Helpful Webinars and Other Resources for Generic Drug Manufacturers
FDA develops resources – workshops, webinars, and seminars – to help generic drug manufacturers improve the quality of their abbreviated new drug application (ANDA) submissions and decrease the number of assessment cycles needed for approval. The following topics highlight FDA’s current thinking and recommendations to avoid common deficiencies found in ANDA submissions and is not meant to be a comprehensive list. FDA has published guidance on many of these topics. Guidances referenced in the following sections are supportive and not a complete list. To find a guidance related to drugs, visit Guidances for Drugs.
Webinars and Other Resources for Industry
(Topics arranged alphabetically)
An ANDA submission must demonstrate that the proposed generic drug product is bioequivalent to the Reference Listed Drug (RLD). The requirements for bioequivalence (BE) are set forth in the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FD&C Act) and FDA regulations. FDA has several Guidances and Draft Guidances for Industry that shares the Agency’s current thinking on bioequivalence studies. The “Bioequivalence Recommendations for Specific Products Final Guidance,” (June 2010), provides recommendations to applicants planning to include BE information in ANDAs and ANDA supplements. The guidance describes how to meet the BE requirements set forth in FDA regulations.
In this section, we provide webinars on the different approaches and associated considerations for demonstrating BE. If you need specific information regarding FDA's current BE recommendations for a particular product, please refer to the relevant Product-Specific Guidance (PSG).
- OSIS Workshop: CDER Bioavailability/Bioequivalence Study Sites and Inspections of Good Laboratory Practice, June 13, 2024
The webinar provides expectations during bioavailability (BA)/BE Inspections – Immunogenicity, Clinical, Clinical Endpoints and Analytical Clinical Programs. It also provides an overview of Good Laboratory Practice/Animal Rule Compliance Programs and inspections, as well as reserve sample requirements. The audience should gain an understanding of Office of Study Integrity and Surveillance (OSIS) BA/BE Program that includes BA Studies for 505(b)(2) applications, BE studies, in vitro BE studies and immunogenicity studies. - A Deep Dive: FDA Draft Guidance on Statistical Approaches to Establishing Bioequivalence, March 14, 2023
This webinar provides an overview of major changes in the draft guidance from the 2001 guidance. - Excipients and Formulation Assessments Welcome & Opening Remarks, December 6, 2022
This webinar provides an overview of regulatory framework, scientific concepts, product-specific challenges, and best practices related to development of complex generic drug products that are either required or recommended to have the same formulation as their respective reference listed drugs. - Considerations for the Qualitative Sameness Evaluation of a Proposed Generic Formulation, December 6, 2022
This webinar provides an overview of Q1 (Qualitative) /Q2 (Quantitative) sameness, Q1/Q2 assessment, and common missing information. - Best Practices for Submitting Formulation Assessment Requests and Avoiding Information Requests: Tips for Submitting a Proposed Formulation Table, December 6, 2022
This webinar provides an overview of submitting high-quality formulation assessment requests, avoiding information requests, and recognizing dos and don’ts in submitting a formulation table for assessment. - Product-Specific Guidance Fundamentals from a Clinical Perspective, May 5, 2021
This presentation provides an overview on study population and terminology, bioequivalence studies with pharmacokinetic endpoints, bioequivalence studies with comparative clinical endpoint(s), and mandatory safety reporting and other clinical considerations. - Formulation Assessments: General Q1/Q2 Inquiries to Supporting Complex Excipient Sameness, September 29, 2020
This webinar provides an overview of Q1/Q2 sameness, regulatory requirements for certain generic formulations, bioequivalence (BE) approach and Q1/Q2, and best practices for asking FDA Q1/Q2 questions and considerations when proposing a Q1/Q2 formulation.
- Inactive Ingredient Database (IID) Overview, December 6, 2022
This webinar provides an overview of IID and FDA’s Generics Program, IID basics, IID enhancements, and excipient maximum daily exposure (MDE) - Requirements and Recommendations Related to Inactive Ingredients, December 6, 2022
This webinar provides an overview of the regulatory framework around inactive ingredients for ANDAs, the intersection between the requirements related to drug formulation, and the requirements and recommendations for establishing bioequivalence.
