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On Oct. 1, 2024, the FDA began implementing a reorganization impacting many parts of the agency. We are in the process of updating FDA.gov content to reflect these changes.

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Animal and Veterinary Innovation Agenda

Scientist holding up a multi well plate of samples with results on the computer screen

The world of human and animal health is making exciting advancements - harnessing the potential of new technologies, evolving understanding of biological and chemical processes, and increasingly recognizing the interconnectedness of human, animal, and our surroundings.

In September 2023, FDA released the Animal and Veterinary Innovation Agenda (AVIA) to ensure the most robust product development pipelines that deliver the products needed to support veterinarians, animal owners, agricultural producers, the food system, and public health programs. FDA is committed to spur innovative technologies that we regulate, while ensuring that our work is science driven, risk-based, timely and flexible.


The Animal and Veterinary Innovation Agenda: What is it?

FDA published the first AVIA in September, 2023. This living document is a vision for how FDA can support and spur innovation to better protect human and animal health. 

The AVIA lists four objectives and several supporting actions that will further position the agency for continued scientific and technological evolution while helping ensure that a robust variety of safe and effective animal health products is available to animal owners, producers, and veterinarians.


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