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On Oct. 1, 2024, the FDA began implementing a reorganization impacting many parts of the agency. We are in the process of updating FDA.gov content to reflect these changes.

  1. Home
  2. Advisory Committees
  3. Committees and Meeting Materials
  4. Radiation-Emitting Products
  5. National Mammography Quality Assurance Advisory Committee
  6. Roster of the National Mammography Quality Assurance Advisory Committee
  1. National Mammography Quality Assurance Advisory Committee

Roster of the National Mammography Quality Assurance Advisory Committee

Purpose: Advises on developing appropriate quality standards and regulations for the use of mammography facilities.

Applying for Membership on FDA Advisory Committees

As part of the Food and Drug Administration's (FDA's) ongoing efforts to recruit qualified experts with minimal conflicts of interest who are interested in serving on FDA advisory committees, FDA is requesting nominations for members to serve on its advisory committees.

Current Number of Vacancies: 5
Note, one or more vacancies may be in the nomination process or a final appointment may have been made.

Tanya W. Moseley, M.D. , DBA, FSBI
Expertise: Breast Imaging; Breast Surgical Oncology
Term: 07/13/2023 – 01/31/2027
Professor of Diagnostic Radiology and Breast Surgical Oncology
The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
1515 Holcombe Blvd.
Unit 1350
Houston, TX 77030

Designated Federal Officer
James Swink
Center for Devices and Radiological Health
Office of Management
10903 New Hampshire Avenue
WO Bldg. 66 Rm 5211
Silver Spring, Maryland 20993
Office: (301) 796-6313
Fax: (301) 847-8505

Katie W. Hulme, M.S., DABR
Expertise: Full-Field Digital Mammography
Term: 02/25/2022 – 01/31/2026
Diagnostic Medical Physicist
The Cleveland Clinic Foundation
25900 Science Park Drive
Beachwood, OH 44122

Maryellen L. Giger, M.D. 
Expertise: Computer Analysis of Breast Images 
Term: 07/13/2023 – 01/31/2027
A.N. Pritzker Distinguished Service Professor of Radiology,
Committee on Medical Physics & the College
The University of Chicago
5841 S. Maryland Ave., MC2026
Chicago, IL 60637

Stamatia V. Destounis, MD, FACR, FSBI, FAIUM
Expertise: Mammography; Clinical Research
Term: 07/13/2023 – 01/31/2027
Managing Partner
Elizabeth Wende Breast Care, LLC 
170 Sawgrass Drive
Rochester, NY 14620

James Andrew Epling, M.D., M.S.
Expertise: Diagnostic Radiology; Breast Imaging
Term: 02/25/2022 – 01/31/2026
Assistant Clinical Professor
University of South Carolina School of Medicine
607 Grove Road
Greenville, SC 29605

Lars J. Grimm, M.D., MHS, FSBI
Expertise: Radiology; Breast Cancer
Term: 02/25/2022 – 01/31/2026
Associate Professor, Division of Breast Imaging
Department of Radiology
Duke University Medical Center
Box 3808
Durham, NC 27710

Allen R. Goode, M.S., DABR
Expertise: Medical Physicist
Term: 02/25/2022 – 01/31/2026
Chief Diagnostic Medical Physicist
Department of Radiology & Medical Imaging 
University of Virginia Health System
P.O. Box 800170
Charlottesville, VA 22908

*Bonna Rogers-Neufeld, M.D., FACR, CCD 
Expertise: Breast Imaging; Bone Densitometrist
Term: 11/20/2024 – 01/31/2028
Sierra Imaging Associates
Fresno Breast Center
6107 N. Fresno Street
Fresno, CA 93710

Paul L. Carson, Ph.D. 
Expertise: Radiological Physics
Term: 07/13/2023 – 01/31/2027
Active Emeritus Professor of Radiology
University of Michigan
6428 Med Sci I, A Wing
1301 Catherine Street
Ann Arbor, MI 48109

*Robert A. Smith, Ph.D.
Expertise: Cancer Epidemiology
Term: 11/20/2024 – 01/31/2028
Vice President, Cancer Screening
Cancer Control Department 
American Cancer Society
250 Williams Street 6th Floor
Atlanta, GA 30303


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