- Small Business and Industry Assistance - Advancing Generic Drug Development: Translating Science to Approval 2024, September 24-25, 2024
- Session 3 within this workshop includes three relevant presentations:
- Orally Inhaled Drug Product PSGs: General Considerations Using the Alternative Bioequivalence (BE) Approach In Lieu of Comparative Clinical Endpoint (CCEP) BE Study for Suspension-Based Metered Dose Inhalers
- Orally Inhaled Drug Product PSGs: Considerations for Using Modeling and Simulation with Alternative BE Approaches
- OPQR Testing & Research to Support Guidance Development of Inhalation Products
- Session 3 within this workshop includes three relevant presentations:
- Small Business and Industry Assistance - Advancing Generic Drug Development: Translating Science to Approval 2023, September 13-14, 2023
- Session 2 within this workshop includes the following relevant presentations:
- Complex Nasal Suspension PSG: Utilization of Newly Recommended In Vitro Only Bioequivalence Option
- Complex Nasal Suspension: Utilization of In Silico PK Studies to Support Development and Approval
- Loxapine Inhalation Powder: OTR Research Conducted to Inform the PSG Recommendations
- Session 5 of this workshop is composed of four sessions:
- Innovative Technology: Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) and High-Speed Imaging to Support Approval of Generic Orally Inhaled Drug Products
- First Generic Drug Approval: Budesonide & Formoterol Fumarate Dihydrate Inhalation Aerosol (RLD: Symbicort): A Bioequivalence Perspective
- First Generic Drug Approval: Budesonide & Formoterol Fumarate Dihydrate Inhalation Aerosol (RLD: Symbicort): A Quality Perspective
- Post-Approval Impact of Generic Fluticasone Propionate & Salmeterol Inhalation Powder
- Session 2 within this workshop includes the following relevant presentations:
- M13A: Bioequivalence for Immediate-Release Solid Oral Dosage Forms - Implementing the Final Guidance, November 21, 2024
This webinar provides an update and overview on the final “M13A Bioequivalence for Immediate-Release Solid Oral Dosage Forms” guidance and delineates FDA’s implementation of M13A, including product-specific guidance revisions. - Bioequivalence for Oral Locally Acting Gastrointestinal Drug Products, October 10, 2023
The workshop session provides the rationales of BE recommendations and examples for oral locally acting gastrointestinal drug products to establish BE.
- In Vitro Release Test (IVRT) and In Vitro/In Vivo Correlation (IVIVC) of Complex Generic Ophthalmic, Injectable, Implantable, and Inserted Products, June 29, 2022
The webinar provides IVRT study design considerations for supporting bioequivalence and product quality, when applicable, for complex generic ophthalmic products, including emulsions, suspensions, ointments, and implants. - Expectations and Common Deficiencies for IVRT Studies Submitted in ANDAs for Ophthalmic Emulsion Products, June 29, 2022
The webinar provides an overview of ophthalmic emulsions, role and purpose of IVRT inBE demonstration for ophthalmic emulsion drug products. The objective is to provide general expectations for high quality submissions of IVRT studies and common deficiencies observed during BE assessment of IVRT studies. - Challenges in the Approval of Complex and Otic & Ophthalmic Generic Products: Bioequivalence Perspective, September 21, 2021
The webinar describes FDA’s current thinking and discusses challenges regarding in vitro BE determination for complex otic and ophthalmic drug products. - Characterization of Complex Excipient and Formulations, December 7-8, 2023
The webinar provides information on the characterization of complex excipients (e.g., polymers) and formulations, such as potential alternative in vitro and/in vivo studies for complex dosage forms, including injectable, insertable, and ophthalmic products. - Decoding the Guidance: Considerations for Waiver Requests for pH Adjusters in Generic Drug Products Intended for Parenteral, Ophthalmic, or Otic Use, August 10, 2022
The webinar provides an overview of the draft guidance for industry titled Considerations for Waiver Requests for pH Adjusters in Generic Drug Products Intended for Parenteral, Ophthalmic, or Otic Use, including the recommendations for applicants requesting 314.99(b) waivers for Q1/Q2 differences in pH adjuster between the proposed and RLD formulations and FDA’s waiver request evaluation process. - Formulation Considerations for In Vitro Characterization Based Approaches of Locally Acting Complex Generic Drug Products, November 8, 2021
This webinar provides an overview of generic formulation, regulatory requirements vs BE approaches, Q1 /Q2 sameness and “no difference,” case study examples of in vitro BE approaches for locally acting complex products (complex topical ophthalmics (e.g., suspension, emulsion, ointments, and gels) and complex topical dermatologics (e.g., creams, lotions, ointments, and gels)), and best practices for asking FDA formulation assessment questions and considerations when proposing a formulation.
