveness of animal drugs.
The assessment of the safety, effectiveness, and manufacturing quality of a new animal drug is a continuing process that takes place throughout the development and marketing of that drug. CVM uses risk-based approaches to protect consumers and animals from drugs that are not safe, effective, or quality manufactured.
Each FDA-TRACK program area collects, analyzes, and reports its performance measures and results. Explore the progress CVM is making towards its Post-market Drug Safety, Effectiveness, and Quality strategic initiative below:
Review of Tissue Residue and Unapproved Drug Warning Letter Recommendation Packages
Download FDA-TRACK CVM Post-market Drug Safety, Effectiveness, and Quality Dataset
Note: The data provided on this website is produced on an ongoing basis for performance management purposes and is subject to change due to updates of preliminary estimates, corrections, or other reasons.