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Hui Li, PhD
Hui Li PhD.

Division of Residue Chemistry


Dr. Li is a chemist with the Division of Residue Chemistry in the Office of Applied Science at FDA’s Center for Veterinary Medicine (CVM). He received his PhD in bio-organic chemistry from Duke University in 2001, and joined FDA/CVM in 2002. Dr. Li conducts method development and applied research for regulatory purposes, focusing on veterinary drug residues in animal products and toxic chemicals in feeds.


  • Regulatory method development and validation for veterinary residues and chemical substances of health concern
  • Drug depletion analysis
  • Rapid milk test kits evaluation

Select Publications

Lauren Girard, Hui Li, Charles Feng, Philip J. Kijak, Sara Sklenka, Shani Smith, Sharon Rasmussen, Carol Pugh, Shawn McDermott, O. Alberto Chiesa, Jeffrey Ward, Elizabeth Hasbrouck, Elizabeth Smith, Vicki Lancaster and Junshan Qiu. Bridging of a Liquid Chromatography–Tandem Mass Spectrometry Method for Oxytetracycline, Chlortetracycline, and Tetracycline in Bovine Kidney with the Official Microbial Growth Inhibition Assay. Journal of AOAC International. 2023, 106(1): 73–87

Cristina Nochetto and Hui Li. A Dilute-and-Shoot UPLC-MS/MS Method for Simultaneous Determination and Confirmation of Eleven Mycotoxins in Distiller’s Dried Grains with Solubles. Journal of AOAC International. 2022, 105(1):95-106

O. Alberto Chiesa, Shixia Feng, Philip Kijak, Elizabeth A. Smith, Hui Li and Junshan Qiu. Plasma Pharmacokinetics of Ceftiofur Metabolite Desfuroylceftiofur Cysteine Disulfide in Holstein Steers. Journal of Veterinary Pharmacology & Therapeutics. 2016, 39(2):149-56

Michael J. Myers, Marilyn Martinez, Hui Li, Junshan Qiu, Lisa Troutman, Michele Sharkey, and Haile F. Yancy. Influence of ABCB1 Genotype in Collies on the Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics of Loperamide in a Dose-Escalation Study. Drug Metabolism and Disposition. 2015, 43: 1392-1407

Hui Li. Confirmatory Methods for Veterinary Drugs and Chemical Contaminants in Livestock Commodities, in Strategies for Reducing Drug and Chemical Residues in Food Animals: International Approaches to Residue Avoidance, Management, and Testing. (eds. Ronald E. Baynes and Jim Riviere), John Wiley & Sons, Inc, Hoboken, New Jersey.

Shixia Feng, Oscar A. Chiesa, Philip Kijak, Chaitali Chattopadhaya, Vicki Lancaster, Elizabeth A. Smith, Lauren Girard, Sara Sklenka, and Hui Li. Determination of Ceftiofur Metabolite Desfuroylceftiofur Cysteine Disulfide in Bovine Tissues Using Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry as a Surrogate Marker Residue for Ceftiofur. Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry. 2014, 691 (62): 5011–5019

O. A. Chiesa, H. Li, P. J. Kijak, J. X. Li, V. Lancaster, M. L. Smith, D. N. Heller, M. H. Thomas, J. Von Bredow. Tissue-Fluid Correlation Study for the Depletion of Sulfadimethoxine in Bovine Kidney, Liver, Plasma, Urine, and Oral Fluid. Journal of Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics. 2011, 35: 249–258

Hui Li, Philip J. Kijak. Development of a Quantitative Multi Class/Multi Residue Method for 21 Veterinary Drugs in Shrimp. Journal of AOAC International. 2011, 94(2): 394–406

Hui Li, Michelle L. Smith, O. Alberto Chiesa, Philip J. Kijak. Determination of Sulfadimethoxine and 4N-Acetylsulfadimethoxine in Bovine Plasma, Urine, Oral Fluid, and Kidney and Liver Biopsy Samples Obtained Surgically From Standing Animals by LC/MS/MS. Journal of Chromatography B. 2009, 877: 237–246

Contact Information
Hui Li
+1 (240) 402-5496
+1 (301) 210-4685
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