- Common Deficiencies for Study Sample Reanalysis in Pharmacokinetic Bioequivalence Studies Submitted in Abbreviated New Drug Applications (ANDAs) June 30, 2020
The webinar summarizes common reasons/codes of study sample reanalysis in pharmacokinetic (PK) studies and common deficiencies for study sample reanalysis in PK studies.
- Small Business and Industry Assistance - Advancing Generic Drug Development: Translating Science to Approval 2024, September 24-25, 2024
- Session 2 within this workshop is composed of the following presentations:
- Current Trends in Product-Specific Guidance (PSG) Development & Revisions for Topical Products
- Enhanced Understanding of Structure Performance Relationship Using Modeling and Simulation- A Case Study with Dapsone Topical Gel
- Approaches for Evaluation of Formulation Differences on Performance of Topical Products
- Session 2 within this workshop is composed of the following presentations:
- Small Business and Industry Assistance - Advancing Generic Drug Development: Translating Science to Approval 2023, September 13-14, 2023
- Session 1 within this workshop is composed of the following presentations:
- General Guidances Related to Characterization-Based Bioequivalence Approaches for Topical Products (Part I and II)
- An Overview of the Current Product-Specific Guidances for Topical Products
- How Research Tools Support Product-Specific Guidance for Topical Products
- Overview and Changes to Guidance for Industry: Topical Dermatology Corticosteroids In Vivo Bioequivalence
- Session 1 within this workshop is composed of the following presentations:
- Effect of Formulation Differences on Critical Quality Attributes and Performance of the Complex Topical Products, November 3, 2022
This webinar provides an overview of Q1/Q2/Q3 concepts, arrangement of matter (Q3 attributes) and its importance, product complexity/non Q1/Q2 formulations, product development approaches, and studies to demonstrate BE. - General Guidances Related to Characterization-Based Bioequivalence Approaches for Topical Products, September 13, 2022
The webinar provides recommendations for in-vitro release test (IVRT) and in-vitro permeation test (IVPT) studies for submission in ANDAs of topical drug products. - Best Practices for Topical Generic Product Development and ANDA Submission, August 11, 2022
The webinar provides considerations for conducting Q3 characterization tests and for conducting IVRT and IVPT studies for topical drug products submitted in ANDAs. - “No Difference” Standard vs. Q1/Q2 Sameness for Topical Drug Products, September 22, 2021
This webinar explains the differences between Q1/Q2 sameness and a “no difference” standard for generic topical products. In addition, it provides examples of differences between a test and reference topical product that may be acceptable under a “no difference” standard. - When Do Formulation Differences in Topical Dosage Forms Impact Their Function: Emerging Insights and Implications for Bioequivalence Approaches, September 30, 2020
This webinar explains the concepts of qualitative (Q1) and quantitative composition (Q2) of a topical product (and how it is manufactured) can modulate its physical and structural arrangement of matter (Q3) and thus potential recommended approaches for demonstrating BE.
Communication with FDA: Pathways and Best Practices
Communication between FDA and prospective applicants and applicants during generic drug development may facilitate earlier availability of safe and effective drugs to the American public. The FDA provides several channels for communication to assist prospective applicants and applicants in developing more complete ANDA submissions, which results in greater efficiency of the drug development process and more efficient and robust development programs. The webinars below provide information to prospective applicants and applicants on how to efficiently conduct interactions with the FDA .
- Advancing Generic Drug Development: Translating Science to Approval 2024, September 24-25, 2024
This workshop provides an overview on GDUFA III’s potential impact on ANDAs, specifically explaining how the FDA's research can be leveraged to support and inform generic drug development. - Redesigned Pre-Submission Meetings in GDUFA III: Benefits for ANDA Submission and Approval, May 9, 2024
This webinar provides an overview the scope and new features of pre-submission meetings under GDUFA III. It shares the benefits of pre-submission meetings, how and when to utilize pre-submission meetings, and preparation of pre-submission meeting requests. - A Deep Dive: FDA’s Model-Integrated Evidence (MIE) Industry Meeting Pilot Program for Generic Drugs, January 18, 2024
This webinar provides the scope, goals, general principles, and processes granted under the MIE industry meeting pilot program. - Advancing Generic Drug Development: Translating Science to Approval 2023, September 13-14, 2023
This workshop provides GDUFA III enhancements and changes, as they relate to new developments in science, guidance, and regulatory assessment for generic drug products. Information on various mechanisms and methodologies that drug developers can use to facilitate generic drug development is discussed. - A Deep Dive: GDUFA III Scientific Meetings, May 15, 2023
The webinar provides an overview on the enhancements and new features of scientific focused meetings offered under GDUFA III: Pre-Submission Meetings, Post-Complete Response Letter Scientific Meetings, PSG Teleconferences, and Pre- and Post-submission PSG Meetings.
