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On Oct. 1, 2024, the FDA began implementing a reorganization impacting many parts of the agency. We are in the process of updating FDA.gov content to reflect these changes.

  1. Home
  2. About FDA
  3. FDA Organization
  4. Office of the Commissioner
  5. Office of Operations
  6. Office of Finance, Budget, Acquisitions, and Planning
  1. Office of Operations

Office of Finance, Budget, Acquisitions, and Planning


OFBAP’s mission is to ensure the strategic alignment and stewardship of FDA’s resources to support its expanding responsibilities.


OFBAP’s vision is to be FDA’s strategic, authoritative, and trusted partner for budgeting, planning, acquisitions, and financial and risk management.

Major Functions and Descriptions

  • Acquisition and Grant Services - Procures goods and services used directly by FDA. Provides grants to assist other health-related and research organizations that contribute to FDA's mission. Ensures vendors receive a fair opportunity to do business with FDA and that the government and taxpayers receive the best value for their money.
  • Budget - Oversees the day-to-day operational activities, interactions, and execution of program initiatives across all FDA centers, field offices and regions, and the Office of the Commissioner. Provides executive direction, leadership, coordination, and guidance for the operations of FDA, including the preparation, presentation, and negotiation of the FDA budget justification through robust communication with the Department and the Office of Management and Budget.
  • Financial Management - Coordinates a comprehensive financial management operations program for FDA encompassing the areas of automated financial systems, fiscal accounting, internal financial auditing, financial services related to vendor payments, travel support, user fees, and financial reporting.
  • Planning - Leads the Agency through the full portfolio of planning, performance, policy, program and enterprise risk management activities called for by FDA and Administration leadership and Federal law. Functions include strategic planning, program management, evaluation studies, performance planning in support of budget formulation, change management, as well as coordination of internal controls and compliance, enterprise risk communication policy, research, best practices, and analysis and development of public health outcome measures related to FDA's mission.


Learn more about our Chief Financial Officer, Benjamin D. Moncarz.
Learn more about our Deputy Chief Financial Officer, Sahra I. Torres-Rivera.

Contact Information

For more information, contact OFBAPBusinessManagementServices@fda.hhs.gov


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