Comparative Analysis for Drug-Device Combination Products
The Draft Guidance for Industry, Comparative Analyses and Related Comparative Use Human Factors Studies for a Drug-Device Combination Product Submitted in an ANDA: Draft Guidance for Industry, and the webinars below, provide recommendations for proposed combination products that includes both a drug constituent part and a delivery device constituent part.
- Comparing Device User Interfaces and Seeking Advice in the Pre-ANDA Period, September 20, 2020
The webinar provides principles for conducting comparative analyses and how to seek advice regarding generic combination products. - Comparative Analysis: Device and User Interface Considerations, September 26, 2019
The webinar provides an overview on generic drug product substitutability, principles for comparative analyses, and the draft Comparative Analyses Guidance. - Overview of Comparative Analyses (Clinical Perspective), September 25 & 26, 2019
The webinar provides overview of comparative analyses and discusses helpful tips and common deficiencies found in drug-device combination products.
Data Integrity
FDA expects that all data be reliable and accurate. Current good manufacturing practice (CGMP) regulations and guidance allow for flexible and risk-based strategies to prevent and detect data integrity issues. Generic drug manufacturers should implement meaningful and effective strategies to manage their data integrity risks based on their process understanding and knowledge management of technologies and business models. For more clarity on the role of data integrity in CGMP for drugs, refer to the final guidance for industry entitled ‘‘Data Integrity and Compliance With Drug CGMP: Questions and Answers.’’ (Unless otherwise noted, the term CGMP refers to CGMPs for drugs, including biologics.) The guidance and the webinars referenced below were developed in response to an increase in findings of data integrity lapses in recent inspections.
- Data Integrity in Pharmacology/Toxicology Studies, May 9, 2022
The webinar provides an overview analytical inspection, examples of potential data integrity issues, and PK and concentration anomalies in bioequivalence studies. Other topics covered include “outliers” exclusion and run failure in precision and accuracy assessments, chromatography, audit trails, and software security. - Impact of Data Integrity Issues on Pharmacology/Toxicology Studies in ANDAs, April 28, 2021
The webinar provides an introduction to Pharm/Tox review in the Office of Generic Drugs and common data integrity issues and the types of studies that are impacted. - Regulatory Education for Industry (REdI): FDA & MHRA Good Clinical Practice Workshop: Data Integrity in Global Clinical Trials – Are We There Yet? October 23-24, 2018
This webinar provides regulatory perspectives on the importance of quality management systems on data reliability and how audit trails may be used to assess data integrity.
Generic drug labeling [labeling under an abbreviated new drug application (ANDA)] generally must be the “same as” the reference listed drug (RLD) labeling except for permissible differences (e.g., manufacturer/packer/distributor information, package size, inactive ingredients, omission of information protected by patent or exclusivity, differences due to an approved suitability petition). The guidance entitled, “Good ANDA Submission Practices Guidance for Industry” and the webinars referenced below highlight common labeling deficiencies and recommendations to applicants on how to avoid these deficiencies.
- ANDA Labeling: Helpful Hints and Resources, April 28, 2021
FDA discusses an overview of the labeling review process, helpful hints, and challenge questions. - Common Labeling Deficiencies and Tips for Generic Drug Applications, May 7, 2021
This webinar provides an overview of frequently asked labeling questions from ANDA applicants and most common labeling deficiencies and how to avoid them. - Generic Drug Labeling: Recommendations for High-Quality Submissions, April 15, 2020
This webinar provides an explanation of the labeling review process, responses to frequently asked questions by industry, and recommend useful recommendations to provide high-quality labeling submissions and reduce review cycles. - Generic Drugs – Specific Labeling Resources for Industry
This link provides resources for generic drug-specific labeling legislation/regulations, Generic drug-specific labeling guidances and MAPP, as well as other generic drug-specific labeling resources.
Generic drugs must have the same safety profile as the RLD. This is determined through safety assessments on impurities and excipients in generic drug products for dosage, duration of exposure, patient population, and route of administration. This section includes webinars on common deficiencies related to impurities, excipients, residual solvents, and contaminants from container closures.
- Excipient Safety Assessment in Generic Drug Formulations: An Overview, December 6, 2022
This webinar provides an overview of the regulatory framework for formulation sameness assessment related to (1) qualitative (Q1) and quantitative (Q2) formulation sameness, and (2) “no significant difference” assessments, the considerations for inactive ingredient levels in a formulation and the use of inactive ingredient database and identifying considerations and potential challenges during formulation development. - FDA Drug Topics: The Safety Evaluation and Surveillance of Generic Drugs, November 2022
This webinar discusses comparative clinical studies and other assessments used to evaluate the bioequivalence and comparative safety of new potential generic drug products. Scenarios and review the methods used by FDA to monitor the safety and effectiveness of generic drugs in the pre-market and post-market setting related to assessing the safety of excipients in generic drug products, including describing the sources of drug impurities. - Safety Evaluation of Drug Substances: Impurities in Generics, March 4, 2021
This webinar provides the key aspects of the safety assessment of drug substance impurities in generic drug products, OGD-Pharmacology/Toxicology review process for drug substance impurities, and case studies highlighting key aspects and common pitfalls in safety evaluation of drug substance impurities in generic drug products. - Local Toxicity of Considerations for Qualifying Excipients in Generic Drugs, September 29, 2020
This webinar introduces the concept of local safety assessment of excipients in generic drugs, key aspects of excipient local safety review, and demonstrates how safely information, data gaps, and content of use impact recommendations.
- Mitigation Strategies for Nitrosamine Drug Substance Related Impurities: Quality and Bioequivalence Considerations for Generics, June 15, 2023
This webinar provides the risk factors from APIs, excipients and/or manufacturing processes in the formation of nitrosamine drug substance related impurities (NDSRIs) and strategies to mitigate these risks, the considerations in assessing the safety risks of NDSRIs, and discusses the potential impacts of reformulation on the bioequivalence of generic products and strategies to efficiently address these issues.
Product-Specific Guidances
To further facilitate generic drug product availability and to assist the generic pharmaceutical industry with identifying the most appropriate methodology for developing drugs and generating evidence needed to support ANDA approval, FDA publishes product-specific guidances (PSGs) describing the agency’s current thinking and expectations on how to develop generic drug products therapeutically equivalent to specific reference listed drugs. For more information, visit Product-Specific Guidances for Generic Drug Development to search for specific PSGs.
- Facilitating Generic Drug Product Development through Product-Specific Guidances, April 25, 2025
The webinar provides an overview on the general principles, lifecycle, and utility of PSGs. - The ABCs of Product-Specific Guidances, September 3, 2021
The podcast provides an overview on submitting ANDAs to FDA with fewer deficiencies, which helps lead to more first-cycle approvals. The webinar addresses uncertainties and provides the Agency’s current thinking on product development questions that make research and development decisions more efficient and cost-effective. - FDA Product-Specific Guidances: Lighting the Development Pathway for Generic Drugs, May 5, 2021
The webinar describes general principals and processes of PSGs, how they are developed and revised, and how PSGs and other pre-submission communications facilitate generic drug development and generic drug application assessment.
Pharmaceutical quality is the foundation that allows patients and consumers to have confidence in the safety and effectiveness of their medications. The Office of Pharmaceutical Quality (OPQ) ensures a uniform drug quality program across all sites of manufacture and has shared helpful information in Pharmaceutical Quality Resources. These resources offer information on pharmaceutical quality topics for manufacturers and applicants including chemistry, manufacturing, and controls information for NDAs, ANDAs, BLAs, and IND applications. There is information on Current Good Manufacturing Practice CGMP Regulations for drug product manufacturing, processing, and packing. Additionally, there is information on advancing product quality in efforts to encourage innovation in manufacturing processes and technology.
Risk Evaluation Mitigation Strategy
Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategies (REMS) are drug safety programs that the FDA can require for certain medications with serious safety concerns to help ensure the benefits of the medication outweigh its risks. REMS are designed to reinforce medication use behaviors and actions that support the safe use of that medication.
- Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategies (REMS) for Generic Drugs: Use of a Drug Master File (DMF) and REMS Modifications, April 12, 2023
This presentation provides information on pre-market and post-market REMS requirements for generic drugs including proper submission of a REMS to a generic drug application, the various types of REMS modifications, use of a Drug Master File (DMF), and helpful tools and resources related to REMS. - Update on Shared System REMS for Generic Drugs, April 29, 2021
The purpose of this webinar is to provide information on REMS requirements for ANDAs by describing the ANDA submission process for REMS/Elements to Assure Safe Use (ETASU) products and discussing the Creating and Restoring Equal Access to Equivalent Samples (CREATES) Act and its implications for ANDAs.